View Full Version : Blood on it

07-12-17, 13:39
Ok so I’ve just had a parcel delivered and it was in a plastic wrapper and as I went to open it there’s all dried blood all over it.
Things like this freak me out anyway. I’ve checked my hands and there isn’t one but on it except one on the top of my hand which Is almost healed so it’s 100% not my blood

Soooooooo what are the chances of it being something bad or me catching something from this blood!!!

08-12-17, 00:34
Just touching blood can't do much of anything to you, unless you had a gaping cut that it got into. Even then, it's still not guaranteed that you'd get infected (IF the blood was even infected with anything). It could have been something other than blood too. I'd just wash your hands (which I'm sure you already did) and throw away the plastic wrapper and you'll be fine.

08-12-17, 01:56
I think I would put in a complaint about that!

No chance of HIV if that's your worry?

08-12-17, 09:41
Well the postman knocked on and he was smoking a cigarette and blew it all in my house which almost made me snap how rude to knock on someone door doing that!

He handed me the parcel and didn’t think anything of it went it open it and as I did I saw blood all over The side so turned it over and there was blood over the over side.

It was definitely blood it looked like someone had tried to wipe it off but it just smeared it. I checked my hands thinking oh have I cut myself only to see no open cuts only one on the back of my hand which the scab has virtually gone so it totally didn’t come from me. I freaked out and washed my hands right away three times to be exact before I went to look again. I got some tissue and rubbed to see if it was wet or dry and it didn’t budge so I’m guessing or hoping it was dry when I first touched the parcel but I know 100% I touched the dry blood with my hands as it was handed to me blood side down.

I always worry about contamination and I’m really really weird when it comes to food and drink and touching things people have already touched etc

So yeah terry hiv and hepatitis were the first things that popped in my head.