View Full Version : More symtoms

04-12-17, 10:25
Hi everyone.
Ive posted a couple of times recently but I just wanted to see if anyone else experiences these symtoms, and once again, how you manage them.

So the symtoms i tend to mainly get include
-tension/pressure headaches
-blurred vision
-feeling of walking on clouds/feels like your legs are light
-eye twitches
-random bursts of body warmth that last about a minute
-rib/chest discomfort (mainly left side)
-sensitive to light
-raised heart rate whilst relaxing
-fear of fainting as i feel like i will do at any point
-neck pain

I might get one or two of these symtoms at one time, i might get all of them and they can last from a minute to a day or more.
I know its a pretty big list :doh: but I am just asking who else has similar experiences, if you've managed to overcome them etc.
I appreciate any replies.
Thank you :yesyes:

05-12-17, 01:59
Hi JayDee,
I experience nearly all of your symptoms, and often times daily. I especially can resonate with the neck pain, weakness, shakiness, headaches and sensitivity to light (this is stuff I have every day unfortunately). I think anxiety can cause a whole load of symptoms that can make you feel awful. I used to get a lot more chest pain and raised heart rate, but I thankfully have not dealt too much with that ever since I've learned to manage my panic a little bit more.
There's actually a website that lists out a lot of anxiety symptoms that you can possibly feel - it's called "anxiety centre" and I use it a lot! As far as managing them, I think a lot of them just coincide with how anxious we are lately, so for some it may just take time for them to slowly go away. I notice my physical symptoms get a lot worse when I'm stressed and anxious, and then over a few weeks or months they tend to not be so intense, or fade away. But just to be safe, I'd mention them to your doctor or therapist just to let them know what you're experiencing as they could probably help you a lot more. :)

05-12-17, 02:28
I've had quite a few of the symptoms you mentioned. I recently just eliminated a 5 month eyelid twitch (that also would sometimes make guest appearances to my right eyebrow, fingers, calves, biceps, wherever else).

For me it's been a mixture of relaxation, vitamins/diet, and CBT. I've lowered the amount of stress in my life, for my vision issues I started taking Ocuvite (helped with the sensitivity and after imaging) and a B-Complex (I think this is what finally did the twitching in) along with Magnesium at night.

The fun part of anxiety is as one symptom goes you'll find something new. I for one don't really go to doctors anymore because they tell me I'm healthy every time it's been the same old song and dance, but go to your doctor and explain to them some of the symptoms you have and they should be able to help you.

I've heard Ashwaganda is great for stress, I tried it a few times and it definitely mellowed me out, but I just haven't stayed consistent with it like you're supposed to. Acupuncture has helped as well.

05-12-17, 08:06
Thanks for your replies bella33 and ravenz ☺ i think we're in the same boat with doctors as ive been a few times ans had chest xray, ecg and blood tests and all had came back fine and healthy. I was perscribed medication for anxiety but didnt take it as i thought i'd deal with it better myself. And it has gotten alot better. The symtoms are still there but they dont put me into a state of panic anymore. Its so strange how anxiety can cause all these problems that feel so real though! Ah well. Thank you again though. I will definatly look into what you two have suggested