View Full Version : Lymph node on one side of neck...?

08-12-17, 00:40
I'm so mad at myself.... I have never really been one to fear much about cancer but suddenly I have had this swollen lymph node under my jaw on my neck for about 2 weeks now and I have been freaking out. I have always noticed my lymph nodes and all but I've never had them swollen on only one side before.

I had one on the back of my neck that was there for about a month and I was a bit worried about that but it eventually went away. From what I've read most doctors will just have you wait a bit barring any other symptoms to see if it goes down.. so I haven't bothered seeing my dr. yet. Anybody have any tips for calming yourself with this fear?

08-12-17, 01:47
I'm experiencing the same fears as you at the moment, I've had mine for a few months, and i'm studying medicine so I know a thing or two.
How big is the swollen lymph node? Does it move? How does it feel?
Swollen lymph nodes are SO common, it's just most people never notice them. They typically swell due to infection. More specifically, lymph nodes in the neck tend to swell due to respiratory infections, or something as minor as acne or dermatitis in the head/neck region.

08-12-17, 15:23
I'm experiencing the same fears as you at the moment, I've had mine for a few months, and i'm studying medicine so I know a thing or two.
How big is the swollen lymph node? Does it move? How does it feel?
Swollen lymph nodes are SO common, it's just most people never notice them. They typically swell due to infection. More specifically, lymph nodes in the neck tend to swell due to respiratory infections, or something as minor as acne or dermatitis in the head/neck region.

It seems quite small compared to what I normally feel... they're definitely usually much bigger. Its decently hard but nothing I haven't felt before.. and I think it moves (I'm not actually sure how to be sure it is or isnt but i think it does)

08-12-17, 16:05
For what it's worth, stop poking and prodding. You'll only make things worse.

Positive thoughts