View Full Version : 9 FREE CBT ebooks for Health Anxiety

09-12-17, 06:39
Hi Everyone

Please check out the following website for excellent FREE ebooks on health Anxiety - I have copied and pasted the info and links from the actual website


You all know by now that reassurance doesn't work for long and that the best thing to do is fully understand Health Anxiety.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE at least download these modules and read them - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain :-)

When you click on a link for the books I think it downloads the PDF straight to your computer - so you need to check your downloads folder

Helping Health Anxiety
Overcoming Health Anxiety: This InfoPax is designed to provide you with some information about health anxiety, including how it develops, how it is maintained, and how to decrease your health worries and concerns. It is organised into modules that are designed to be worked through in sequence. We recommend that you complete one module before going on to the next. Each module includes information, worksheets, and suggested exercises or activities. Modules:

Module 1: Understanding Health Anxiety (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2001%20-%20Understanding%20Health%20Anxiety.pdf)
This module provides an overview of what health anxiety is, how it can be a problem, and what kind of impact it can have on a person's life. PDF document: 272kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 2: How Health Anxiety Develops (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2002%20-%20How%20Health%20Anxiety%20Develops.pdf)
This module explores, and provides a model of, how health anxiety may develop. PDF document: 247kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 3: What Keeps Health Anxiety Going? (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2003%20-%20What%20Keeps%20Health%20Anxiety%20Going.pdf)
This module explores, and provides a model, of how health anxiety might be triggered and then maintained. PDF document: 300kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 4: Reducing Your Focus on Health Symptoms and Worries (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2004%20-%20Reducing%20Your%20Focus%20on%20Health%20Symptom s%20and%20Worries.pdf)
This module explores some attention training exercises aimed at reducing the amount of time you spend focussed on health symptoms and worries. PDF document: 291kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 5: Re-evaluating Unhelpful Health Related Thinking (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2005%20-%20Re-Evaluating%20Unhelpful%20Health-Related%20Thinking.pdf)
This module explores how your thoughts can influence your feelings, physiological state, and behaviours. This module then discusses ways to evaluate and overcome unhelpful health related thinking. PDF document: 251kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 6: Reducing Checking and Reassurance Seeking (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2006%20-%20Reducing%20Checking%20and%20Reassurance-Seeking.pdf)
This module explores the different ways people check and seek reassurance regarding their health concerns, discusses the difference between helpful and unhelpful checking and reassurance seeking, and introduces strategies to reduce or eliminate these behaviours. PDF document: 309kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 7: Challenging Avoidance and Safety Behaviours (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2007%20-%20Challenging%20Avoidance%20and%20Safety%20Behavi ours.pdf)
This module explores how avoidance and safety behaviours can keep health anxiety going, and introduces a strategy to gradually reduce and overcome these behaviours. PDF document: 259kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 8: Adjusting Health Rules and Assumptions (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2008%20-Adjusting%20Health%20Rules%20and%20Assumptions.pdf )
In this module we will focus on challenging the unhelpful rules and assumptions that can keep you caught in the vicious cycle of health anxiety. PDF document: 195kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 9: Healthy Living and Self Management Planning (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/CCI/Consumer%20Modules/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety/Helping%20Health%20Anxiety%20-%2009%20-%20Healthy%20Living%20and%20Self-Management%20Planning.pdf)
This final module brings all the concepts of this information package together, presents a new model for healthy living, and includes a self-management plan to help you to stay on track in the future. PDF document: 234kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

09-12-17, 19:17
Excellent, looking forward to reading them thank you!

10-12-17, 04:14
Hi Vicky
Thanks - I'm glad to know that SOMEONE is going to read them :-)

let me know how you get on

10-12-17, 08:13
Is this CBT? I went to a therapist and she gave me this as a booklet, I skimmed through it and wondered where the 'tools' were - I will read it carefully this time - thanks for posting.

10-12-17, 15:12
Thanks Robin - will make it sticky and direct people to read it.

10-12-17, 16:35
Nice to see it as a sticky. We've been posting these workbooks on people's threads for ages.

I get mine off this one:


Towards the bottom you will see a CCI section that includes the HA modules but also has many others. Considering HA is a sufferers label and not a diagnostic one it means it spraddles into GAD & OCD as well as covering the Somatoform Disorders, it's worth looking at some of the others too (some members on here have HA themes as well as other OCD ones) such as perfectionism, anything on intrusive thoughts, etc.

There are also workbooks on there for other mental health disorders as well as individual worksheets.

11-12-17, 15:26
Thanks - I'm glad to know that SOMEONE is going to read them :-)

Very useful post, Robin, and I'm sure many members (and guests) will benefit from your modules ;)

Worth bumping...

12-12-17, 07:39
Thanks KK :-)

I'm sure a lot of people have benefited from all your 'bumps' ;-)

12-12-17, 08:23
I've used them and they are excellent. Thank you Robin

25-04-18, 01:11
Thank you. This kind of thing is exactly what i was looking for!

Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk

18-05-18, 10:15
Thanks for sharing!

23-05-18, 09:00
I can 100% vouch for these - my CBT therapist gives me them to work through and they’re very helpful :)

02-07-18, 07:26
Thank you for sharing! I'm very excited to print these out and start working on them :) just skimmed the first one and already it seems super helpful

02-10-18, 19:13
Thank you so much for sharing. I do hope that they might be helpful for me

12-11-18, 17:35

26-04-19, 17:25

The links don't seem to be working for me? The first one does but not the rest. Any ideas?

26-04-19, 17:36
I have been told most work except no 6 so I am looking into it.

26-04-19, 17:37
Oh loads aren't working now - I think it is hit and miss with this site as they were working yesterday when I looked.

26-04-19, 17:49
I have updated all 9 links so please try now

26-04-19, 22:00
All 9 Modules working fine for me. Had no idea they needed updating. Grazie, Nic ;)

27-04-19, 02:14

The links don't seem to be working for me? The first one does but not the rest. Any ideas?

It might have been me that replied to your post a few days ago saying they worked for me (did you post about Error 404 on someone's thread where it was recommended?) so apologies if so as I only checked the first few. Today I wanted Mod 6 for someone and that's when I got the same.

Thanks for the update Nic. All working fine for me and opening the right mods.

27-04-19, 09:12
Yes they are working now - thanks so much.

03-08-19, 18:43

09-08-19, 01:25