View Full Version : All consuming anxiety about HIV

09-12-17, 23:31

I am a female and recently had sex with a male who I assumed was straight. I recently have had a few people tell me they think he might be gay (could be rumours)
Anyway since this I have become all consumed with anxiety over getting HIV. As far as I know we used a condom but now I have allowed my Brain to runaway with me and know I can't be sure the Condom stayed on the whole time.
I have read every symptom possible and now I have felt unwell for a few weeks and have now become literally all consumed with anxiety of getting it. I know the mind can make you get symptoms without actually having anything. The thing that is making me so anxious is that I have to wait another ten days before I can get tested.

I have never written in anything like this, please can somebody write back to me and tell me my actual risks and if I am being ridiculous. My friends say I am being stupid but it has taken over my every thought.

Thank you souch

11-12-17, 16:31
Hey I had this exact same fear a few years ago and it was so consuming I went and got tested. The guy that did the test was lovely. He did a lot to reassure me and told me the risks were so incredibly low. He pretty much guaranteed me that I didn't have it but you know what anxiety is like. I didn't believe it until I got the clear result back. It is just anxiety talking that's all. How many people do you know with hiv? I bet none or hardly any. It's not as easy as you think to catch it. Just keep telling yourself the positives and if you really still feel like that in 10 days then get a test. A lot of chemists do them but it will be about £100 and you get results straight away or your doctor or sexual health clinic can but that takes around 5 days for the results. Trust me, from someone who has been where you are, you will be fine.

27-01-18, 23:42
Did you test? How did it turn out?

I found myself in a similar situation. I (stupidly) had unprotected sex with a guy who was later speculated to be gay. I panicked and got tested. I now have 5 negative tests - one blood and 4 oral swab. All negative.

28-01-18, 00:24
I now have 5 negative tests - one blood and 4 oral swab. All negative.

Then you don't have it '.' (period!)

Positive thoughts