View Full Version : pacreas problems- Please help!

08-12-17, 16:43
I'm wondering if anyone can help, or who has been through anything similar. Obviously, I suffer from health anxiety, or I would not be on this forum. For the past few days, I've been having mid - upper back pain. Sometimes it comes on after eating a meal. Last night I was out at a restaurant and ate a big bowl of pasta. A half hour later, my stomach was aching and I had a lot of back pain. I did a bad thing and googled. Pacreatitis and pancreatic cancer came up. I ended up taking to advil and a tums. An hour or so later I felt a bit better.

I have been worried sick over this. It's happened once or twice in the past year or two. But, now i'm having constant achiness in my upper back and neck. I do sit at a desk all day. Who knows what it could be? Has anyone had pancreatitis? Should I be at the hospital right now? I have no stomach pain right now, just an achy back. Is this something that can come and go? I'm scared of doctors and hospitals-- FYI. I also have to stop catastrophizing. I just don't know when something is truly wrong with me anymore. Thank you all for listening.

08-12-17, 16:58
Advil and Tums would do nothing if it was cancer.

To stop catastrophizing, try looking at the more logical explanations ie indigestion and bad posture.

Hope that all makes sense.

08-12-17, 17:07
Uh. Googling is the worst enemy. Pancreatic stuff is also the worst worries in my life. There are a couple of members on this board with a history of pancreatitis so hopefully they can come in with some balanced info. Meanwhile; avoid other helath boards; it will only fuel your anxiety.

08-12-17, 17:16
My understanding of pancreatitis is that it’s pain so severe there’s no question about it. You don’t consider if you should go to the hospital, you go because you have to because you are paralyzed by excruciating pain. Sounds like typical stomach pain to me.

08-12-17, 17:26
You all are so kind to respond to quickly. Hopefully, others can jump in! I wonder if indigestion can radiate to your back? I'm assuming maybe?

08-12-17, 22:12
i have had severe pancreatitis, they gave ten percent chance of survival. you would know it, pancreatic cancer has no pain until your skin is yellow including eyeballs. i went through all the fear of why i got pancreatitis, i thought for sure i had cancer.

08-12-17, 22:29
Hi, I am going through exactly the same at the moment and people on here have been kind enough to help me. The general feeling se4ms to be that we woyld be much worse if it were a pancreas problem. Good luck. We can keep in touch and compare notes, helpful tips etc if you like.

09-12-17, 00:23
My brother in law had this a few months ago: severe abdominal pain (had to go up to A&E), sweating profusely, throwing up etc.

11-12-17, 19:21
Ok, thank you all. I haven't been throwing up, but have stomach pain on and off. I fear that the new medicine i'm taking (pristiq) caused me to have pacreatitis. From what is sounds like, it might just might be a side effect or gastritis from taking the new med?

bin tenn
12-12-17, 03:50
You all are so kind to respond to quickly. Hopefully, others can jump in! I wonder if indigestion can radiate to your back? I'm assuming maybe?

It definitely can.