View Full Version : Headache that hurts when I get up.

03-12-17, 22:56
When I woke up to go to the bathroom early this morning I noticed that when I got up I have a pressure and pain in the right side of my forehead above my where my eye is. I mostly notice it when I’m laying down and go to get up or when I move my head a lot. Last night my friend and I were being goofy and dancing to music in the car and I did a lot of whipping my head back snd forth.. lol... I feel stupid saying that but I don’t know if that could have something to do with it?? I’m really starting to get scared that it could be a Brain tumor though. I’m trying not to let myself be overcome with worry... my mom and grandma say it sounds sinus related but my nose isn’t stuff at all. Has anyone else had this?