View Full Version : Dizzyness, lightheaded, faint

08-12-17, 22:14
After a couple of good weeks I have started experiencing vertigo like symptoms again.
A quick turn of my head can result in an intense dizzy spell where I almost have to catch myself and then close my eyes for a few seconds to regain my balance.
Can anyone relate or help ?

Feel really crap right now

09-12-17, 08:45
I've been having this lately. I think it's to do with anxiety and stress, it can also happened in relation to reducing or stopping meds?

09-12-17, 17:19
I have never been on meds, I have had this dizziness, on and off for few years now. Its particularly bad in supermarkets and hot places.
Its like every step is a bit of a surprise to me.
Doctor checked me out and couldn't find a reason