View Full Version : tension in head and feeling weak

23-06-07, 11:51
Is it normal with anxiety and panic to feel tired, lathargc, and faint????

I get a really bad tension in between my eyes, like if i look up it tight and a headache pain cant help thinking its a brain tumour.

Can u also feel dizzy and a kind of wierd like u aint there or there is mist around you???

so hard to xplain how i feel, hope someone can answer me.


23-06-07, 12:55

Yes this is quite normal with anxiety. For a start, it's exhausting to be panicking all the time. Your body is going to need extra rest.

A lot of people's anxiety manifests itself as dizziness/faintness. That was always my biggest problem, and I found it hard to convince myself it was nothing more serious. You see, anxiety and panic are all about a release of adrenaline at the wrong times. So, adrenaline can cause us to feel all sorts of things - dizzy, sick, faint, heart pounding etc etc. It's just that with us anxiety folk, we release adrenaline when we don't need it!

As for the tension, again it's quite normal. I had a headache for 3 weeks recently and started to get scared of it. After seeing my GP and optician, it went away, and so it can't have been anything else. If you are under a lot of stress at the moment, try some relaxation techniques. I also find keeping off booze and caffeine helps if I get that sort of headache. Try getting your eyes tested too, as you never know, and that can be a simple solution.

The whole 'mist' thing is called derealisation/depersonalisation, and loads of us get it. It's frightening until you realise it's just another part of acute anxiety. Nothing to worry about :)

Good luck xx

26-06-07, 12:57
i was sat at pc this morning and thinking of puttin in a post about feeling totaly drained of energy i just feel so lifeless i ave been over anxiouse for a couple of weeks now and the longer its going on the more week i feel i began to think maybe i have ms or somthing drastic but now i feel alittle better for reading the reply u got also feel even more anxiuose because of the feeling tired i thought is it the anxiety makeing me tired or is it the tiredness makeing me more anxuiose thanks for lettin me rabbit on lol bye for now trish

02-08-07, 09:27
HEY NOW>> thats my usual day.. feeling exactly as you described..never found out what it is..but had it for two years..everday...so odds are you will be ok too..I get it worse at times and less at times but its pretty consistant..pretty sure a brain tumor would have showed up by now..not to worry think you will be ok..Michael

Is it normal with anxiety and panic to feel tired, lathargc, and faint????

I get a really bad tension in between my eyes, like if i look up it tight and a headache pain cant help thinking its a brain tumour.

Can u also feel dizzy and a kind of wierd like u aint there or there is mist around you???

so hard to xplain how i feel, hope someone can answer me.
