View Full Version : Left arm tightness

04-12-17, 18:34
Hi guys, last week I went to the Drs due to stomach pain which is something completed unrelated and was told to do a blood test and stool sample. I had a blood test on the same day and all was good. The woman who took bloods had to take 4 bottles worth of blood and she said that normally the maximum is 3, fair enough I thought. When she took the needle out it did hurt quite a bit but it normally always does.

Fast forward thursday/friday I start getting a tightness sensation in my bicep and this sensation hasn't gone since. I also get pain in my forearm (sometimes) and in my shoulder (sometimes) but not the trap area, but the deltoid.

It's only a sharp pain and it doesn't radiate. The bicep pain is just tightness, or a feel of a BP cuff being on my left arm.

I'm worry this is heart related and I can't stop thinking about it. I am 26 fairly fit, however I do have high bp which is being controlled by BP meds and has been for a few years (apparently got high BP from the treatment I received when I had cancer)

Please someone re-assure me that this isn't heart related! It's messing with my anxiety and I can't stop thinking about it.
