View Full Version : My latest freakout ...

08-12-17, 16:48
I get cystic pimples maybe once or twice a year. I had one on my chin last year that was huge, and when it popped it was yellow, and seemed to go on forever. Gross, I know. Well, I developed another cystic pimple on my cheek about a week ago. This morning I noticed that there was a little head to it, so I scrapped it and started squeezing it. Same thing as the last one, it came out a light yellow/Red color, and seemed to have a never ending discharge. Stupid google tells me that it’s probably septic or something. Now I’m freaking out wondering if I should run to the doctor. Please help!

08-12-17, 18:31
Firstly don't pop/squeeze or stick them with a pin. I get them too and it's not the right thing to do. If they're cysts popping them will leave you with scars or toughened lumpy skin. Clean the area and put some antiseptic on to keep it clean. Don't worry about them going septic I'm pretty sure they won't believe me I've had loads, nasty looking oozing horrible things! Don't touch it just leave it and move on ☺

08-12-17, 19:37
Ugh, fellow sufferer of cystic acne here. Some of them are just really full and have a lot of pus and junk that comes out. Sorry for sounding gross. It wouldn't hurt to put some antibiotic cream on it just to be safe. But I have had some that were like that.