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View Full Version : Health anxiety getting out of hand?

08-12-17, 04:13
I currently feel that every twinge or pain is linked to something sinister, and that my doctor has missed something. I see so many stories of people being initially misdiagnosed and it ending up being something really serious. I just want to go to my doctor and get pretty much every test under the sun. Does anyone else want to just get a full MRI of their body to make sure everything is okay?

08-12-17, 04:33
Yes, that is very typical of health anxiety. Of course there are stories out there of misdiagnosis, but you can find anything if you Google hard enough. Those are certainly the exception, not the rule. There’s a reason that full body scans aren’t done; they always find something needing further investigation, even though it ends up being benign in vast majority of cases. You should feel certain that if your doctor is confident in your health, that everything is ok.

08-12-17, 06:59
I get swollen nodes from a common cold and I think it's lymphoma. I got a weird pimple and I though skin or breast cancer. Recently I've been experiencing back ache and I'm obsessed with bone cancer. :weep: I want this to stop

08-12-17, 07:58
Yes I’m the same. Everything is related to cancer as that’s my big fear. I’m fine until I get a recurring ache or pain then my minds racing. I’m starting private therapy in January which I’m excited for.

08-12-17, 08:33
Before I started getting anxious I didn't even know about health anxiety. It is so under-represented as a mental health issue. I can't bring myself to go to therapy because I'm still half convinced something is wrong and the doctors have overlooked something :shrug:

08-12-17, 09:45
I currently feel that every twinge or pain is linked to something sinister, and that my doctor has missed something. I see so many stories of people being initially misdiagnosed and it ending up being something really serious. I just want to go to my doctor and get pretty much every test under the sun. Does anyone else want to just get a full MRI of their body to make sure everything is okay?


08-12-17, 15:32
At least you've been to the Drs bub. I'm too scared to go. I'm hoping my therapy will make some progress. Can you not self refer yourself to a therapist if you don't want to see your GP?

09-12-17, 03:53
lol I was just thinking I wanted a full body scan

09-12-17, 04:25
I’m the exact same way about cancer. I’ve been having anxiety related to cancer since I was 5... I’m now 31. My current anxiety is around breast cancer. I just cannot shake these feelings and I don’t know what to do. I was in therapy but it wasn’t helping. The next step is therapy AND medication simultaneously. I have to get control over this.

09-12-17, 10:13
Right!? I can't distinguish whether my aches are from anxiety and tension or something sinister