View Full Version : Weird feeling in foot.. ALS. . .

07-12-17, 18:17
Okaaaay. So to start this off I will say that I have ‘moderate’ right sided thoracic scoliosis.

Over the last week or so I have a weird feeling in my right foot when I walk. I’m not dragging it or anything, but it feels like I’m turning it in more, or rolling in?

Obviously after being in the ALS rabbit hole, foot drop is mentioned as a first symptom. So I’m in a panic!

The scoliosis does cause a change in my posture. So I’m fully aware that this could cause it. But us health anxieties aren’t logical are we...

I’m 24, about 100lb overweight, which I know won’t help!



My fear was ALS. I twitched for months which stopped eventually. The last few days I’ve started twitching again, but I’m random places like the palms of my hands and my wrists, my shoulder..

Just places that I haven’t twitched in before.

I KNOW twitching isn’t relevant to anything serious. But us health anxiety suffers aren’t logical are we?

How do I stop before I end up down the rabbit hole again?!??

07-12-17, 18:20
Please READ THIS... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071)

Positive thoughts

07-12-17, 18:23
I’ve read it about 10 times over the last year lol. I saw my neurologist yesterday and he did his exams and said that apart from ‘brisk’ knee reflexes (which are symmetrical and seems to be normal for me) everything was ‘overall normal’

But he got me to take my shoes off and walk about 4msteps in his small room and went ‘hm’ but didn’t say anything else on it..

07-12-17, 18:53
I’ve read it about 10 times over the last year lol. I saw my neurologist yesterday and he did his exams and said that apart from ‘brisk’ knee reflexes (which are symmetrical and seems to be normal for me) everything was ‘overall normal’

But he got me to take my shoes off and walk about 4msteps in his small room and went ‘hm’ but didn’t say anything else on it..

So there you go. You wouldn't have left the office without a referral if he thought something was up.

Positive thoughts

07-12-17, 19:01
I have mild scoliosis too, and my right foot rolls out when I walk. I didn't notice it, my husband did. It's because I'm out of alignment. One hip is higher and more anterior. Ditto my clavicle and shoulders.

08-12-17, 11:13
My right foot absolutely kills today. Just when I'm standing or talking.

I'm obviously hyper aware now I'm anxious, but every step I take I'm like 'Hmm.. you're not walking properly'

I hate this!

09-12-17, 03:43
You don't have ALS. ALS wouldn't make your feet hurt. It really does sounds like you are out of alignment. Scoliosis can be tough in itself.

09-12-17, 06:34
Your doctor would definitely notice something.

I don't have HA worries in my anxiety but I've been through a lot of monitoring my body and wondering if something is the same as before my anxiety. I never questioned it being something else, it was just that my anxiety was looking for any risk and it meant going through of stage of questioning whether I was conducting bodily functions in the correct at. Like my breathing issues, it was just a manual control issue.

I noticed many things that would have always been that way. And I can remember noticing turning my right foot inward as I walked. Only the right, never the left. The more I noticed this the more it felt like it was pulling in. Forget about it and the invisible pulling sensation wasn't there.

It's amazing how strong hyper focus can be!