View Full Version : Hello from the road

09-12-17, 22:10

After many weeks reading articles and forums I finally decided to join a community and share my experience and hopefully get support. I'm a 30 year old female..let's say I've had quite a tough life but I always considered myself strong and independent and was able to overcome the hardest situations.. and my "resilience" was one of the things I was more proud of..
Back in September I had a miscarriage accompanied by some hard times with my partner..as always I suffered, cried but seemed to had overcome everything..until one night I was alone, traveling for work in Asia, and out of the absolute blue I had a manual panic attack..I felt so bad and so scared that the next day I had to fly back home.. to this single attack followed the worst weeks of my life..living constantly in fear and with multiple physical symptoms .. I very early understood it was anxiety but since I travel continuously for work it was very hard for me to seek medical help..nevetheless I knew I needed some help and a trusted pharmaceutic recommended some homeopathic pills that got me back to total normality after 5 days of treatment...

I thought I was out of the woods but after 3 weeks of feeling completely fine the other day I woke up having a panic attack after a bad dream..now im left with a relapse of the physical symptoms which in my case focus mainly in vision (not blurry or anything, it just feels very hard to focus my vision) numbness and a feeling of detachment of my body sometimes , specially when im in public spaces..

Although this time it seems I'm much more able to control the symptoms, i'm starting to take again the homeopathic pills ..it really bothers me and makes me feel so mad to be so out of control.. my partner and I are starting to try again for a baby and I feel that when I need my body and my mind the most they are failing me :weep:

09-12-17, 22:22
Hiya Nayla and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: