View Full Version : Bone Cancer struggles

04-12-17, 23:52
Hello I'm 17 which I found out is a peak age to get bone cancer. Early to mid November [9th - 15th] I developed this pain at the joint of my hip. It would be fine as I moved within the house, climbing stairs but once I walked outside, it began to hurt. It got better until most recently whilst I was on holiday. I noticed occasionally, there would be a weird pain on my lower right back and hips, not usually when I was walking but sometime when I was sitting still or laying around. I got a blood test late November which showed a vitamin D deficiency and really elevated levels of alkaline phosphate. I am really concerned. Should I get an X-ray? Insight would be appreciated

05-12-17, 00:34
I had a similar issue in my left one (I'm 20) for months, did some acupuncture and more hip stretches and it went away. Pain from cancer doesn't go away from what I understand, it will just get worse and not respond to OTC medications/stretching.

Believe me - I have been there too. When it first started I had an ingrown hair right on my left hip at the same time and I immediately began thinking about what days I would be going to chemotherapy. It's the anxiety. Acupuncture/Chiro and a few months later my hips never been better (and I continue to squat/deadlift without issues).

If you're like me and need reassurance no matter what - go get it xrayed.

05-12-17, 00:35
Vitamin D deficiency is surprisingly more common than you think. Such is raised alkaline phosphate.
Especially being so young bone cancer is really rare so I don't believe you would be at risk.

If you think this is going to continue to affect your daily life then go get an x ray to put your mind at ease :)

I wouldn't suggest it all the time though so if you haven't before it might be a good idea to reach out for support and help somewhere, I'm always here if you need more questions answered :hugs:

05-12-17, 01:11
Thanks for the replies :)
I am so concerned about my blood test though. My doctor doesn't seem concerned and told me to come back in a years time to do another routine fasting blood test. I think I read somewhere that raised levels may indicate cancer :(

05-12-17, 02:21
If you read anywhere, anything may indicate cancer. Believe me, I'm in the SAME boat. I read an article "difficulty swallowing may indicate esophageal cancer" and next time I have a cheesy meal and get a bit stuck and cough it back up I'm planning my funeral.

You sound just like me 3 years ago. I've benefited greatly from CBT. I have gone to several doctors for a bunch of stuff I was convinced was cancer and every time I'm told "You're healthy. Tests were all fine." but it was never convincing enough. I would think "Well maybe they missed something." This is what anxiety does. If you're doctor isn't worried - you shouldn't be. Remember, most doctors are OVERCAUTIOUS because they don't want to be sued, so they'd rather over-test to cover their ass. If they're happy, you should be happy.

Find a good therapist and put everything on the table with them. I still suffer from some health anxiety and sometimes it really drives me crazy, but I'm now aware of it and slowly working ways to escape it quicker.

Blood work is funny too - when I was like 12 they did my cholesterol and it was high told me to change my eating habits, didn't change anything and a year later it was low.


You're healthy.

07-12-17, 07:59

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


07-12-17, 08:32
I posted something a few days ago but still feel unsettled. I went to my doctor regarding my blood test because my ALP was double that of the upper range for my gender and age range. She said it was due to my vitamin D which was only slightly deficient so I have huge doubts. This afternoon I was reading that primary bone cancer affects the knees usually and I feel like my right knee is feeling funny. It doesn't hurt but feels funny and I'm ultra aware. I am a wreck and so anxious. I'm 17 and just want certainty but am too embarrassed to continue going back to my doctor. Help

07-12-17, 08:54

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


07-12-17, 13:23
I'm 17...Help

You're 17 and your doctor is not concerned. That's the best reassurance you can get. I know from experience words on a screen will not help. The best help is the help you give yourself. I would contact the doctor but not for what you fear rather for the fear itself. Ask for a referral to a mental health professional to help you deal with this.

Positive thoughts