View Full Version : Why do we offer advice, but never take it from others?

22-06-07, 21:00
Hi, i,ve just replied to a thread and ranted on about what that person should do, who am i to talk, i,m scared shit of most things,yet find it so easy to hand out advice to others. I FEEL SUCH AN IDIOT:mad:

22-06-07, 21:39
Well you're in good company rickards 'cos I'm exactly the same lol !!

But we shouldn't feel like that, really we shouldn't.

It's always easier to comment or give advice and opinions when you're on the outside looking in sometimes - like a painting I suppose, you have to stand back a bit sometimes for the picture to be in focus.

Anyway, I'm the Qeen of don't-practice-what-I-preach and you 'aint havin' my crown :blush: !!

Seriously, I wouldn't worry about it. We're all supporting one another here and that's the main thing.

big hugs for you



22-06-07, 21:41
Dont feel an idiot, i give all the advise in the world, stay relaxed, control breathing, bla bla bla, but when it happens, im like a headless chicken, and my world comes tumbling down. BUT we all go throught it, knowing what its like and knowing that your not alone, when all calms down it gives you strengh, so keep handing out advice because it helps a lot of people, and one day it will help you too.any way it your an idoit im a bigger one so dont feel to bad.
take care
happy thoughts
and when it attacks you next time tell it to bugger off and leave you alone

22-06-07, 22:36
Oh gg you do make me laugh, i know you are right, and i would not dream of nicking your crown,you wear it well!!!Thanks for your advice . xx Sandbank, thankyou to you too, we are after all here to help each other, and anytime i can be of help to either of you just let me know. xx:hugs::hugs:for you both. xx

23-06-07, 00:02

I am the same I work on a helpline telling peeps all the time what they should do , relax take vitamins , remember to breath ect , but when it comes to me I either aint got the time or i cant be bothered, so you aint alone lol
we all do it

23-06-07, 00:58
we are all that way rickards thats why i know really this time need to work on me and take my own advise.........im done lol i need to get better and get serious here and listen to myself..............u are not alone.....linda