View Full Version : Elecric shock from plug, Any possible permanent damage?

05-12-17, 08:42
This morning I was very tired, and after washing my hands and drying them inadequately, I unplugged my girlfriend's hair dryer, which was off, since i'm anal about keeping fire hazards low. I touched the metal grounding pin (UK plug, over in UK for vacation) when unplugging it, and felt not necessarily a painful jolt. but more an uncomfortable tingling/ contraction of my arm muscles. I immediately let it go and began to panic, since I haven't ever really shocked myself. Either way, the hair dryer was off, but clearly it still held a charge that was probably intensified by my wet hands.

My hand/ arm is still tingly whilst typing this, but could this have damaged my hand/ arm/ organs in any way?

05-12-17, 09:07
Incredibly doubtful.

How does our 240V feel compared to your measly 110V? :winks:

My friend's an electrician and constantly gets zapped. He says it's his form of coffee in a morning.

He's fine. Although, he does have spikey hair now. Hmm

05-12-17, 16:56
110 is very low voltage. That would barely startle a mouse.

My husband is a journeyman lineman. He works with up to 765,000 volts every day. Probably why I am an anxious mess most of the time.

You're fine. No lasting damage.

---------- Post added at 08:56 ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 ----------

Oops, I misread. 240 is also very low. Same applies. Fret not.

05-12-17, 17:01
My husband is a journeyman lineman. He works with up to 765,000 volts every day. Probably why I am an anxious mess most of the time.

How many husbands do you have? You said he was a fireman :shrug:

05-12-17, 17:40
You are fine don't worry.
I have zapped myself quite a few times, once I remember from a water heater and another from a lawn mower and I am fine...well i glow in the dark somewhat but generally I'm fine

05-12-17, 19:40
Like others have said, you're fine :)

When I was younger we used to dare each other to touch the electric fence. Not a pleasant feeling, but a fun game nonetheless.