View Full Version : Help.... Again

05-12-17, 18:37
So I am sitting here and this post inflammation seems to be going away but it is still here. PA at Derms said use topical steroid twice a day for 2 weeks so I have been since Friday. She looked under her scope and says looks like post inflammation from me messing with area trying to lance it and the shot Derm gave me in it. She said under her scope there was nothing that looked like melanoma. The Derm who gave me the shot thought it was a cyst and the PA said from a photo I showed her it appeared to be a pink mole and appeared normal. I also sent the photo to a girl in a group I know that is a PA at another derms and she said from the picture it looks fine but can't diagnose me without seeing it under her scope. So my question after all of that lol... If a derm thought cyst and PA thinks mole they could both be wrong and it be nodular melanoma right? Why would I be told to use steroid cream and come back in 2 weeks if she didnt think melanoma? She said she didnt feel a biopsy was necessary but why re-check it then?? So worried! :weep:

05-12-17, 18:40
If a derm thought cyst and PA thinks mole they could both be wrong and it be nodular melanoma right?


Positive thoughts

05-12-17, 18:58
Then why have me come back in 2 weeks? She has to think it could be melanoma! I can't think of any other reason. If a derm thought cyst when she first seen it, a PA thought pink mole with post inflammation due to being messed with, and another derm PA thought from a photo it looked fine would you honestly be confident that it is nothing? Would you even go back after 2 weeks? I am just trying to see how someone without HA would handle this.

05-12-17, 19:21
Then why have me come back in 2 weeks?

CYA medicine. Honestly, if she said bye bye, you'd be worried she was fobbing you off :lac: HA is a catch 22 no matter how you look at it.

Positive thoughts

05-12-17, 19:35
I know I just really hate this! I am 36 so I know this stuff is just gonna keep happening as I age! If this were you or anyone else out there reading this would you feel okay after what the Derm and PA's said?

05-12-17, 19:45
Most people here have been tested as much or more than I have and you know my situation. I'd be celebrating with ONE all clear!

Positive thoughts

05-12-17, 20:34
I just wish I could get to the point you are at and accept what Doctors tell me. I just am not there. I do so good for weeks even months and then bam it hits yet again!