View Full Version : Some good news to share!

05-12-17, 17:29
Last week i had excision of two suspicious moles, one looked very similar to nodular melanoma (holy shit, that one freaked the crap out of me), second one was just small oval black mole. I had six days of constant worry and catastrophic thoughts. I really wanted to post a thread here for some words of reassurance, but i decided i won't post anything until i get my results. So today i was sitting in front of the doctors office, and I thought i would go nuts with thoughts that "my death sentence is lying on his desk". Finally patient left his office and I almost teleported my self in front of his desk and he looked at me and said "Oh i see youre worried but sorry results are not here yet, but should be in 15 minutes". Back to waiting room, another 20 minutes of gehenna, finally some lady came in with big file of papers. I "teleported" myself again and doctor was almost laghing that i need to calm down because... There is nothing bad on results. Just hemangioma and a mole with no cancerous cells. I asked him "sooo there is no melanoma on it?" and he looked at me and was like "melanoma? what?" and he started laughing. He said i did good job by removing those moles, sometimes suspicous ones like to become nasty but those were benign. I was relieved, and felt great again. He changed bandages on stitches and that was it! I just post it here, maybe someone who will wait for results too will read it and feel a bit calmer. I know this is just temporary and my HA will strike back sooner or later, but now I'm attending to CBT and psychologist so i will have ammo to fight it. I'll try not to seek reassurance here (as a part of therapy) just to post some good news times to times. Take care people, sorry for my english and greetings from snowy Poland!

05-12-17, 17:46
So very happy for you! I had a really dark one removed a few months ago and it came back mildly atypical but I swore it was over for me!

05-12-17, 18:24
Even though you didn't post about it, this deserves a collective "Told ya so" from the "Told ya so gang". :D

Positive thoughts

05-12-17, 22:52
Thanks for replies!