View Full Version : Petrified keep thinking I have Pancreatic Cancer :-(

09-12-17, 18:00
This is my first post so apologies if i have made any mistakes!

I know I have health anxiety, it stems from a PTSD after a horrible evenet and i have been unable to shake it.

I’m young(ish) female age 32 and ive had constant relfux issues for some time. Also had pain in my lower right side under my ribs along with dizziness and more recently nausea. I’ve had endoscopy, colonscopy and ultrasound on my abdomen all have come back negative. Bloods all come back fine.

I am driving myself insane thinking i have this horrible cancer and they are missing it because of my age and itll be too late.

I have a one year old son and the thought of leaving him is killig me and its making my life so miserable.

09-12-17, 18:46
I could have written this post myself. I am 33 and have reflux issues. I was worrying a few weeks ago as I was getting right hand side pain! I went and got examined by the doctor and he wasn't concerned at all. It has eased off now but I still get it occasionally and I put it down to referred pain from my shoulder tension or my reflux causing it.

I know what it is like having c-word fears, I am obsessed with it and its awful. Really hope you feel better soon cause worrying like this is just the worse.

09-12-17, 19:29
Did all the anxiety get much worse after your baby was born? That is what did it for me: becoming a mother caused my mild hypochondria to become a full blown health anxiety disorder.
With all the tests you have had it is EXTREMELY unlikely you have anything sinister going on. Given you age and statistical probabilities cancer would've been highly unlikely even if you had had no investigations but since you have it adds a whole new level of unlikeliness.
I suspect that what is going on is anxiety combined with hyper vigilance.
Have you considered CBT? It can really help.....

09-12-17, 21:31
Most definatley Jo. Since my son has been born it has been terrible

11-12-17, 19:16
I have the same fear right now. I'm having stomach pain on and off lately. I just started taking a new anxiety med, so i'm thiking that's what's causing it. The stomach pain is also causing back pain. I'm so bloated, and fearing the worst.