View Full Version : Hi everyone , my story

04-12-17, 15:28
Hey everyone ,
Where do I start ....
I suppose I'm just looking for like minded people to help me or share their stories with kinda feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Well my name's will and I've had gad for 15 years.
I'm sure it all started with working my butt off at 18 years old and then having a choking incident at a shopping center.
Anyhow things have finally just reached the worst I can remember .
I ve always had a bit of trouble swallowing certain foods but always had no problem eating anything in my house (my comfort zone) now I can't eat anything without drinking alcohol at night it's like I've unlearned how to swallow and all my focus is on that I've tried 8 different anti depressants , now on pre gabalin which helps my mood but not the anxiety I'm thinking it could be OCD as I got diagnosed with that a while ago but thought it was ok ...
I know the drinking is just a sticky plaster (my father died from alcohol abuse so I know the dangers)but just can't seem to relax or forget about this I'm like an empty shell of my old self , tried loads of relaxation and meditation which used to help in the past but now I just can't do it .
I apologise for the length of this but i don't really have anyone to share this with or understand.
Thanks if you read this and hope you have a great day if anyone wants to get in touch feel free.

04-12-17, 15:34
Hiya Will1 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: