View Full Version : Mild fevers for over a week-getting anxious!!

04-12-17, 01:01
Over a week ago I got sick with a cold virus. I started to feel better mid week but then felt worse and didn't appear to be getting better so went to see my doctor. Even though I have no pain or pressure he diagnosed me with a sinus infection since my symptoms weren't getting better. I debated taking the antibiotics, erythromycin, but decided to take them since I started to develop a mild fever that seemed to come and go during the day and evening.

I am just finishing my second day on antibiotics and my fever was almost constant today and still elevated (99.2f) even when on Tylenol. For the record I run a low body temp in the low 97's so anything past 98.6 makes me feel feverish. I'm started to get really worried about having mild fevers all week that appear to be getting worse instead of better while on antibiotics. I'm really anxious that my fevers are unrelated to being sick and caused by something more sinister. My cold symptoms are going away too while the fevers persist so that's probably why I'm freaking out!

Are there any benign reasons for constant low grade fevers that last over a week?

04-12-17, 01:13
2nd day of the 7-10 days you need to take them? It can take few days for the meds to kick in. Besides the infection probably has been brewing for a few days before you went to the doctor. Just do the usual, drink plenty of fluids etc.

Positive thoughts

04-12-17, 03:02
Fishmanpa, thank you for your input. The meds I'm taking are only for five days. Two pills the first day then one pill each day for the next four days. I think that's why I'm fretting bc I figured they would be well on their way to working by now.

04-12-17, 15:19
Anyone else?

04-12-17, 17:17
You definitely need to be on the antibiotics longer than 2 days to feel a difference. Especially if you developed a sinus infection. I struggled with chronic sinusitis for about 2 months at one point and kept getting low-grade fevers from it. Once I got the sinusitis under control, it stopped. Mine was being triggered by allergies.

Yours sounds like it developed because of the bug you had. You have to give the meds time to do their job. I hope you feel better! Get some rest, fluids, and maybe some saline or steam to help open the sinuses up.

05-12-17, 03:08
Thanks for the input swgrl. I guess I will give it more time. I am so use to not being sick longer than a week so this virus has really sent me for a loop. Seeing as it took my husband and kids a long time to recover I should expect anything less with myself.

05-12-17, 12:51
Yep, exactly. I'm on my third week of getting rid of a virus right now. It's much better than it was but has really hung on long. I hope you start to feel better though.