View Full Version : Please help

Lost all hope
05-12-17, 20:58
Hi I need some advise I’m getting pain in my shoulders back an chest it’s really scaring me :( it like radiates from chest to shoulders an neck then jaw I’m also freezing but sweating! Does anybody else get this? I know it’s probably not my heart because I wouldn’t be writing on here but can’t help thinking that it is??

06-12-17, 08:21
sorry I cnat help but didn't want to read and run. Maybe try paracetamol and relax and maybe you are coming down with something viral hence the cold but sweating?

Lost all hope
06-12-17, 09:03
Thankyou for replying I’m at doctors this morning so il see what she says x

08-12-17, 16:28
Let us know what happens... thinking of you.

Lost all hope
10-12-17, 20:57
Hi sorry not been on for awhile having abit of a hard time!! Doc said it’s just my muscles gave me codeine but still getting the pains? I just feel I’ll my mouth is always dry an my stomach hurts always feel sick it’s just never ending :( x