View Full Version : Heart Palpitation Issues

08-12-17, 17:53
Hi everyone, good news is that I have been doing much better in the past month. Anxiety has gone down, counseling went well, and just had my first psychiatrist appointment. Recently, however, I have been having heart palpitations that are much different than my normal skipped beat. My normal skipped beat will almost take my breath away and make me kind of cough, but these new palpitations send adrenaline through my body, make me have butterflies all throughout my chest and stomach,feels like my heart is beating out of my chest, and are much more intense than usual. These new palpitations started about a month ago after a chest cold and usually happen when I am lying down and after I have eaten. I had a bad one at work just a couple of hours ago, so that is mostly why I am writing this lol. I just went to a cardiologist about 4 months ago, had 3 ekgs (all fine) and an echo which was great. I went back a couple of days ago and I am going to be wearing a heart monitor this weekend to check to see what is going on.

Has anyone had bad heart palpitations? If so, what did they feel like? These new palpitations worry me because they are so much more different and intense than my usual ones. Thanks!

08-12-17, 18:37
I have had both of the types that you speak of. When I first started noticing them, especially the one that sends adrenaline all through out your body and gives you butterflies, I would go into a full blown panic attack. My heart would go from a resting 60-70 bpm to over 130 in a few seconds time. I've had an ekg and thyroid test done and everything has come back normal, yet I would still get them. The one thing that got me through these was learning exactly what a heart palpitation is. There a great article that is a sticky in the heart palpitation sub forum on this site. Reading that pretty much "cured" me of palpitation panic. I still get them, but not nearly at the rate I used to, and knowing what they are makes them not bother me and go into a sense of panic.

This site also helped immensely.

There was another good article in the palp subthread that really went into the science of a palpitation but I can't find it. Either way I think these two links will help you.

Soon, they will be an afterthought. :)