View Full Version : First ever panic attack and I don't know how to move on from it.

09-12-17, 21:49
Hi everyone,

I have suffered with mild to moderate anxiety for most of my life. I often overthink things, obsess over small reactions and have a heightened response to nerve racking situations. Until yesterday, that is, when I had a panic attack out of the blue that has shaken me up unbelievably.

I was sitting in my university seminar, feeling fairly chilled - when I started to feel light-headed and spaced out. I got up to go and use the toilet to try and straighten myself out as I didn't know why I was feeling that way. When in the cubicle, the right side of my body became numb including my arm, leg and face. I thought I was having a stroke and I was disorientated and confused. I went back to class and made my excuses about having to leave. I didn't know what to say so said I'd been sick. I went outside and still felt awful - my right side was almost completely numb, I was dizzy, my heart was racing, I was confused and my brain, wasn't working properly and I begun to panic more. I ended up calling the non emergency NHS line and they sent an ambulance. At this point I had no idea I was having a panic attack and weirdly - I'm still not convinced it was. I realise it wasn't a stroke and I know this is a trait of anxiety but it seemed so physical and I wasn't feeling choked or panicked initially. Anyway the paramedics and doctors checked me over and told me it was all anxiety related. I do have uni deadlines next week but I had no idea i was so stressed. After it happened yesterday and today - I feel weird. I feel out of sorts and fragile and scared and the thought of going back to uni is filling me with dread. Does anybody have any experiences similar to this? And if so.. how did you go about helping yourself get better?
I really don't want to go on any medication but fear that my anxiety might be spiralling out of control.

Thank you!

10-12-17, 10:54
It's completely natural for your mind to try and protect you from potential future panic attacks by making you avoid any such situation that might induce a panic attack. A negative association forms between the bad feelings and the place that 'creates' it. I, as well as many, many other people on this site, can relate to how you're feeling.

I've been suffering from anxiety for 16 years now, and I still struggle to go to places I deem unsafe or panic-inducing. You just need to keep on trying, exposing yourself to the fear as well as seeking ways to decrease your anxiety and understand what it is exactly that's happening to you. A panic attack won't and can't kill you, drive you insane, or harm you in any way. You need to prove to yourself that there is nothing to fear, but this is a gradual and (very slow for some!) difficult process, but it needn't be impossible. :)

10-12-17, 19:33
Hi, this is my first post on this forum and am having a very similar issue.

Struggling to understand it and move on is my biggest issue.

Around 3 months ago I had two bad panic attacks lost feeling in my arms and legs and had chest pain and tightening, honestly thought I was having a heart attack.

I like yourself have always been an anxious person but this has hit me hard. My attacks happened in the car after feeling unwell at a course I headed home and took the first one in the car then the second in hospital confirmed by the docs that it was anxiety/panic attack

Every time I was in the car after that the thought of having another panic attack was causing milder symptoms, shortness of breath tingles down arms and legs.

I found that continually forcing myself to drive started to ease the worry and very rarely have any issues driving now.

I work offshore and haven’t been back to work for 3 months so the thought of going back next week is starting to play on my mind, and low and behold the symptoms are coming back so I know that it’s anxiety but trying to tell my head that is a different story. Constantly overthinking and seeing the negatives in everything.

I’m on 20mg citalopram was on 10mg originally but didn’t feel any difference then doc upped me to 20mg which seemed to take the edge off but not sure if it was a mixture of being at home/less stressed for an extended period that made the difference.

All I can really say is you will get better and try not to shy away from situations you think might bring a panic attack on. My next challenge is to get away offshore again without having any issues then hopefully that will help me move forward.

Good luck

12-12-17, 12:39
Charlsberg and Kelman:
I've had general anxiety and panic attacks (sometimes) for over 50 years. It's only recently that I've really begun to understand that all they are is a fear of scary bodily or mental sensations. I wish I'd known all this when I had my first panic attack then I could have been helped to tackle it before it took over my life.
I have never taken medication though I use herbal remedies from an experienced practitioner.

The free CBT program mentioned in lots of places on here is really helpful in understanding what is happening to you and helping to deal with it and push through the fear of fear. Give it a go. Get your health checked out if you're worried about heart, lungs, whatever, but after that just focus on understanding and dealing with it so you stop worrying about the feelings.

cbt4panic.org Check it out.

PS I've bumped Robin Hall's post so you can get the link properly and see what he says - he's the guy who offers the free program.

09-02-18, 13:31
Thank you for your reply everyone. Robin Hall's cbt4panic is SO useful and have even emailed him to thank him for changing the way I think about panic. ould highly recommend to anyone experiencing panic attacks.
Unfortunately, a new bump in the road has arisen in the form of health anxiety and believing I have MS! I know this is common amongst anxiety sufferers, it's just so hard to detach yourself from irrational worry sometimes. Good luck with your own anxiety journey guys - it's tough but let's hope it results in a stronger version of ourselves eventually!