View Full Version : 5 Year Old - Stomach Pains

08-12-17, 00:42
My five year old had some kind of issue Sunday ... threw up like 8 times during the night. The next day she was feeling better. Then went to school. The next morning she was complaining of her stomach hurting again. Stayed home from school. Fine the next day again and went to school (today)... but now tonight she is saying her stomach hurts again and will barely eat.

What is going on? I’m VERY concerned this could be stomach or colon cancer.

08-12-17, 01:25
There are so many minor things this could be. Children get so many bugs and stuff from school. I really wouldn't be worrying about stomach cancer or anything. I'm sure it's just a bug ☺

08-12-17, 01:59
Kids get sick just like adults. She will have many times in her life where she will feel unwell and they won't come to anything because all human beings have many illnesses in their lives.

Have you told your partner about this? What does she say? Is she concerned? I bet she isn't.

Don't you think it's time you saw a doctor about your mental health?

08-12-17, 07:48
If she's had a stomach bug her stomach will be sensitive for a few days and her appetite wont be great.

I honestly think that colon cancer in a five year old is unheard of.

08-12-17, 15:11
Just called out to go to look after our G/daughter age nine Wednesday, She had sickness All day Tuesday was fine Yesterday. Something going about in schools, her stomach pains were bad, but went away. To put your mind at rest. Take her to doctors if it concerns you.

08-12-17, 15:54
The likelihood of it being stomach cancer is very very minimal as on just about zero as I am sure you know.

Do not to give your cancer worries to your daughter, she is very young but can pick up on many of your anxiety traits if she sees you worrying. remember the sickness could also be a result of stress or more typically just a bug they have picked up.

I have googled for you (please don't google) take a look here, it is just a picture, nothing to trigger you.... infact quite the opposite... https://ibb.co/j2ZbaG