View Full Version : Cancer Fears (Of course)

10-12-17, 03:33
As with many other people, my fears keep automatically going to the worst thing. I made a post a few days ago about Lymph Nodes and im still completely absorbed by them. I have a raised bump just below my ear and of course im immediately thinking its Head/Neck/Whatever else cancer.

Even though I literally have no symptoms, no white in my mouth, no sore throat, hoarseness, etc. etc. I feel absolutely fine. But yet i'm still completely absorbed with paranoia that i've made myself feel off again. I'd managed a month or two without worrying myself into feeling sick and now it's back at it again.

Even when I hear Eczema (especially around the head) can raise lymph nodes near the head im still paranoid, even my doctor said i was fine. (Havent been about the ear one yet).

Got me so worried and feeling hopeless and worried that I'm gonna die. (Am 21)

I'm trying my best to follow the advice I was given on my last post but even that is hard as I keep wanting to see if they've gone down (I do think the one in my neck has gone down but its still present) Ive seen so many posts on here about people saying they have them and they're just up for months, or never actually go down. My issue is I have no idea if they're new, or was always like that because my paranoia wasnt on Lymph nodes so I wasnt checking. But of course im worried about the worst thing and am getting myself worked up about having no life to look forward too, etc. Especially with my holiday next year x-x

10-12-17, 07:34
It’s so awful living with the cancer fear :-(

Ive had lumps on my neck for years and years got them checked at the doctors and was told it was just fatty tissue under the skin.

Logically i think we all know there are many other more likely causes to our symptoms other than cancer but our brains are programmed to focus on the negative. I’ve had nights just sat in a frenzy thinking about how i’m going to tell my family about a diagnosis i havent even been given!!! The brain is such a powerful thing and its true, it can make or break you.

If you need reassurance go and see a doctor to put your mind at ease


10-12-17, 14:03
If you need reassurance go and see a doctor to put your mind at ease

I'm sorry, I disagree! That's just paid reassurance and is only a band-aid over an open wound. Addressing the real issue will be the stitches needed to close that wound.

If you must see the doctor... Do so to address anxiety, not reassurance.

Positive thoughts