View Full Version : Twitching

05-12-17, 22:17
So I’ve had chronic headache/Head pain for nearly 3 months now. Docs have recently put me on 50mg of sertraline. I’ve been taking this for about 8 weeks. Over the past few days I’ve started to get really noticeable twitches in my hands, legs, lips, all over really. Only really notice when I’m restong/relaxing. This is freaking me out. Thought I had my anxiety under control and was pretty sure the headache was nothing sinister. Now I’m worried it’s something scary related to the twitching.

I’ve got a follow up with my gp on Friday about the headaches but am terrified to even mention this new symptom in case it’s a sign of something bad.

06-12-17, 06:29
Twitching is harmless. Just about everyone who has problems with anxiety twitches. Just ignore them because the more you worry and pa if the worse they get

06-12-17, 06:39
Twitching is harmless. Just about everyone who has problems with anxiety twitches. Just ignore them because the more you worry and pa if the worse they get

Thank you, I’ve read so many posts about twitching so I know you’re right, I’m just freaking out because it’s a new symptom for me.
I will try to chill out a bit (story of my life! Ha!)

07-12-17, 07:20
Twitching is from the anxiety of the headache. Never go to Dr.google for twitching.

07-12-17, 08:03
Twitching is from the anxiety of the headache. Never go to Dr.google for twitching.

I've been good and so far haven't googled it... im just scared its something sinister. today my eye is twitching like mad and also it sometimes feels like my whole face is twitching... its driving me nuts.
Doctors appointment tomorrow about the headaches so ill ask him about it. I wish I cud break this cycle!

08-12-17, 00:28
I had eye twitching that was so bad for so long I almost went to the ER. I called my eye doctor and she sounded so unfazed. She asked if I was stressed and I told her yes, and she said to just wait it out. The next day it was gone (because I trusted her and believed her--and it WAS just anxiety), and it hasn't happened since. Twitching is very common.

09-12-17, 08:39
I had eye twitching that was so bad for so long I almost went to the ER. I called my eye doctor and she sounded so unfazed. She asked if I was stressed and I told her yes, and she said to just wait it out. The next day it was gone (because I trusted her and believed her--and it WAS just anxiety), and it hasn't happened since. Twitching is very common.

Hi Katie,
Thanks for your reply. My doctor said exactly that, it’s a classic sign of anxiety. And just like magic, I’m twitching a whole lot less now.
He’s up’d my dose of sertraline so I’m expecting my anxiety to increase over the next few days - this is all just about exhausting isn’t it!! Take me back 3 months when I didn’t give my health a second thought!

09-12-17, 11:08
I have just been the docs again about twitching and internal vibrating again they told me its anxiety i think im gonna start believing them this time haha

11-12-17, 12:42
I have just been the docs again about twitching and internal vibrating again they told me its anxiety i think im gonna start believing them this time haha

Hi Potter,

I've had the internal vibrating from time to time too, mostly in my head when im trying to sleep... terrified me at first. Its made a bit of come back over the past few days but I think that's all down to my increased does of Sertaline.


19-12-17, 10:42
I have internal vibrations too, but mine move around every time. They go from my feet, leg and hands. I just ignore them and they go away. When i get anxiety about them they come back the next day.