View Full Version : That time of the year

06-12-17, 14:43
So due to my overly-spotty skin, I have a full body scan with my dermatologist every 6 months. Well today is the day! I have my appointment in about an hour. I'm really hoping that I go in and there is nothing that she wants to take off! She usually takes one or two spots, but they typically come back okay, just some mild dysplastic nevus. Last year I did have one nevi come back severe, and that required surgery on my leg to dig in deeper and get all that tissue out.

So, fingers crossed that I'm not looking at something like that again. I will update on here soon :)

06-12-17, 15:08
Hope all goes well :)

06-12-17, 16:05
Just got out of my appointment and things went pretty Well! The good news is that all the spots I was concerned about she felt good about! Though she did end up taking a spot off of my stomach that she wanted to take a closer look at.

And that is why I trust my derma so much. The little spots that don't raise a red flag for me, they do for her. Bc she knows what she's looking for. Just going to wait on my results and keep my fingers crossed :)

06-12-17, 16:17
Yay! I am trying to trust mine. I have a spot under my jawline that looked like a little pink flat mole and I tried popping it not sure if it was a zit and even lanced it then it became a swollen raised mess so derm gave me a steroid shot in it thinking a cyst. Went back 2 weeks later and seen the PA at my derms and she said under her scope it doesnt look like anything scary just post inflammation from the shot and me messing with it. She is having me put a steroid cream on it for 2 weeks and having me come back in to look again. So of course I am freaking out thinking it is gonna be nodular melanoma and they are both wrong. Ugh!

06-12-17, 16:22
It doesn't sound like anything sinister in your case. Like I said the spot she took off of me today, I would have never looked twice at. They know what they are looking for, we just have to trust their eye!

Hope your spot goes away soon :)

06-12-17, 16:25
Very true :D Thank You!

06-12-17, 19:28
You know what, I bet it is scary but you are really doing the best thing you can do to stay healthy. If you are getting checked that frequently, anything will be caught before it has the chance to be serious. It sounds like you have an awesome doctor. Good work!

07-12-17, 02:55
Thank you! I definitely have a great doctor. They said if all checked out fine they wouldn't bother calling, so I'm hoping for no phone call! If I do get one, I will deal with it then. I'm almost immune to skin issues because they're so frequent. Ready to just put another one behind me!