View Full Version : Pulling feeling leg, breathless scared of blood clot, birth control

04-12-17, 13:47
I have dealt with agoraphobia, panic attacks and anxiety for about 20 years (my health anxiety perpetuates my panic attacks and anxiety) I have been doing a lot better but recently my health anxiety has come back. I am in my late 20s

I started taking birth control again this month and since have been feeling breathless (this could be me doing it to myself as I know the risk of blood clots with the pill and it terrifies me)
but today I woke up with the weirdest feeling of a pulling sensation in the calf region of my left leg at the side of my lower knee area, when i walk its really bad so I am currently lying down (and feeling very anxious to the point of having a panic attack and contemplating going to hospital)
It feels weird when i brush against the area too or press on the area. I see no visible swelling.

I don't know what to do, i did walk around in new shoes yesterday which is the only possible thing other than a clot i can think of, but would that cause this constant pulling feeling when im stood up and walking ?

Has anyone had this leg muscle pulling feeling? I'm genuinely petrified and think I'm going to die from a blood clot.