View Full Version : In an absolute panic after discovery of possible mouth cancer symptom

09-12-17, 23:03
This evening i noticed a large, painless, white patch far back in my mouth. It's really hidden and very difficult to see, so i'm terrified it's been there ages and i've just not known.

If it was painful i'd not be in such a panic, and would assume it was an ulcer, etc... But it looks incredibly suspect, and the fact it isn't painful is really suspicious.

When i got a mirror and angled my head it was bigger than i first thought, and it's also in a spot where it could be even bigger but i can't see any further.

I have had a massive panic attack and a crying. It's Saturday evening, and all surgeries, dental and doctors will all be closed tomorrow.

On Monday i'm booked on a training day for work that they company has already paid for and i don't know what to do. Cos what if it just turns out to be nothing?? And i miss my training cos of a mouth ulcer or something???

But i don't see how it can be that if it's not sore...

So upset and in a panic and have had to take a sedative to try and put me to sleep for the night.

Do you think the doctor/dentist would accept this as an 'emergency' appointment? I know some surgeries have those reserved, but i'm not sure what their definition of an emergency is.

I just know with anything cancer, early detection can make the difference between you surviving or not. And i'm scared because i don't know how long it's been there...

Sorry for long post probably all over the place, i just needed to talk to someone.

09-12-17, 23:06
I've had white patches too and they did freak me out, but I'm still here and ok!
I used to smoke so they made me extra worried, and also my teeth aren't in great shape so I was convinced I had it. The white patches I've had actually went away after a few days though. I don't really know what they are. And this year I started seeing a dentist and am getting ongoing treatment for my bad teeth and she's never mentioned cancer so it reassures me.
But trust me I've had the patches and for me they disappear within days and I think yours will too. Go to the dentist on Monday but it might not even be there then.

10-12-17, 00:09
Is it in your tonsils?

10-12-17, 10:36
It's right at the top near that area, i don't know if the bit it's on is still classed as the tonsils though.

25-01-18, 03:18
Hi guys I have the same thing except the patch is red and I'm very scared can someone help me?