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04-04-17, 22:22
For the last 6 days or so I have had a mild headache. I feel sort of out of it. The headache feels kinda similar to a sinus headache but I don't have any other sinus symptoms and no runny or stuffy nose.

I feel sorta in a daze. Almost like a little motion sick.

I'm really worried this is a brain tumor. Has anyone else had anything like this before?

04-04-17, 22:50
Yes. Daily for a year. I laugh at your 6 days.

No seriously, you're fine. It'll pass I'm sure.

Stress and anxiety gives you a headache.

05-04-17, 04:22
I've lost count how many days I've had a headache, pretty sure it's weather related. It will go away when it's good and ready.. so will yours.

---------- Post added at 23:22 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

Hey Darkside, how's your hand ?

05-04-17, 16:11
Headache still going today. I have no idea what's wrong with me. I wonder if I should demand a CT scan?

Regarding my hand, after they cut out the dark spot last time it did not grow back.

05-04-17, 16:25
I have a headache again too...

Want to see who's lasts longer? Mine can go for weeks at a time.

05-04-17, 16:39
I suggest making sure that you are hydrated and that you work on your anxiety to see if you can relieve the symptoms. For a little relief you can see if OTC painkillers help at all. You don't need to start demanding CT scans.

05-04-17, 18:38
Never demand a test.

I used to get headaches all the time because I was tensing myself up, due to anxiety and fear.

05-04-17, 19:01
Headaches are actually not really a sign of brain tumours.

05-04-17, 19:58
There'd be many symptoms you'd have before you'd be having headaches from a brain tumour.

You said "I'm really worried" and that's the reason you're elongating this headache. A stressed mind won't lead to a relaxed body? A stressed mind leads to muscle tension and aches and pains and a whole host of nasty symptoms will follow suit.

Think how you'd have dealt with a headache before having health anxiety? Some water, some rest and maybe a painkiller. The pain would go eventually and you'd be thankful it did so that you could go about the rest of your day.

Now look at how you handle a headache now? Worrying, questioning when it'll go away, what if it gets worse, what if it's life threatening etc etc.

Which is the healthier way of thinking? The saying "worrying yourself sick" has a lot of truth to it.


17-04-17, 23:08
I was just sitting on my computer working when all of a sudden I got extremely dizzy and felt like I was falling for about 3-4 seconds. I then started coming back to normal but my head *still* feels weird about 30 minutes later. The dizziness came on *extremely* sudden and I was just sitting calmly reading on my computer. It was like my brain shifted and I got really dizzy.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I haven't been very anxious the past week or so so I don't think it is anxiety related. I felt very calm all day today.

Now I am seriously freaked out I have a brain tumor.

17-04-17, 23:09
Yep, all the time. Not got a brain tumour. Just anxiety.

17-04-17, 23:15
I have not had any anxiety in at least a week.

17-04-17, 23:21
Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

17-04-17, 23:28
I have not had any anxiety in at least a week.

A couple thoughts for you...

I have 2 (well 3 actually) reasons I experience dizziness exactly like you described.

1. Sinuses. Any change in barometric pressure.

2. My posture at the computer, I tend to hold my head in a forward position and it causes a bit of a tweak on the muscles/nerves in my neck.

3. Menopause (which doesn't apply to you lol)

Bingo - dizzy

17-04-17, 23:32
You have the dizziness come instantly like something shifted in your head? I was fine and then one split second later I was extremely dizzy and grabbing my head.

17-04-17, 23:36
Yep, all the time. Not got a brain tumour. Just anxiety.

May I ask do you also get a dull headache? I don't feel dizzy that much but you know, anxiety

Gary A
18-04-17, 00:10
You have the dizziness come instantly like something shifted in your head? I was fine and then one split second later I was extremely dizzy and grabbing my head.

Brain tumours cause constant and progressive symptoms. Dizziness that lasts for such a short length of time is quite categorically not being caused by a brain tumour or anything even remotely sinister.

18-04-17, 01:48
Is that always true? Can some brain tumors manifest by spells of short dizziness that come on instantly and last 5-6 seconds.

18-04-17, 02:03
Is that always true?

What's true is that you have a severe case of anxiety and latched onto yet another totally irrational fear. You have as much chance of a brain tumor as you've had about ALS, leukemia and a freckle being melanoma. All this in the space of 4 months!

Something's got to give. You can't go on like this if you want to take care of your child and girlfriend.

Positive thoughts

18-04-17, 02:54
You have the dizziness come instantly like something shifted in your head? I was fine and then one split second later I was extremely dizzy and grabbing my head.

Yes, that's almost always how it comes on.

18-04-17, 02:56
Man, you'd be really unlucky, considering you also said you have cancer on your hand.

Gary A
18-04-17, 07:59
Whatever happened with that thing on your hand anyway?

I take it all the drama about how you'd waste away in front of your kids and all that nonsense was merely for effect, was it?

Quit messing around.

18-04-17, 09:27
I haven't been very anxious the past week or so so I don't think it is anxiety related.

This is the second time I've read someone say this in the last 24 hours. "This time it must be real because I've not felt particularly anxious in the last week or so!".

Anxiety doesn't work like that! The fact you're poised to jump straight to brain tumour when you feel a bit dizzy for about four seconds shows you are permanently anxious, waiting for the next scare to come along.

My first HA spiral was because I started having palpitations at a time when, if you'd have asked me, I didn't feel anxious. Looking back I had a lot going on in my life, and I'd underestimated the effect it would have on me.

When you get out of this panic, it'll be something else, and then something else... you need to do something about this anxiety because if you're as overdramatic in real life as you are on here this must be a challenge for all concerned.

18-04-17, 09:45
I want to know what happened with your hand too.

18-04-17, 09:59
Yep - anxiety.

I was having a 'good spell' once, I was doing some copying at the printer at work and got struck by dizziness completely out of nowhere. I suffered dizziness for quite some months with my anxiety.

If it makes you feel better, I was worried about it being something sinister. I ended up having a CT scan and an MRI and everything came back clear.

Anxiety my friend

18-04-17, 14:10
My head still feels slightly "off" today. Haven't had any dizzy spells last night or today so far though. I still am very concerned about what it could be. I have never been *that* dizzy before so fast, even though it only lasted 5 seconds or so.

My hand is fine.

18-04-17, 14:26
I got that dizzy once in a department store. It was long before my first HA episode. I was looking closely at a price tag on an item of clothing and suddenly the whole room started to spin. It was true dizziness not light headedness. It lasted about 1 minute. I never gave it another thought and it never happened again. I hate to think what state I would have been in if I had HA at that time.

18-04-17, 14:38
My head still feels slightly "off" today. Haven't had any dizzy spells last night or today so far though. I still am very concerned about what it could be. I have never been *that* dizzy before so fast, even though it only lasted 5 seconds or so.

So you were dizzy for 5 seconds and feel "slightly off". Do you think that's worth a panic?

My hand is fine.

And do you remember how you were telling us on here, in dramatic detail, how you were 100% convinced you were going to die?

Gary A
18-04-17, 15:14
My head still feels slightly "off" today. Haven't had any dizzy spells last night or today so far though. I still am very concerned about what it could be. I have never been *that* dizzy before so fast, even though it only lasted 5 seconds or so.

My hand is fine.

Did you not find it necessary to at least update people on that? It's pretty poor form to be as adamant as you were then just drop the subject altogether when you get the all clear.

As for this 5 second dizzy spell, that's most likely been caused by a temporary dip in blood pressure. It happens to everyone at some point, please don't make a big deal of it again, or at least try to listen to what people are telling you this time.

18-04-17, 15:40
It just happened again. I was just sitting here looking at something on the computer and I got dizzy again. This time it was shorter... maybe about 2-3 seconds overall. What is wrong with me? Can a tumor cause this kind of short duration vertigo? Has anyone researched if a tumor can cause that?

18-04-17, 15:53
It just happened again. I was just sitting here looking at something on the computer and I got dizzy again. This time it was shorter... maybe about 2-3 seconds overall. What is wrong with me? Can a tumor cause this kind of short duration vertigo? Has anyone researched if a tumor can cause that?

Why are you instantly thinking a tumor?

Did you read what I wrote? I have HA and suffered dizziness spells for months in the early days of it

Catherine S
18-04-17, 16:06
Vertigo can cause short duration vertigo.


18-04-17, 16:09
Hey, this has happened to me for a few years now, in fact I recently posted about a dizzy spell I had similiar to yours. i freaked out, called a doctor friend of mine who assured me it was anxiety. AND it happens often when I am at the computer, especially at work, rarely at home

18-04-17, 16:33
Has anyone researched if a tumor can cause that?

The Googling health anxious people do is not "research".

18-04-17, 17:30
It's just so weird. I don't have any ear fullness or pain. I don't have any neck pain. That just leaves me with something brain related. :/ ... I'm getting back into that spiral where I think about dying of a brain tumor and my kids suffering without a father, etc.

18-04-17, 17:52
It's just so weird. I don't have any ear fullness or pain. I don't have any neck pain. That just leaves me with something brain related. :/ ... I'm getting back into that spiral where I think about dying of a brain tumor and my kids suffering without a father, etc.

Or anxiety-related? Vertigo-related?

Gary A
18-04-17, 17:55
It's just so weird. I don't have any ear fullness or pain. I don't have any neck pain. That just leaves me with something brain related. :/ ... I'm getting back into that spiral where I think about dying of a brain tumor and my kids suffering without a father, etc.

I answered that question a day ago. Brain tumours cause unrelenting and progressive vertigo, this is caused by a tumour putting pressure on the brain region that controls balance and co-ordination.

Think about it, why would a tumour that is constantly touching and interfering with a cranial nerve intermittently cause symptoms?

No, brain tumours do not cause such short bouts of dizziness.

18-04-17, 18:19

(caps intended)

18-04-17, 22:43
Actually, very few brain tumor sufferers complain of dizziness at all. I'm not gonna list the mostly commonly felt symptoms, but I'll say, dizziness isn't even in the top 5.

18-04-17, 23:29
I hope that is true.

I'm really worried about a brain tumor. Head is a little sore today and feel a little queasy... :/ ... I really hope it stops happening and I can just move on with my life. If it keeps happening I'll just keep fearing a brain tumor.

18-04-17, 23:31
I really hope it stops happening and I can just move on with my life. If it keeps happening I'll just keep fearing a brain tumor.

You know you say this as if you have no choice over the matter. It's not easy, but you are in charge of your own thoughts.

18-04-17, 23:38
Questions: Did you have any of the deadly illnesses you've feared? What happens when this fear passes? What deadly illness will you fixate on next?

Positive thoughts

Gary A
19-04-17, 00:15
I hope that is true.

I'm really worried about a brain tumor. Head is a little sore today and feel a little queasy... :/ ... I really hope it stops happening and I can just move on with my life. If it keeps happening I'll just keep fearing a brain tumor.

For the third time then, dizziness that lasts for such a brief period is not being caused by a brain tumour.

I honestly don't know why you even bother posting here, you don't seem in the slightest bit interested in what anyone says to you.

19-04-17, 23:10
Today I have felt more consistently off-balancish, especially this afternoon for the past hour or so. :/ ... I really don't want to have a brain tumor, but I just know I don't feel normal and do not see how anxiety could cause such symptoms.

19-04-17, 23:14
May I ask do you also get a dull headache? I don't feel dizzy that much but you know, anxiety

Sometimes, on a particularly bad/stressful day

---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 23:12 ----------

Today I have felt more consistently off-balancish, especially this afternoon for the past hour or so. :/ ... I really don't want to have a brain tumor, but I just know I don't feel normal and do not see how anxiety could cause such symptoms.

I've had the same, but I also know I'm a bit worried about something at the moment, plus my ears are a little blocked. I believe anxiety causes dizziness because you're breathing is not quite right- too shallow/fast I think. We're not aware we're doing it either, hence why the dizziness feels so frightening.

19-04-17, 23:15
Can I ask why you almost argue with the posters trying to help you?

Perhaps you should just pursue a diagnosis like you did with the other imaginary anxiety related illnesses you've had. No one seems to be able to tell you otherwise. Let us know what the medical professionals say.

Positive thoughts

19-04-17, 23:18
You sound like me, I've been to so many people and doctors thinking it's a tumour and it isn't they all laugh at me

20-04-17, 00:38
You're all going to get locked out of darkside's thread like I was locked out of his melanoma one. :ohmy:


Gary A
20-04-17, 02:14
Today I have felt more consistently off-balancish, especially this afternoon for the past hour or so. :/ ... I really don't want to have a brain tumor, but I just know I don't feel normal and do not see how anxiety could cause such symptoms.

Then you haven't read any of the replies given to you by countless people in this thread.

You're not interested in hearing what anyone has to say, you just want to wring your hands and give us big "OMFG" type posts.


20-04-17, 08:08
Anxiety causes this. Accept it. I'VE HAD THE EXACT SAME

Dizziness isn't even a common symptom of brain tumors. I have zero idea why you think it is.

Just assuming worst case?

20-04-17, 09:07
I understand that it can be very hard to accept that this is called by your mental health issues but you have to believe it is. Everyone here is right, a brain tumour is a SERIOUS thing, they are no shrinking violets. They cause serious neurological symptoms that go beyond dizziness.

21-04-17, 18:11
I just had another episode. Felt very off balance and dizzy for about 1-2 seconds like something went wrong in my brain for a moment. I'm so concerned about this. I was just sitting here working and it happened. :/

21-04-17, 19:00
Your post history shows a very distinct anxiety behavior pattern. We could tell you 10K times it's anxiety or we've had the same thing and it won't help unfortunately.

I'm not one for paid reassurance but I feel a visit to your GP would be in order. I also believe showing him your threads and asking for professional help would be your best plan moving forward. This is clearly not helping you nor did it at AZ.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

21-04-17, 21:46
This will be like the hand mole thread. 20 pages long of him ignoring every post.

21-04-17, 22:00
I had constant dizziness for about 3 weeks due to anxiety even when I thought i wasnt axious anymore. dizziness and lightheadedness are pretty common anxiety symptoms

22-04-17, 00:17
I'm really not trying to be annoying or troll. I just report the symptoms I'm having to see if others have been through the same. It's a new scary symptom for me and usually I have always thought of dizziness as being a sure possible sign of a brain tumor. That's what really scares me.

I did fly last week so I don't know if my ear is possibly messed up or what. It feels fine - they don't feel congested at all.

And like I said I haven't been anxious before this so that makes me doubt that it is just anxiety making me have this very short lived dizziness.

Gary A
22-04-17, 02:33
I'm really not trying to be annoying or troll. I just report the symptoms I'm having to see if others have been through the same. It's a new scary symptom for me and usually I have always thought of dizziness as being a sure possible sign of a brain tumor. That's what really scares me.

I did fly last week so I don't know if my ear is possibly messed up or what. It feels fine - they don't feel congested at all.

And like I said I haven't been anxious before this so that makes me doubt that it is just anxiety making me have this very short lived dizziness.

How come you never acknowledge those replies? You claim that you want to hear from people with the same experiences or symptoms as you, yet, when those replies come you just ignore them.

22-04-17, 03:10
I always wonder what it is that people like Darkside are waiting to hear. Maybe it is "those symptoms are very concerning, see a doctor ASAP".

22-04-17, 03:45
Well honestly you're going to die from melanoma in a while anyway so..

Honestly the fact that you can't see your cyclic behavior is so astounding to me I almost don't believe you're a real person.

Your anxiety will do you in before any of these made up diseases will. Start treating that.

22-04-17, 05:55
Yes, never use the 'T' word. :lac: Mention my name once and I appear - poof! Like Mr Benn! :ohmy::D

But mention it 3 times and I go all Candyman!!! http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/mystic/h0518.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/h-mystic.php)


22-04-17, 13:20
Terry Terry Terry Terry . could not resist :) x

22-04-17, 13:33
Terry Terry Terry Terry . could not resist :) x

4 times?!!! That can mean only one thing... http://www.bestemoticon.com/smiley/super-heros/super-heros-44.gif


25-04-17, 21:07
My symptoms have evolved a bit over the past few days. Yesterday and today all day I have had intense brain fog. Basically the inability to focus on anything at all. I also feel slightly off balance when I move my head, etc.

I really have no idea what's wrong with me at this point and I'm pretty concerned. I have never had brain fog this bad before. Yesterday I had to just lay down and do nothing and try to sleep for like 2 hours in the middle of the day because it was so bad.

Has anyone else had this?

25-04-17, 21:19
Go to a doctor.

25-04-17, 21:22
That is literally the scariest thing I could read. That means you agree there is something very wrong with me.

One thing I've mainly noticed is the feeling of off-balance primarily is triggered when moving my neck or head.

Gary A
25-04-17, 21:32
That is literally the scariest thing I could read. That means you agree there is something very wrong with me.

One thing I've mainly noticed is the feeling of off-balance primarily is triggered when moving my neck or head.

Then it's a postural problem that has nothing to do with the brain.

Go to a doctor and get your anxiety treated.

25-04-17, 21:45
That is literally the scariest thing I could read. That means you agree there is something very wrong with me.

I agree with going to the doctor because yes, there is something very wrong. It's just not what you think it is ;) Show the doctor your threads here so he has an idea of what you're going through.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

26-04-17, 16:59
Does anyone else routinely have a feeling off balance when moving their head / neck?

26-04-17, 17:10
That is literally the scariest thing I could read. That means you agree there is something very wrong with me.

One thing I've mainly noticed is the feeling of off-balance primarily is triggered when moving my neck or head.

I say go to the doctor because this is an anxiety board, and you don't seem to be responding to comments in regards to anxiety treatment. You seem fixated on your physical symptoms, so naturally a doctor is the one to talk to so you can find out if there is anything physically wrong with you or not. A simple MRI will rule out brain tumor.

26-04-17, 18:21
Does anyone else routinely have a feeling off balance when moving their head / neck?

Anxiety can make people dizzy. Lots of things can including allergies, hormones, sinus pressure.

Anxiety can make people feel really bad.

27-04-17, 08:11
Does anyone else routinely have a feeling off balance when moving their head / neck?

Seriously, what is the point in replying to your thread at all? I'm done.

Yep, all the time. Not got a brain tumour. Just anxiety.

Yes, that's almost always how it comes on.

Yep - anxiety.

I was having a 'good spell' once, I was doing some copying at the printer at work and got struck by dizziness completely out of nowhere. I suffered dizziness for quite some months with my anxiety.

If it makes you feel better, I was worried about it being something sinister. I ended up having a CT scan and an MRI and everything came back clear.

Anxiety my friend

Why are you instantly thinking a tumor?

Did you read what I wrote? I have HA and suffered dizziness spells for months in the early days of it

Hey, this has happened to me for a few years now, in fact I recently posted about a dizzy spell I had similiar to yours. i freaked out, called a doctor friend of mine who assured me it was anxiety. AND it happens often when I am at the computer, especially at work, rarely at home


(caps intended)

Anxiety causes this. Accept it. I'VE HAD THE EXACT SAME

Dizziness isn't even a common symptom of brain tumors. I have zero idea why you think it is.

Just assuming worst case?

27-04-17, 09:10
Yes I agree with Josh. Get yourself to the doctor and maybe he'll refer you to a neurologist. Once you've seen the expert and he tells you it isn't a brain tumour you will feel much better about things. Like you did when you saw the expert about your hand.

Oh wait...

27-04-17, 17:16
Hey friend,

Dizziness is one major symptom of anxiety, so fret now. I had dizziness that was getting quite severe at one point. I had many tests done, including a couple of MRIs and a Dizzy Test (Which I did not even know was a thing). So don't jump to the idea immediately that it is a tumor or any major issue.

If it is bad, I suggest seeing a Neurologist, Optometrist, and an ENT. Dizziness can resonate in the latter two (eyes and ears).

You can also take over the counter medication like Meclizine for the dizziness at well in the mean time!

28-04-17, 22:02
Ugh, happened again today. 1 second of vertigo / dizzy feeling and then was basically back to normal. So odd. I wasn't even anxious at all today so not sure it is anxiety. Really trying to fight off these brain tumor fears.

It has only occurred when I am on the computer and typically later in the day around 3-4pm after I have been on it for a while. It has never happened when I am not using the computer. I also feel like once it happens, I feel like a have a slight headache and feel slightly "off" after that for a while.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar in regards to computers?

Gary A
28-04-17, 22:36
Ugh, happened again today. 1 second of vertigo / dizzy feeling and then was basically back to normal. So odd. I wasn't even anxious at all today so not sure it is anxiety. Really trying to fight off these brain tumor fears.

It has only occurred when I am on the computer and typically later in the day around 3-4pm after I have been on it for a while. It has never happened when I am not using the computer. I also feel like once it happens, I feel like a have a slight headache and feel slightly "off" after that for a while.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar in regards to computers?

I remember when I was playing football as a small boy, I booted the ball into a pond and gave a swan a concussion.

I realise that this is a pointless anectode but it will have the same effect as a reply to your question, namely, zero effect.

The swan was fine by the way.

28-04-17, 22:53
I fear this thread may actually be causing people trauma as it is like banging your head against a wall.

I'm all for understanding that health anxiety is a bad place to be but when tens of people are all giving helpful advice and reassurance and you completely ignore them by asking similar questions over and over again as though nobody has answered I start to wonder if this thread will go on until the end of time. I'm half expecting this to all be an M Night Shamylan plot twist where we are all ghosts and the op can't actually see our replies.

We want to help darkside but I can't be the only one wondering if it might be more beneficial for us to just stop replying so this reassurance seeking ends. You really need to see a professional for your anxiety because I don't think anyone here knows what more we can do to convince you!

Best of luck, please get help for this now before it goes any further.

Gary A
28-04-17, 22:58
What will happen is that the OP will continue to ignore these responses, post inane query after inane query, disappear for a few weeks then come back asking about something completely different.

Anxiety or not, ignorance isn't excusable.

28-04-17, 23:02
The same went on at AZ. It's the car crash response at this point. You can't help but crane you neck to watch...


Sooner or later people will catch on.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
28-04-17, 23:21
It's best not to get wound up by it. I've been there, and you end up in a constant argument which ultimately achieves nothing.

Does anyone fancy a game of eye spy? And if anyone feels like saying "something beginning with 'T'", then you're just a child. :D

29-04-17, 01:26
It's best not to get wound up by it. I've been there, and you end up in a constant argument which ultimately achieves nothing.

Does anyone fancy a game of eye spy? And if anyone feels like saying "something beginning with 'T'", then you're just a child. :D

Terry!!! :yesyes:

If anyone thinks it's another T word, the correct way is to ask Admin to investigate. If they decide they don't agree...acceptance is the key.

29-04-17, 01:40
I haven't seen the OP say they are fine with the fun, I'll wait on them to say if they are ok with it. In the spirit of fun, I'm sure they will make similar retorts to you shortly. :biggrin:

I don't know about Admin, try asking them. I have nothing to do with them, but given they are the only ones who can remove members from here it logical to report concern to them. Like Gary says, it just causes arguments on the forum as not everyone agrees over these issues. It's much nicer without the arguments on here.

29-04-17, 01:59
Are you? I recall Admin telling us all to stop doing this exact thing. Perhaps they can clarify if they want it back on the forum again? It would be a great shame.

When I see spammers, I report them. Sellers too. Admin investigate and remove them if they believe they are. Simple.

29-04-17, 03:02
My cats breath smells like cat food.

29-04-17, 07:39
I like that there seems to be a lot less moderation than there was before. This is supposedly a forum for adults so we shouldn't be treated like children. This OP knows exactly what he is doing and yet he continues to get away with it. If you call him out then you are the one who gets sanctioned for it. Or you were up until recently.

I expect the response will now be that if we find it so frustrating we should stay out of his threads. Yes we could if we didn't mind seeing other members being sucked in. I mind so I post to let others know that they shouldn't waste their time putting time and energy into giving him advice.

29-04-17, 10:31
And you attacked me for saying people shouldn't seek reassurance. Ironic isn't it. :roflmao:

29-04-17, 11:52
I can understand why people are frustrated at the poster who started this thread but I can see how much he's spiralling and I can feel his fear and panic in his posts. The fact that he's ignoring people's replies could be that he's in such a bad place that he can't see past his fears and just needs to keep reassurance seeking. I can relate to how he's feeling as I would imagine many others on here can.

If you're really p****d off with him then surely the best thing to do is to not reply. Making sarcastic comments really isn't going to help anyone! Just my opinion.

29-04-17, 13:39
This thread has spiralled completely out of control.

I understand that most of us have been in similar positions, I admit it on almost every post I make on a new thread. Nobody here is judging anyone, we're running out of ways to get the point across hence why I said in my post that it might actually be more beneficial if nobody replies.

People want to help but it's getting us nowhere and it's obviously not getting the OP anywhere. If the advice being given over and over by tens of different people isn't working then what else would you have us do? We can't keep this reassurance cycle going forever, eventually it becomes obvious that in this case it's cruel to be kind.

This is a support forum for anxiety, if you can't accept the fact that your symptoms are caused by anxiety and not a serious medical issue that you have been tested over and over again for, what else are we supposed to do?

Sometimes you get so desperate to get someone to understand you'll try anything.

29-04-17, 13:46
ISB, why do you think the OP is making fools out of everyone? Do you think he's doing it intentionally? I really don't think that's the case, I think he's in a blind panic and is unable to process what other people are saying.

Although I think it's a bit harsh to not reply when someone's in need maybe in this case it's for the best.

29-04-17, 13:53
I don't think it's harsh at all in cases like this. It's keeping the cycle going and I don't think it'll ever stop so long as the OP is on here.

This is an amazing place with great people and great support but it's not healthy if all its doing is keeping the cycle going.

There's a good reason a lot of therapists don't like the idea of their patients being on support forums for the exact reason that's happened here.

Gary A
29-04-17, 15:01
I've said it once and I'll say it again, anxiety does not excuse ignorance. You can be in the pits of despair and still maintain some manners, still show that you're thankful for the responses you receive and the fact that people are going out of their way to aid you.

Do we see it here? Not a bit of it. All posts are ignored completely, sometimes for days, then the OP just comes back saying the same thing. That is ignorance, nothing more, and I genuinely don't care how anxious you are, there's no excuse for it.

29-04-17, 15:12
I've said it once and I'll say it again, anxiety does not excuse ignorance. You can be in the pits of despair and still maintain some manners, still show that you're thankful for the responses you receive and the fact that people are going out of their way to aid you.

Do we see it here? Not a bit of it. All posts are ignored completely, sometimes for days, then the OP just comes back saying the same thing. That is ignorance, nothing more, and I genuinely don't care how anxious you are, there's no excuse for it.

And I'll say it one more time. This is the same pattern of the OP on AZ. This is also has been seen here with several members. A post about symptoms, replies given, ignored and repeated ad nauseam for pages and pages until members begin to argue among themselves as the OP disappears only to resurface with the same worry or another one and the process starts again.

We all get sucked in unfortunately...

Positive thoughts

29-04-17, 22:44
I agree that a 'thank you' should be given. But I also don't think the OP is doing this to have a laugh at our expense. I know how terrible it is to be stuck in a cycle of reassurance seeking. We can try to discourage the behaviour but we should never scorn or poke fun at someone who's suffering in such a way.

---------- Post added at 22:44 ---------- Previous post was at 22:43 ----------

No Alice, this is a different situation altogether. Read the thread and see what others are saying. This is not about reassurance, it's about the OP making fools of people time and time again.

I stand by my feelings in that thread you deleted, because it was what you implied in the thread Title that I thought was unfair, but you don't really want to get into it all over again on here though surely? People are going to disagree with you sometimes Alice...it happens to the best of us so its better just to move on.

Oh yes, here comes your favourite emoji. ...:roflmao:


Ugh. This is just so patronising.

30-04-17, 00:58
Apparently Alice does want to keep it going. So instead of telling others how they should be responding Alice you might want to change what you are doing first. That is bringing past disagreements into a thread that has nothing to do with them.

Regarding Darkside, we once again have people making excuses for him because he is "spiralling". Give me a break. I have seen Darkside "spiralling" on his own threads whilst giving reasoned advice to members on their threads. So don't try the "he can't help it that he doesn't respond because he is in such a bad place" because it doesn't wash. His so called "spiral" doesn't prevent him from responding on other threads so how does it prevent him responding on his own?

30-04-17, 03:03
Well that escalated quickly. I don't know if the OP is laughing at this thread but I sure am.

30-04-17, 03:14
Well, at least I can say my thread wasn't as much of a train wreck as this.

30-04-17, 05:10

There was a lot of sense in your last post so it's a shame you felt the need to delete it. I think I can assume why, I may be wrong, but I just wanted to say it wouldn't have been unwelcome...and you know I'm usually on the opposite side of the debate with these types of posters.

30-04-17, 05:38
I wish people wouldn't delete their posts. It makes the discussion disjointed.

30-04-17, 07:32
Well, at least I can say my thread wasn't as much of a train wreck as this.


1. If you wanted to continue talking about your situation you shouldn't have deleted your own thread, and then tried to keep conversation going about you on everyone else's.

2. You're not the only person being unecessarily mean-spirited here, but you need to work very hard on your attitude to other posters.

30-04-17, 09:24
We're all entitled to our own opinions. I have been/ going through one of the worst episodes of HA for the last 8 months and I just feel so sorry for anyone else who's going through this right now. HA changes you, I'm not the same person I was a year ago.

The point I was trying to make in my pp was that it would probably be better to not respond as opposed to making unnecessary unkind comments. We're all adults here? Why resort to petty comments.

---------- Post added at 09:24 ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 ----------

Apparently Alice does want to keep it going. So instead of telling others how they should be responding Alice you might want to change what you are doing first. That is bringing past disagreements into a thread that has nothing to do with them.

Regarding Darkside, we once again have people making excuses for him because he is "spiralling". Give me a break. I have seen Darkside "spiralling" on his own threads whilst giving reasoned advice to members on their threads. So don't try the "he can't help it that he doesn't respond because he is in such a bad place" because it doesn't wash. His so called "spiral" doesn't prevent him from responding on other threads so how does it prevent him responding on his own?

I'm not making excuses, I'm showing some empathy and understanding! Maybe it helps to take his mind off his own fears by responding to other people's posts. At least he's trying to help others, he would be condemned if he was'nt doing that no doubt. So many of you seem to be taking it personally, just don't respond to his threads if you feel this way, simple!

30-04-17, 09:27
Are you Alice?

The point is that if you are capable of responding to people on other threads then you are perfectly capable of responding to the people trying to help you on your's. Simple really.

30-04-17, 09:31
Walkerbull you deleted your thread? Are you kidding me?! What an absolute p*sstake! (Excuse me). People took time out of their day to help you and you just delete it all.

30-04-17, 09:33
Why would you ask that? Is sarcasm your forte?

30-04-17, 09:40
Goodness that's a little sarcastic rainbow. :ohmy:

You responded to the post I made in response to Alice. So I thought maybe you were Alice.

Gary A
30-04-17, 09:59
I wish people wouldn't delete their posts. It makes the discussion disjointed.

I deleted it basically because it was late, and within minutes of me posting it two snarky little comments were made. I was tired and couldn't be bothered sitting up arguing, as I know I would have.

I will re-post it a little later as you're right, deleting posts can be a bit confusing as far as the discussion goes.

As for Walkerbull, your attitude stinks. Deleting your thread after all those replies then hanging around making snarky little remarks about everyone else's posts? Nice. :yesyes:

30-04-17, 10:00
Not sarcasm just an honest question. No, I'm not Alice.

Seriously, what's your problem? I posted on here as I felt that the snidey comments about the original poster were a bit harsh. I'm not here for a fight or some juvenile arguing to and fro. I try to see things from both sides and feel that attacking people when they're at their most vulnerable is unkind. This is a support forum, if you're unable to support people then surely it would be sensible to just refrain from posting.

I am a reasonably intelligent woman who manages very well in most aspects of my life but when the HA kicks in I find myself doing things I never imagined I would.

30-04-17, 10:06
The only problem I have is that this discussion is now boring me. I have already explained why I feel that Darkside has attracted criticism, several times. Don't tell me how to post Rainbow. You aren't a board moderator. Just take your own advice, if you don't like the comments being made here then stay out of the thread.

30-04-17, 11:12
I'm not telling you what to post, you're twisting my words.

Gary A
30-04-17, 11:26
I'm not telling you what to post, you're twisting my words.

You kind of are.

I find it ironic how you, amongst others of course, like to tell people to refrain from posting if they are being bothered by a particular poster, whilst clearly posting because you're being bothered by...erm, another poster.

Far be it for me to tell you to stop posting, but you really can't tell people to refrain from posting because they're being bothered by someone when you're doing the exact same thing.

You did the same to me a while back, thinking you felt the need to be the superhero saving the poor soul. Perhaps you should take your own advice and just not post when you're annoyed? It would be far less hypocritical of you.

30-04-17, 11:41
No, I suggested that it might be better not to post if it's going to be derogatory comments that aren't helpful to anyone.

"Superhero saving the poor soul"? How old are you? I'm just an ordinary person who happens to suffer from HA and feels empathy for others going through the same thing. I've been criticised on here for my opinion, and I'm the hypocrite! Sadly this is'nt the place I once thought it to be.

Gary A
30-04-17, 11:46
Yeah yeah.

Has it never occurred to you that the OP is upsetting vulnerable people? People who are in the pits themselves and being ignored. You seem to be ok with that.

Whatever, though. The moral high ground beckons, rainbow.

30-04-17, 11:51
Walkerbull you deleted your thread? Are you kidding me?! What an absolute p*sstake! (Excuse me). People took time out of their day to help you and you just delete it all.

I thought everyone wanted me to shut up.

30-04-17, 12:39
I deleted it basically because it was late, and within minutes of me posting it two snarky little comments were made. I was tired and couldn't be bothered sitting up arguing, as I know I would have.

I will re-post it a little later as you're right, deleting posts can be a bit confusing as far as the discussion goes.

As for Walkerbull, your attitude stinks. Deleting your thread after all those replies then hanging around making snarky little remarks about everyone else's posts? Nice. :yesyes:

You weren't the only poster who deleted their posts Gary. Yeah I'm like you and will stay engaged in the to and fro longer than I should. I think some people are just deliberately obtuse though.

30-04-17, 14:50
Yeah yeah.

Has it never occurred to you that the OP is upsetting vulnerable people? People who are in the pits themselves and being ignored. You seem to be ok with that.

Whatever, though. The moral high ground beckons, rainbow.

That argument doesn't wash. If people are concerned about this taking away others then why keep this going, that makes you a root cause to the problem along with the OP.

If people choose to embroiled themselves at the cost of other threads, that's there problem. They make their own choices.

30-04-17, 14:52
Yeah yeah.

Has it never occurred to you that the OP is upsetting vulnerable people? People who are in the pits themselves and being ignored. You seem to be ok with that.

Whatever, though. The moral high ground beckons, rainbow.

Actually tbh it hadn't occurred to me that the OP was upsetting others. All I could see was someone who was desperate for reassurance and could relate to that.

It's nothing to do with the moral high ground, it's about how I feel about people who are suffering. I'm not here for a fight, just giving my opinion as you all are.

People who suffer anxiety can be very selfish, usually not intentionally but because of how they feel it can be hard to shift the focus from yourself. I'm not saying that's right but it happens and it's so hard to change. I had no intention to upset or insult anyone and if it seems like that then I apologise. I tend to try to see the good in people as much as I can so just wanted to say that maybe the op did'nt mean to come across the way he's been perceived.

30-04-17, 14:57
The only problem I have is that this discussion is now boring me. I have already explained why I feel that Darkside has attracted criticism, several times. Don't tell me how to post Rainbow. You aren't a board moderator. Just take your own advice, if you don't like the comments being made here then stay out of the thread.

Admin have told us all plenty of times to stop this behaviour. They've probably given up as it monopolises time they don't have.

Rainbow, like myself, brings it up and we get the old "you're not the boss of me" stuff. It's boring. It's not an order, it's a suggestion and beyond that Admin have said that they have now had to ban people from threads because they won't stop.

It's not hypocritical to point out a forum rule.

People say they are bored of this and I can guarantee I'll see the same names hanging around in these threads posting opinions. Why keep posting?

Gary A
30-04-17, 16:35
That argument doesn't wash. If people are concerned about this taking away others then why keep this going, that makes you a root cause to the problem along with the OP.

If people choose to embroiled themselves at the cost of other threads, that's there problem. They make their own choices.

I don't even know what this gibberish means.

The OP is upsetting well meaning people by ignoring them. I don't know why that's ok to some of you, especially as you claim to not like people being treated badly.

I promised I wouldn't involve myself in any arguments here, but as you said it's the same names hanging around here, I can bet it'll be the same names claiming the moral high ground while being hypocrites.

30-04-17, 17:08
The OP accomplished what they set out to do, which was to cause a rile and internal arguments. I'll be honest and you all may think I'm a b*tch for thinking this but I doubt that the OP ever had any legit concern about the dizziness. Its possible that they were concerned for a little at the beginning because HA is a tricky bas*ard and will cause you to go insane about the smallest things but after reading through these posts I can just see how this trap was set up and you all just toppled right into it. Its actually really sad because you all seem pretty intelligent and you're arguing and taking sides like this is a grade school playground. The fact that Darkside just conveniently disappeared behind the curtain should tell you something but honestly I don't think anyone really cares about the original post at this point. Sorry not sorry.

I think you all made valid points but none of you should take things personally. I mean it is the interwebs for pete's sake.

That is all.

Have a nice day :)

PS. If OP sees this...I agree with what Josh says...Go to a doctor. It won't be for a brain tumor or your vertigo and what not it'll be because you've clearly seemed to have dropped your marbles somewhere.

Ok seriously now that is all.

30-04-17, 18:15
Are you Alice?

... huh? Am I what?

God why is this forum is just full of arguments nowadays? It never used to be like this.

I'm going to take a giant break from here and I don't think I'll be returning. In fact I'm going to not check back for replies to this either.

Going to Europe for a month and no Internet anyway.

At least there's some awesome advice still available here though.

30-04-17, 21:13
I don't even know what this gibberish means.

The OP is upsetting well meaning people by ignoring them. I don't know why that's ok to some of you, especially as you claim to not like people being treated badly.

I promised I wouldn't involve myself in any arguments here, but as you said it's the same names hanging around here, I can bet it'll be the same names claiming the moral high ground while being hypocrites.

Are people really upset because the OP has ignored them? Annoyed maybe but upset???

"The same names hanging around here" that'll be you then Gary, I've seen you on a number of posts being sarcastic, rude and ridiculing other people. Is that acceptable to you? Read through some of my previous posts and see how many people I've insulted over the years. It's nice to be nice, you should give it a try.

01-05-17, 03:58
I don't even know what this gibberish means.

The OP is upsetting well meaning people by ignoring them. I don't know why that's ok to some of you, especially as you claim to not like people being treated badly.

I promised I wouldn't involve myself in any arguments here, but as you said it's the same names hanging around here, I can bet it'll be the same names claiming the moral high ground while being hypocrites.

So are you. :doh:

Gibberish? What a stupid comment. I was pointing out that your constant bumping of this thread is only keeping it going so you're adding to the problem. You're more intelligent than this so you're just swerving it.

Q: Those who are so annoyed by this poster, have you approached Admin? If the answer is no, you're just moaning.

01-05-17, 08:22
What I was bored with was having to explain myself over and over. I don't remember ever saying I was bored on any thread here but it could have happened. You though Terry are exaggerating.

---------- Post added at 16:45 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ----------

I don't even know what this gibberish means.

The OP is upsetting well meaning people by ignoring them. I don't know why that's ok to some of you, especially as you claim to not like people being treated badly.

I promised I wouldn't involve myself in any arguments here, but as you said it's the same names hanging around here, I can bet it'll be the same names claiming the moral high ground while being hypocrites.

Oh go away with your common sense Gary. You're spoiling the lectures. lol

---------- Post added at 16:51 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ----------

... huh? Am I what?

God why is this forum is just full of arguments nowadays? It never used to be like this.

I'm going to take a giant break from here and I don't think I'll be returning. In fact I'm going to not check back for replies to this either.

Going to Europe for a month and no Internet anyway.

At least there's some awesome advice still available here though.

Alice I already explained why I thought Rainbow was you. Not doing it again.

Considering you are one of the people who seems to want to keep an argument re ISB a break might be just what you need Alice.

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 16:51 ----------

argument going

01-05-17, 09:06

Same old same old....

Gary A
01-05-17, 09:26
"Commenting on this thread is bumping it and keeping it going."

He says while commenting on the thread and bumping it. By the way, I don't care how long this thread goes for, I really don't.

In this thread I have pointed out how ignorant the OP is for ignoring not only me, but the other people who have taken time to reply. I have pointed out to rainbow that she's trying to get others to stop responding out of annoyance while she is clearly responding out of annoyance.

If Terry and rainbow and whoever else can hold their tongues (although they clearly can't given their involvement in this thread) when faced with this type of ignorance then congratulations to them. I can't. I get annoyed by this behaviour, and I would much rather point it out directly to the OP than go running off to admin. FYI, what can be said to admin anyway? "That big bad darkside is being a big meanie, can you put him on the naughty step."

I've had enough of being lectured by you, Terry. I've tried to just ignore it and let you prattle on but at a certain point I've got to become bored by it. So take your own advice. If I say something that annoys you, why not just not comment and report me to admin? If you don't, you're just moaning.

01-05-17, 10:54
"Commenting on this thread is bumping it and keeping it going."

He says while commenting on the thread and bumping it. By the way, I don't care how long this thread goes for, I really don't.

In this thread I have pointed out how ignorant the OP is for ignoring not only me, but the other people who have taken time to reply. I have pointed out to rainbow that she's trying to get others to stop responding out of annoyance while she is clearly responding out of annoyance.

If Terry and rainbow and whoever else can hold their tongues (although they clearly can't given their involvement in this thread) when faced with this type of ignorance then congratulations to them. I can't. I get annoyed by this behaviour, and I would much rather point it out directly to the OP than go running off to admin. FYI, what can be said to admin anyway? "That big bad darkside is being a big meanie, can you put him on the naughty step."

I've had enough of being lectured by you, Terry. I've tried to just ignore it and let you prattle on but at a certain point I've got to become bored by it. So take your own advice. If I say something that annoys you, why not just not comment and report me to admin? If you don't, you're just moaning.

I'm not trying to get anyone to stop commenting, out of annoyance or otherwise, although some of the comments seem to stem from pure nastiness. Also I'm not responding out of annoyance, more that I was trying to say that I can relate to the op as I've been struggling massively for the last 8 months.

You're within your rights to be annoyed by the op and to have your say, but it's the way that you say it that's the problem. Obviously you're a very straight speaking person and if that works for you then fair enough but it can be hurtful to others.

Why do you think Terry is lecturing you? He'a giving his opinion as you are too, are you lecturing also then? I personally think you love this kind of conflict as it's apparent in a number of your posts.

Gary A
01-05-17, 11:26
I'm not trying to get anyone to stop commenting, out of annoyance or otherwise, although some of the comments seem to stem from pure nastiness. Also I'm not responding out of annoyance, more that I was trying to say that I can relate to the op as I've been struggling massively for the last 8 months.

You're within your rights to be annoyed by the op and to have your say, but it's the way that you say it that's the problem. Obviously you're a very straight speaking person and if that works for you then fair enough but it can be hurtful to others.

Why do you think Terry is lecturing you? He'a giving his opinion as you are too, are you lecturing also then? I personally think you love this kind of conflict as it's apparent in a number of your posts.

Terry's opinion is fine, but this is far from the first time. He's a very helpful individual and I can't take that away from him, but I'm afraid he does lecture people. I'm far from the first to say it. No smoke without fire and all that.

As for me enjoying conflict, nope, I just stand up for myself, as you do. My way of talking annoys certain people and I'm prepared for that. I don't cry about it, in other words.

I'm actually wasting my time with you, I spent a lot of time arguing with you a while back when you and another poster overreacted to something I said and when pressed, couldn't even point out what you were annoyed at. As I said, take your own advice. If I'm annoying you, don't comment and just report me to admin.

01-05-17, 11:32
Write an irrational fear > get good advice and reassurance > repeatedly ignore reassurance > annoy other posters by doing this > wind some up so they start snapping > thread descends into huge argument between regular posters on how to treat forum members > retreat while people do this > write an irrational fear...

We've seen this before haven't we?

There are just some posters so self-absorbed by their anxiety and desperate in a weird masochistic way to be right about their fears (they want confirmation, not reassurance) they forget etiquette and that people are taking time and effort to try and help them, skim read anything that doesn't say "OMG call an ambulance now" (however much time and effort anyone's put in), and forget the repliers are anxiety sufferers too and deserve a bit of care - people who are really eager to help other sufferers, but slightly worried about being taken for a ride and exploited for laughs, and also carry Internet arguments in their minds all day as a new source of anxiety.

I honestly don't think this forum is healthy for posters like Darkside, as they get no reassurance, and just find an outlet and audience for dwelling on their psysical symptoms, while getting negative vibes from others as they (probably accidentally, but thoughtlessly) press the buttons of other anxiety sufferers.

01-05-17, 11:50
Terry's opinion is fine, but this is far from the first time. He's a very helpful individual and I can't take that away from him, but I'm afraid he does lecture people. I'm far from the first to say it. No smoke without fire and all that.

As for me enjoying conflict, nope, I just stand up for myself, as you do. My way of talking annoys certain people and I'm prepared for that. I don't cry about it, in other words.

I'm actually wasting my time with you, I spent a lot of time arguing with you a while back when you and another poster overreacted to something I said and when pressed, couldn't even point out what you were annoyed at. As I said, take your own advice. If I'm annoying you, don't comment and just report me to admin.

Tbh I'm not particularly "annoyed" by you, I was just giving my opinion like everyone else. I have no intention on reporting anyone to admin. Why do you think you're "wasting your time with me"? What are you trying to do? convert me to your way of thinking?

As I've said before, I feel sorry for anyone that's going through intense anxiety as I know only too well how all consuming it can be. All I wanted to do on this thread was to maybe explain why the op was behaving in the way he was but maybe I've got it all wrong and he'a sitting having a great laugh at everyone's expense! I hope that's not the case though. Perhaps I'm just gullible but I like to try to to see the best in people.

01-05-17, 12:10
Unless you've followed every thread that Darkside has started, read every post on those threads and taken note of who gave what advice then you are in no position to comment on any poster's responses on this one. I've read most of his threads. I've given him good advice in some of them. All of it was ignored.

Calling someone nasty just because you don't like their straightforward approach makes you nasty. I don't see Gary calling you nasty. Instead I see you doing that. For someone who keeps saying they don't come here to argue you sure have a funny way of showing it. You keep making personal attacks on people and you accuse Gary of being the one who enjoys arguing. lol

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

Also I was the one who first accused Terry father lecturing not Gary. I said it because it is true. I don't go around dissecting Terry's posts and I don't appreciate him dissecting mine.

---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

father was not a Freudian slip lol

It was the stupid auto correct on my phone

father should be "of"

don't ask me I'm confused too

---------- Post added at 20:40 ---------- Previous post was at 20:30 ----------

I feel sorry for people going through intense (your word Rainbow) too. You have gone through it for 8 mo this. I went through it for 3 years. Never once though, did I lose my ability to appreciate the people around me who tried to help me. Of course it's possible that you think that your anxiety was more "intense" than mine. It wasn't but that's not up for discussion.

01-05-17, 12:20
Unless you've followed every thread that Darkside has started, read every post on those threads and taken note of who gave what advice then you are in no position to comment on any poster's responses on this one. I've read most of his threads. I've given him good advice in some of them. All of it was ignored.

Calling someone nasty just because you don't like their straightforward approach makes you nasty. I don't see Gary calling you nasty. Instead I see you doing that. For someone who keeps saying they don't come here to argue you sure have a funny way of showing it. You keep making personal attacks on people and you accuse Gary of being the one who enjoys arguing. lol

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

Also I was the one who first accused Terry father lecturing not Gary. I said it because it is true. I don't go around dissecting Terry's posts and I don't appreciate him dissecting mine.

---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

father was not a Freudian slip lol

It was the stupid auto correct on my phone

father should be "of"

don't ask me I'm confused too

I haven't directly called Gary nasty, I said " the comments seem to come from pure nastiness" people can make nasty comments it doesn't necessarily make them nasty. I'm giving my opinion and I have every right to do so, I don't have to read every one of the op's posts to be "allowed" to comment.

"You keep making personal attacks on people" do I? I think Gary does enjoy arguing, that's my opinion. My last few posts have been about trying to explain myself and defend my words, although I shouldn't have to. How many times do I have to say that I was originally just trying to see things from the op point of view, what's the issue with that?

Far too many inflated egos around here unfortunately.

01-05-17, 12:25
I haven't directly called Gary nasty, I said " the comments seem to come from pure nastiness" people can make nasty comments it doesn't necessarily make them nasty. I'm giving my opinion and I have every right to do so, I don't have to read every one of the op's posts to be "allowed" to comment.

"You keep making personal attacks on people" do I? I think Gary does enjoy arguing, that's my opinion. My last few posts have been about trying to explain myself and defend my words, although I shouldn't have to. How many times do I have to say that I was originally just trying to see things from the op point of view, what's the issue with that?

Far too many inflated egos around here unfortunately.

That's alright you can't help it Rainbow. lol

01-05-17, 12:58
Is that all you've got? Lol ������you're a laugh a minute!

---------- Post added at 12:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

Unless you've followed every thread that Darkside has started, read every post on those threads and taken note of who gave what advice then you are in no position to comment on any poster's responses on this one. I've read most of his threads. I've given him good advice in some of them. All of it was ignored.

Calling someone nasty just because you don't like their straightforward approach makes you nasty. I don't see Gary calling you nasty. Instead I see you doing that. For someone who keeps saying they don't come here to argue you sure have a funny way of showing it. You keep making personal attacks on people and you accuse Gary of being the one who enjoys arguing. lol

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

Also I was the one who first accused Terry father lecturing not Gary. I said it because it is true. I don't go around dissecting Terry's posts and I don't appreciate him dissecting mine.

---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

father was not a Freudian slip lol

It was the stupid auto correct on my phone

father should be "of"

don't ask me I'm confused too

---------- Post added at 20:40 ---------- Previous post was at 20:30 ----------

I feel sorry for people going through intense (your word Rainbow) too. You have gone through it for 8 mo this. I went through it for 3 years. Never once though, did I lose my ability to appreciate the people around me who tried to help me. Of course it's possible that you think that your anxiety was more "intense" than mine. It wasn't but that's not up for discussion.

You're making assumptions! How would I think my anxiety is worse than yours? And how do you know that mine is'nt? I'm not trying to compete with anyone, everyone is going through their own kind of hell. My HA started after the death of my father and unfortunately I've had numerous episodes since then, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy and my heart goes out to anyone who suffers from this. Like you, I've always tried to be courteous and considerate while going through it but I'd be lying if I said that it doesn't change you, cos it does. I'm not the mother, partner or friend that I want to be atm and I feel like shit because of that.

Can this stop now please? This isn't benefiting anyone.

01-05-17, 13:04
And I'll say it one more time. This is the same pattern of the OP on AZ. This is also has been seen here with several members. A post about symptoms, replies given, ignored and repeated ad nauseam for pages and pages until members begin to argue among themselves as the OP disappears only to resurface with the same worry or another one and the process starts again.

We all get sucked in unfortunately...

I reiterate this for the sake of all. Like I said, I saw this pattern from the OP on AZ and the exact same thing happened nearly every time! Perhaps that's the intention. Have you thought of that? I say this because invariably, that's what happens. In fact, the OP hasn't been on in 2 days! He'll certainly have some reading to do eh?

Just some food for thought and as always...

Positive thoughts

01-05-17, 13:23
"Commenting on this thread is bumping it and keeping it going."

He says while commenting on the thread and bumping it. By the way, I don't care how long this thread goes for, I really don't.

In this thread I have pointed out how ignorant the OP is for ignoring not only me, but the other people who have taken time to reply. I have pointed out to rainbow that she's trying to get others to stop responding out of annoyance while she is clearly responding out of annoyance.

If Terry and rainbow and whoever else can hold their tongues (although they clearly can't given their involvement in this thread) when faced with this type of ignorance then congratulations to them. I can't. I get annoyed by this behaviour, and I would much rather point it out directly to the OP than go running off to admin. FYI, what can be said to admin anyway? "That big bad darkside is being a big meanie, can you put him on the naughty step."

I've had enough of being lectured by you, Terry. I've tried to just ignore it and let you prattle on but at a certain point I've got to become bored by it. So take your own advice. If I say something that annoys you, why not just not comment and report me to admin? If you don't, you're just moaning.

Yep just a load of constant moaning. I thought so. All the usual rubbish about lectures and hypocrisy. Blah blah.

Admin ban trolls. Present them convincing evidence and voila. Alternatively keep bumping threads to complain.

I find it hilarious you complain of some of us bumping this thread who point out you are bumping it to keep it relevant. If everyone stopped, including me yes I know, it would soon be a zombie.

Rinse & repeat.

---------- Post added at 13:23 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ----------


Same old same old....

Yep, I'm off to another thread to do some lecturing & dissecting. Most people on both sides of this argument can see this serves no purpose.


01-05-17, 13:42
Is that all you've got? Lol ������you're a laugh a minute!

---------- Post added at 12:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

You're making assumptions! How would I think my anxiety is worse than yours? And how do you know that mine is'nt? I'm not trying to compete with anyone, everyone is going through their own kind of hell. My HA started after the death of my father and unfortunately I've had numerous episodes since then, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy and my heart goes out to anyone who suffers from this. Like you, I've always tried to be courteous and considerate while going through it but I'd be lying if I said that it doesn't change you, cos it does. I'm not the mother, partner or friend that I want to be atm and I feel like shit because of that.

Can this stop now please? This isn't benefiting anyone.

Yep done.

01-05-17, 13:56
Apologies to the OP but I'm closing this thread as it clearly isn't helping anyone.


16-05-17, 19:46
So, I posted a few weeks ago about random dizziness I was having and my fear it could be a brain tumor. I still have been having on / off dizziness occasionally.

Furthermore, I have developed a new symptom which is *very* concerning to me. Last night, I was very tired and went to bed at 8:30pm... I slept for about 10 hours. Today, I am still tired and have been yawning constantly.

I Google'd this and found that fatigue is the most common side effect of a brain tumor.

Now I am essentially certain I am dealing with something sinister. I am still yawning and tired even after sleeping 10 hours. I was relatively anxiety free last week so I have not been dealing with a lot of anxiety.

The only thing different about yesterday is that yesterday morning I went to the gym to lift weights which I have never done. But, I don't think that would make me abnormally tired that night and STILL be tired today after sleeping 10 hours so I don't think that is related.

16-05-17, 19:57
As someone who went through this, I can tell you that brain tumors are very rare.

Fatigue could be attributed to numerous benign causes.

Dizziness might be because you could be dehydrated, inner ear infection, or fatigued from lack of sleep because this has kept you up at night correct?

Try increasing your fluid intake, and see where that goes.

16-05-17, 20:00
My sleep has been fine. I typically get about 8 hours per night.

Gary A
16-05-17, 20:07
Go to your doctor.

And no, not because I think you're actually physically ill, but because you won't really care what anyone here says. That and the fact you need to deal with your anxiety.

16-05-17, 20:15
So something that helped me when I had vertigo: Rubbing lavender oil behind your ears. It sounds weird but it helped me.

16-05-17, 20:31
What should I make about the fatigue now coming on as well? It is not normal to still be tired after sleeping 10 hours is it?

Gary A
16-05-17, 20:38
What should I make about the fatigue now coming on as well? It is not normal to still be tired after sleeping 10 hours is it?

What did I just say?

Go to your doctor. You've had a response about the fatigue and, as is your way, you dismissed it off hand.

Just go to your doctor and stop wasting everyone's time. You aren't interested in what anyone here has to say.

16-05-17, 20:44
Hi darkside

I have a (benign) brain tumour and believe me when I tell you that there would be a whole heap of other symptoms that you would be experiencing alongside what you are currently describing. I'm not saying that to scare you, quite the opposite actually :)
The dizziness could be down to an ear infection.
If I get too much sleep I wake up feeling worse.
Or you could just be coming down with a cold/flu.

Give it a few days and if your symptoms still haven't settled go and see your doc.

Best wishes

16-05-17, 20:51
You might have over slept.

Like was mentioned above, you will probably have to bite the bullet and go to a doc for examination.

My doctor was very good, and once they know you are anxious about this kind of stuff they will put your mind at ease.

The hardest part is the waiting to get your results, but this place is a great place and resource to read all of the success stories with issues similar to yours because it will put your mind at ease.

I would recommend googling your symptoms and put nomorepanic after them in the search bar and it will come up with a bunch of posts on here, and that will help you.

You're gonna be ok!

17-05-17, 15:37
Are there solid explanations for this that aren't a brain tumor?

17-05-17, 16:33
Try writing down your fear here in this format:

"I am scared of because I have the symptom ______________. It's making me terrified because I am certain I have ___________________. There is no other explanation."

No write the same thing down and write "weird mark on my palm" and "skin cancer" in the blanks.

See where I'm going with this?

Gary A
17-05-17, 16:36
Are there solid explanations for this that aren't a brain tumor?

Yes, but none that you're going to pay any attention to.

Go to your doctor.

17-05-17, 18:49
I especially loved the "only thing I did different was lift weights for the first time in my life" bit. Some great subtle trolling here. Im a fan now.

17-05-17, 21:57
I might chip into this.....

I get dizzyness if I don't sleep more than 9 hours of sleep per night. I always feel dizzy if I don't. It normally subsides if you get a good nights rest. Why?, because even if you are sleeping 10 hours you are still stressed. Advice?, get some proper sleep.

Go to your GP, to receive a referral as I did.

You need to see a psychologist. Or someone who is specialized in that field.

I know where you are going to go with this, other members who helped me when I was in total panic are here. I asked and asked and asked, none of which gave me closure, not because I rejected what they said, but rather because I knew they were not medically trained. You will regret not going to your doctor.

18-05-17, 13:49
The fatigue went away so that must have been a temporary thing.

However, last night I had another "episode". I was sitting in bed on my laptop when I felt something "twitch" or "shift" in the back of my brain and then I was dizzy for about 1 second and then back to normal like nothing happened... :( I'm so scared.

Gary A
18-05-17, 14:00
The fatigue went away so that must have been a temporary thing.

However, last night I had another "episode". I was sitting in bed on my laptop when I felt something "twitch" or "shift" in the back of my brain and then I was dizzy for about 1 second and then back to normal like nothing happened... :( I'm so scared.

How does one get dizzy for one second? Seriously, how can you even call it dizziness when it lasts for.....

In fact, what am I doing? You don't care what I say, you don't care what anyone says.

Go to your doctor.

18-05-17, 16:18
I don't know how someone feels dizzy for 1 second, but that is what is happening.

I will have times where I feel slightly off balance when turning my head and stuff since this started as well. Along with the 1-2 second episodes I get where I have a stronger genuine dizzy / vertigo feeling.

18-05-17, 16:51
I've had those quick dizzy spells.

If you've had brain zaps, you've probably had them too.

They happen with anxiety, members on here get them. That's a good sign when some of us aren't even HAers that experience them.

They can feel weird & unpleasant but I've found they are more at times of higher anxiety levels. Bring those levels down and you may not experience them.

18-05-17, 17:42
I've had those quick dizzy spells.

If you've had brain zaps, you've probably had them too.

They happen with anxiety, members on here get them. That's a good sign when some of us aren't even HAers that experience them.

They can feel weird & unpleasant but I've found they are more at times of higher anxiety levels. Bring those levels down and you may not experience them.

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I can't really tell if they are zaps or not. It seems like everyone describes zaps as slightly different so I'm not sure what to make of them. I wouldn't say there is any "electrical" feeling or "surge" it's more like a shifting and then 1-2 seconds of vertigo / dizziness.

18-05-17, 17:43
Go see a doctor, he will give you an MRI.

18-05-17, 17:51
I'm my saying it's zaps that's just one example of when I've experienced them because the question had become whether you could feel such such a brief spell.

I've had zaps when withdrawing from Citalopram and it was like a guitar string in my head going TWANG. Then some momentary dizziness.

I've had them in other scenarios like getting to the top of the stairs. Some have them when getting up.

But my point was that whilst they can be experienced, I've only ever had them as part of my anxiety. And other sufferers on here have said the same. So, this gives you something to hang onto rather than the typical HA worries.

So, if we can get them with zaps from withdrawal, a time when our Serotonin levels are adjusting, perhaps there Is a Serotonin link? It's not something I've ever looked into. There are various neurotransmitters affected in anxiety.

18-05-17, 18:21
Go see a doctor, he will give you an MRI.

I'm just too scared to do that right now. I know that sounds crazy but to me going to the doctor for an MRI is acknowledging I very well could have a brain tumor, and I just can't bring myself to do that right now. :(

I'm mainly curious if brain tumors even manifest in this way. With sporadic periods of 1 second dizziness that may only occur once a day or once every few days.

It has been about a month since these started.

Gary A
18-05-17, 19:14
I'm just too scared to do that right now. I know that sounds crazy but to me going to the doctor for an MRI is acknowledging I very well could have a brain tumor, and I just can't bring myself to do that right now. :(

I'm mainly curious if brain tumors even manifest in this way. With sporadic periods of 1 second dizziness that may only occur once a day or once every few days.

It has been about a month since these started.

I reckon I've answered that question from you on at least 5 occasions now.

Dizziness caused by a brain tumour would be caused by the tumour putting pressure on the region of your brain that controls balance and co-ordination. The tumour would exert pressure on this region causing disruption of the electrical impulses that area receives and communicates.

Now, common sense tells you that a tumour is a rigid mass. If the symptom is caused by a rigid mass exerting a pressure on a particular region of the brain, do you think that would cause symptoms that only last for one second? Of course not.

The symptoms would of course be unrelenting, and as the tumour grows and puts more pressure onto the brain, the symptoms become progressively worse. Try to realise that brain tumours aren't in any way subtle.

18-05-17, 19:36
Dizziness isn't even a top 5 symptom of brain tumor

18-05-17, 19:48
Thanks for the help all. Sorry I can be such a pain :/

18-05-17, 20:12
Please don't apologize!! Most of us here are going through the same thing! I'm having a brain tumor week too! Every so offten i will get a bad pain in the top of my head and it freaks me out! Im trying to tell myself its nothing! Hope you start to feel better soon x

18-05-17, 22:51
Go see a doctor, he will give you an MRI.

They probably won't, under extreme circumstances maybe but considering how mild his symptoms are I doubt it.

GP's I have heard don't like imposing unnecessary radiation on the body for no reason.

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

And not to be rude it is very expensive, as there are some people who genuinely need it.

18-05-17, 22:58
I reckon I've answered that question from you on at least 5 occasions now.

Dizziness caused by a brain tumour would be caused by the tumour putting pressure on the region of your brain that controls balance and co-ordination. The tumour would exert pressure on this region causing disruption of the electrical impulses that area receives and communicates.

Now, common sense tells you that a tumour is a rigid mass. If the symptom is caused by a rigid mass exerting a pressure on a particular region of the brain, do you think that would cause symptoms that only last for one second? Of course not.

The symptoms would of course be unrelenting, and as the tumour grows and puts more pressure onto the brain, the symptoms become progressively worse. Try to realise that brain tumours aren't in any way subtle.

Gary, Without causing conflict, I am genuinely interested if you suffer from HA?


19-05-17, 01:31
They probably won't, under extreme circumstances maybe but considering how mild his symptoms are I doubt it.

GP's I have heard don't like imposing unnecessary radiation on the body for no reason.

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

And not to be rude it is very expensive, as there are some people who genuinely need it.

Absolutely. In a public health system, like our NHS, it drains funds because this is an expensive procedure and this means those who truly need them are still needing to be funded, as well as how they may be behind you in the queue.

In a private system, who knows, they may just let you waste your money all the time?

---------- Post added at 01:31 ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 ----------

I'm just too scared to do that right now. I know that sounds crazy but to me going to the doctor for an MRI is acknowledging I very well could have a brain tumor, and I just can't bring myself to do that right now. :(

I'm mainly curious if brain tumors even manifest in this way. With sporadic periods of 1 second dizziness that may only occur once a day or once every few days.

It has been about a month since these started.

But why do you even need a MRI? Because some usernames on a forum say so? Only a doctor can determine if any test is needed.

So, how do you know you will even have one? If your doctor sees no need, it would responsible to refuse a request and notr consider doing it as a "reassurance" test either as this only fuels anxiety.

So, why don't you approach it as "I'm going to the doctor to see what they think" and "if they believe it's anxiety and not someone physical, I will try to follow their recommendations?"

You're worrying about tests and you may never have them. It's doubtful you will, unless the US health system wastes tons of money on pointless testing to make some cash for those doing the tests?

Being afraid of seeing doctors is someone some HAers have. But it's something you need to conquer to get the help you need. This may mean working towards getting into the surgery by gradually working up to it (sit outside for a hour, sit inside for 30 mins, etc) or just pushing through.

But the reality is - it's just a basic anxiety issue, fear of the unknown and lacking control.

HAer look at symptoms in isolation. They see it as "brain tumour" when a doctor looks across a greater range of possibilities and rules them out. Part of that ruling out is looking not only at symptoms that don't match but aslo for those that disprove the possible diagnosis.

19-05-17, 02:21
Absolutely. In a public health system, like our NHS, it drains funds because this is an expensive procedure and this means those who truly need them are still needing to be funded, as well as how they may be behind you in the queue.

In a private system, who knows, they may just let you waste your money all the time?

---------- Post added at 01:31 ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 ----------

But why do you even need a MRI? Because some usernames on a forum say so? Only a doctor can determine if any test is needed.

So, how do you know you will even have one? If your doctor sees no need, it would responsible to refuse a request and notr consider doing it as a "reassurance" test either as this only fuels anxiety.

So, why don't you approach it as "I'm going to the doctor to see what they think" and "if they believe it's anxiety and not someone physical, I will try to follow their recommendations?"

You're worrying about tests and you may never have them. It's doubtful you will, unless the US health system wastes tons of money on pointless testing to make some cash for those doing the tests?

Being afraid of seeing doctors is someone some HAers have. But it's something you need to conquer to get the help you need. This may mean working towards getting into the surgery by gradually working up to it (sit outside for a hour, sit inside for 30 mins, etc) or just pushing through.

But the reality is - it's just a basic anxiety issue, fear of the unknown and lacking control.

HAer look at symptoms in isolation. They see it as "brain tumour" when a doctor looks across a greater range of possibilities and rules them out. Part of that ruling out is looking not only at symptoms that don't match but aslo for those that disprove the possible diagnosis.

Public system here too.

As for him, I have heard that MRI's are in the 000's there. So I think he should simply go to the GP (or what ever their equivalent is) and get referred to a psychologist.

---------- Post added at 01:21 ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 ----------

Destroying your savings to feed a mental ailment we all know you have is not a really solid option.

Anyhow considering how many people have pitched in its time you sought help.

19-05-17, 12:25
I've had this exact fear. You probably overslept. Oversleeping is so far from reenergizing. Also yawning is really on your mind. When people think about yawning it tends to trigger a yawn. Dizzy spells can easily be caused by anxiety. Trust me. I've been dizzy for weeks straight but it would turn out to be my anxiety accompanied with the lack of self care (eating and drinking water) that followed as a result. After anxiety kicks in during a hypochondria episode your brain might also trigger psychosomatic symptoms that immitate those you may have read somewhere.

19-05-17, 16:16
I've had just a general headache for the past 3 days as well. It seems to mainly be in the back of my head. What does that mean? Does anyone else get headaches mainly in the back? That's also where the "shifting" or whatever seemed to happen when I had the 1-2 second dizziness.

---------- Post added at 10:16 ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 ----------

I also have had a slightly queasy feeling with the headaches. Does anyone else get this? It sounds like I'm going to have to accept I have signs that seriously point towards a brain tumor.

19-05-17, 16:35
I don't seem to have many other symptoms other than dull headache and the random dizzy spells that last 1-2 seconds, which I seem to have one every couple of days.

I am still able to play basketball, work out, etc. I don't have any speech or cognitive problems.

I work on the computer all day as a programmer. I'm not sure if that contributes to some symptoms. I have never had a dizzy spell happen when I wasn't looking at a computer screen. However, that may be just coincidence since a large percentage of my time is spent on a screen.

19-05-17, 16:52
Looking at screens all day caused my eyesight to worsen and now I wear glasses.

That can easily cause headaches and more.

But it can also just be eyestrain. Are you following the health & safety guidelines on reducing this? They only help to a point and eventually it can mean glasses for many of us. An eye test would sort that out.

All the rest you say about brain tumours is all the standard fayre we hear on this board all year round. I've even seen two people with actual brain tumours on here saying HAers are wrong about the symptoms they are describing as being one as well as a couple of people who's loved ones suffered them.

The things you are worrying about are experienced all time by people and they mean nothing. That momentary dizziness, for example. Aside from what I mentioned about anxiety earlier there have been many times in my life I've heard someone wobbly and say "I just felt giddy". They think nothing of it and get on with their day.

Only HAers start searching for possible terrifying root causes.

19-05-17, 21:45
I'm thinking of going to the emergency room and asking for a CT. :(

19-05-17, 21:48
Here we go again..

19-05-17, 22:06
The ER will not do a CT for a few seconds of dizziness . You should know this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Gary A
19-05-17, 22:21
I'm thinking of going to the emergency room and asking for a CT. :(

Good luck with that.

19-05-17, 22:34
The ER will not do a CT for a few seconds of dizziness . You should know this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't just have "a few seconds of dizziness". I have had sporadic 1-2 second dizziness episodes many days of the last month. I have also had headaches that come and go.

19-05-17, 22:37
I don't just have "a few seconds of dizziness". I have had sporadic 1-2 second dizziness episodes many days of the last month. I have also had headaches that come and go.

It's still not cost effective for what you're describing.! It's all anxiety. Especially if you go somewhere that you are known. It's anxiety, anxiety, anxiety ....... and you have to know this by now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-05-17, 22:38
It's still not cost effective for what you're describing.! It's all anxiety. Especially if you go somewhere that you are known. It's anxiety, anxiety, anxiety ....... and you have to know this by now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I would believe that if it started when I was anxious, but I was actually coming off a very calm few weeks when it first started.

19-05-17, 22:39
Anxiety comes out of nowhere for no reason sometimes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-05-17, 22:48
You say you have been having these symptoms for months. if you had an untreated Brain tumour for that length of time then I would imagine your symptoms would have became considerably worse by now.

Your anxiety is feeding the symptoms.You can't and won't get over this until you speak to a professional. All the Dr Googling and advice on here won't help one single bit until you have heard it from the horses mouth.

I know how scared you are and I understand that but please take the step to see a medical professional. I bet it will be so worth while and could save you all this distress.


19-05-17, 23:14
Only 1 month.

19-05-17, 23:35
Only 1 month.

These are not the symptoms of a brain tumor .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-05-17, 23:44
Ok so lets look at this in a different way. You're convinced you have a brain tumour, right?.

Until you take this away from this site and seek medical attention, you'll never know!. You are going round in circles.

I don't believe anyone who has replied to this post believes you have a tumour but we are not medically qualified to judge. We can only try to give you our opinion and support.

How about you go talk to a doctor and come back and give us the fabulous news that you are absolutely fine. I believe 100% that you are but like I said, we are not medically qualified.

19-05-17, 23:47
I have had the same symptoms for nearly three months and I am still here.

They won't give you a CT scan on demand, stop being selfish there are people who actually may have tumours that need the services you are demanding.

Not to be blunt but you seriously need to go to the doctor, not for your phantom non-existent illness and a referral to a psychologist as I have.

Wasting the time of the doctors isn't fair to the people who are suffering, think of that before you rush off to the ER.

Gary A
19-05-17, 23:51
Are people getting the message yet? This person is not interested in listening to a damn word anyone says. Sure as fate he will disappear in a puff of smoke then return next month telling us he's utterly convinced he has swine flu or something.

Utter nonsense.

20-05-17, 00:19
What's all this nonsense about? If you had a tumour putting pressure on nerves etc in the brain, you wouldn't be in a state to write cogently and intelligibly here, let alone carry on working in programming :lac:

20-05-17, 00:47
What's all this nonsense about? If you had a tumour putting pressure on nerves etc in the brain, you wouldn't be in a state to write cogently and intelligibly here, let alone carry on working in programming :lac:

This man really does talk sense. :yesyes:

20-05-17, 03:41
Are people getting the message yet? This person is not interested in listening to a damn word anyone says. Sure as fate he will disappear in a puff of smoke then return next month telling us he's utterly convinced he has swine flu or something.

Utter nonsense.

With all due respect, have you considered we understand this? It's better to have a group of people constantly tell you you're ok than shouting into an empty room.... Just because anxiety will pass and return again doesn't mean we should all ignore them.

20-05-17, 04:27
With all due respect, have you considered we understand this? It's better to have a group of people constantly tell you you're ok than shouting into an empty room.... Just because anxiety will pass and return again doesn't mean we should all ignore them.

This same thing happened to me when I kept asking and everyone basically told me to f-off when I didn't listen to them. Personally, it will mean they are more inclined to see a doctor. Worked with me, should work with him.

Us plebs aren't medically trained, thus we are all shouting in the dark room.
I had the exact same symptoms as him and told him. He should take that on board.

20-05-17, 05:09
Hi darkside

I have a (benign) brain tumour and believe me when I tell you that there would be a whole heap of other symptoms that you would be experiencing alongside what you are currently describing. I'm not saying that to scare you, quite the opposite actually :)
The dizziness could be down to an ear infection.
If I get too much sleep I wake up feeling worse.
Or you could just be coming down with a cold/flu.

Give it a few days and if your symptoms still haven't settled go and see your doc.

Best wishes

This is one of the two people I've seen talk about having a benign brain tumour. So, yes they don't always have to be the ones we automatically assume which are typically scary.

We also have a couple of members who's loved ones have experienced the terrifying ones too.

I've had the privilege of knowing someone who suffered a secondary one and from listening to their daily life with an amount of time left to live, their symptoms were way beyond the minor things being mentioned in this thread. I say privilege because of the person's view on life, they were inspirational.

If these members are saying your symptoms don't match, and I've seen all four say this to HAers worrying about them, then people should take note.

So, I think about some of the symptoms I've had, especially since my relapse which brought many weird ones.

- 3 months of daily headaches
- daily dizzy spells
- inability to concentrate, even to do basic sums that were a doddle before
- memory problems
- coordination issues
- brain fog

Many more too but the above seem relevant to anything brain worrying. They may not be but I think a HAer would likely assume they were so they are relevant for the purpose of this.

Do I have a brain tumour? Of course not. These have been going on throughout a 5 year period.

You mention a month. I had 3 months of pressure headaches non stop. I'm certainly not alone on here either. You know I've had those momentary dizzy spells, as have plenty of others on here.

So, looking at what I've listed would you say I need to see a doctor about a brain tumour tumour or rush to A&E?

On the subject of A&E, what do you expect them to do that your doctor couldn't? You've had these symptoms a while now so why wouldn't the normal route for treatment be right? And why today? Why not yesterday or last week? So, tomorrow you may calm down and feel different about it and know why you shouldn't go there?

When you've not been posting, have you been worrying as much? How did you get on with your life? Were you consumed with these worries then or did you find they bothered you less? If they bothered you less, why? What was different in your life? Did you find you could think more objectively? Did you have thoughts that it probably wasn't a brain tumour?

These are important questions to ask. They poke holes in your fears.

Kristie - I hope you are well and continue to be so. I hope you are getting all the treatment & support you need to get through this. The forum is here for you if you need us. :hugs:

20-05-17, 07:37
Only 1 month.

So it started about the same time that you finally accepted that the spot on your hand wasn't melanoma. Which unless of missed it you haven't said how you came to accept it wasn't melanoma. You just said your hand was fine. That is the pattern that anxiety typically follows. Fear of dying from one disease changes to fear of dying from a different one. No amount of specialist visits convinced you that the spot on your hand was harmless. You could see a neurologist who might send you for a ct scan or MRI and the outcome will be the same. You won't accept the word of an expert. If you are genuine then from what I can see the road ahead for you is going to be a very long and tortuous one. It's the same for a drug addict or alcoholic. That is, recovery isn't possible until they acknowledge that they have a problem.

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 15:47 ----------

I've had just a general headache for the past 3 days as well. It seems to mainly be in the back of my head. What does that mean? Does anyone else get headaches mainly in the back? That's also where the "shifting" or whatever seemed to happen when I had the 1-2 second dizziness.

---------- Post added at 10:16 ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 ----------

I also have had a slightly queasy feeling with the headaches. Does anyone else get this? It sounds like I'm going to have to accept I have signs that seriously point towards a brain tumor.

This is exactly the sort of thing you used to say about your belief the spot on your hand was melanoma. You said you were just going to have to accept that it was melanoma. Unlike most of the other people here you have not reached a point where you can look back on your previous catastrophic thinking and even consider you need professional help to deal with your anxiety. From where I sit there are a few people on this board who like myself are fully recovered. There are a large number who are in various stages of recovery. Then there is a small group who are so broken that they are a long way from recovery. But even with the latter group there is a certain willingness to consider they may have a mental illness. They just haven't reached the point where they are motivated to do something about it. You are in none of these groups and that is why I say the road to recovery is is going to be very long for you. Get help from a professional.

21-05-17, 17:54
I have had the same symptoms for nearly three months and I am still here.

You have had the 1-2 second spells of strong vertigo that hit you out of nowhere? How often do they hit you?

22-05-17, 21:50
I'm seriously so depressed. All day today while working on the computer I have had a feeling of motion sickness / mild headache / mild nausea.

I just can't help but believe this is a brain tumor. I'm really trying to remain calm. I'm also trying to remain calm because I feel like I did have a period of about 3 months a couple years ago where I went through a similar thing of feeling a mild headache and motion sickness almost every day.

However, back then never had any of the 1-2 second strong spells of dizziness like I have had over the past month.

22-05-17, 22:28
Chin up Brandon. It's anxiety.

22-05-17, 22:48
My name is not Brandon.

23-05-17, 02:30
Go to a doctor. There isn't much we can do for you here.

24-05-17, 02:36
If you think its a brain tumor just go to your doctor and discuss it with them. They'll be able to distinguish if you need a scan or not.

31-05-17, 10:36
You never did update us on this one. How did it turn out?

17-06-17, 04:23
You never did update us on this one. How did it turn out?
He's moved on to thinking his 5 year old has a tumor. Maybe he's forgotten about his own?

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19-09-17, 18:35
For the past week I have been having sleep disturbances. Tossing and turning from about 4am onward each night.

Yesterday, I had some head pains that happened 2-3 times. Quick, sharp time pains that lasted about 1 second and then I had a slight headache the rest of the day afterwards. It just happened again today.

I am very worried this all points towards a brain tumor. I haven't Googled the sleep disturbances because I'm scared that will point me further towards a brain tumor.

What makes me especially nervous is the head pains were in basically the exact same spot both days.

19-09-17, 23:29
I get those little headaches sometimes when I wake up. They are some form of ice pick headache I believe. Perhaps your sleeping posture needs to be adjusted?

Good job not Googling, though!

20-09-17, 00:45
Getting more concerned now. The pains are getting more frequent.

20-09-17, 13:25
I woke up with some of the pains during the night. :/ ... I really am pretty convinced a tumor is inside my head. I don't think anything else would cause pain like that in the same location for now 3 days in a row.

20-09-17, 13:36
I woke up with some of the pains during the night. :/ ... I really am pretty convinced a tumor is inside my head. I don't think anything else would cause pain like that in the same location for now 3 days in a row.

I've had headaches in the same place for well over a week in the past and can say with certainty I do not have a tumour.

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20-09-17, 15:04
Careful... you're heading for....


Positive thoughts
Damn that Gif is very eerie had me staring at it all zoned out lol

20-09-17, 16:34
I've had headaches in the same place for well over a week in the past and can say with certainty I do not have a tumour.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Was yours like sharpish pains that come and go quickly? In one spot? Sometimes several in the space of like 10-20 seconds. It's happening again today.

This is maybe the most convinced I have ever been that something is genuinely wrong.

21-09-17, 13:10
Was yours like sharpish pains that come and go quickly? In one spot? Sometimes several in the space of like 10-20 seconds. It's happening again today.

This is maybe the most convinced I have ever been that something is genuinely wrong.

Nah, trust me it isn't the most convinced you've been. lol

24-09-17, 00:55
I had a couple days without any pains but then had two quick ones this afternoon.

If I had a tumor would that be the case?

24-09-17, 02:10
If you had a brain tumor, I don't think you'd be on here telling us :)

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24-09-17, 10:04
Was yours like sharpish pains that come and go quickly? In one spot? Sometimes several in the space of like 10-20 seconds. It's happening again today.

This is maybe the most convinced I have ever been that something is genuinely wrong.

Oh gosh yeah, once I get one of those types of pain I know they will keep happening for a while.

Have you talked to doctors in the past about these concerns?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-12-17, 19:23
Well, I’m terrified. This morning just after finishing a large breakfast I got a few head pains right near the top of my head. They lasted a few seconds each. Kind of like throbbing pains.

Then I started feeling nauseous like I was going to throw up. It’s been several hours and my head still feels funny and I still feel kind of queasy like I’m motion sick.

I’m absolutely certain this is a brain tumor. The headache. The feeling like I am going to throw up. All of it. I’m so worried. I feel like with my other fears something deep down told me it could all just be my health anxiety but this is so real and so scary.

Gary A
10-12-17, 19:28
Oh give yourself a fu*king rest, nobody is playing.

10-12-17, 19:30
I wish I could but this is not all in my head. I’ve been laying in bed for hours with these symptoms.

Gary A
10-12-17, 19:33
I wish I could but this is not all in my head. I’ve been laying in bed for hours with these symptoms.

Sure you have. How’s your mouth cancer and your child’s stomach cancer? Settled have they?

Give it up, you’re acting like nothing more than a morbid creep.

10-12-17, 19:55
I shouldn’t ignore clear brain tumor symptoms.

10-12-17, 19:57

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


Not sure there is anything to be said that hasn't been said in the past.

We are still waiting on your promised 15 mins a day helping others

Gary A
10-12-17, 20:15
I shouldn’t ignore clear brain tumor symptoms.

Course not.

Give it up.

10-12-17, 20:50
Ahh a little harsh off Gary but I don't know the full history 21 pages long! Ok may I suggest to the OP your HA is out of control way out get some Therapy for your own good and for the sake of your family too ATB

bin tenn
11-12-17, 13:26
After all this time, I'm surprised you're still generating 21 pages of replies.

11-12-17, 14:53
I merged with previous threads in the hope that Dark would see the cycle, and also so that other posters could see the cycle before contributing

13-12-17, 17:46
Still going with the headache and feeling out of it. I really have no other idea what this could be. Brain tumor is a huge fear.

13-12-17, 20:11
[QUOTE=darkside4k;1743457]Still going with the headache and feeling out of it. I really have no other idea what this could be. Brain tumor is a huge fear.[/QUOTE Ok so what do you plan to abut your HA which is serverly affecting you life?? And I am afraid we don't know whats going on with your headaches either only your dr will know. ATB

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ----------

I have read the entire thread and every one is right you ignore peoples posts and requests to see a dr ok say your car wasn't working right you would get it looked at right ? Same applies to your health which is in your case is HA GET THIS LOOKED AT by your dr no excuses and unlike other posters you aint getting my goat up other posters will be back sadly getting no where think they must enjoy it BYE

13-12-17, 22:19
I’ve skipped through a few pages and can I just say I’m suprised by how negative some people are being - surely we are all in this together? I’m currently going through my own brain tumour HA scared to new blind spot and came on here for advice but this seems a scary place as well. Advice, such as go to the Drs, does not suit all. I physically can’t make myself go to the Drs. Let’s stick together eh? HA is trying to be against us, we all need each other.

13-12-17, 23:25
I’ve skipped through a few pages and can I just say I’m suprised by how negative some people are being - surely we are all in this together? I’m currently going through my own brain tumour HA scared to new blind spot and came on here for advice but this seems a scary place as well. Advice, such as go to the Drs, does not suit all. I physically can’t make myself go to the Drs. Let’s stick together eh? HA is trying to be against us, we all need each other. Well I read the whole thread to get the full story! Yes agree we are all in this together some comments were a little harsh guess it's to try and get the op to do something about there HA it's not that there isn't any help out there cause there is :) You say you cant go to your drs so do you want to continue to suffer Surely not :) ATB

13-12-17, 23:25
Hi Whyme, don't be scared. Nomorepanic is a wonderful community.

Unfortunately many members have a history with Darkside. He suffers greatly with his anxiety but refused to accept that he has an anxiety problem. He also refused to accept any help from forum members. In the last year he has been convinced he has a terminal brain tumour, melanoma and oral cancer.

Many members are frustrated because it is a literal circle but he does nothing to try and break it. There is only so much support you can give someone until it feels like a lost cause!

hopefully darkside will one day realise he is not dying and seek the help he really needs... help with his anxiety!

14-12-17, 10:17
Darkstar, it sounds like a migraine. They can go in for days. You need to get some migraine relief painkillers. And yes, migraines often come with nausea.

I think if you read back to your previous posts in May, you will realise that you are fine. A brain tumour would not just go away for 7 months without treatment and reappear again. It's a simple migraine. If it was going in for more than a few days or really got worse pain wise, get it checked out if you're worried. The Dr could probably give you a specific prescription only medication for migraines. He could also put your mind at rest regarding your fears. My friend has had a continuous migraine for 11 months (no lie). It ebbs and flows but is always there to some degree. They obviously in her case did further tests and scans but again, all was found that she is having lots of migraines. She's now on BOTOX which is helping. So, it just shows you.

14-12-17, 10:48
No seriously folks I cant understand why do some ppl want to sit on their symptoms rather than get help and begin to get better? Guess some will never get better. Compassion is needed at times, empathy too, with some reassurance and a kick up the old back side when needed is all good, see some posts have been removed by admin if the poster(s) is getting that wound up maybe they shouldnt post on a thread till calm :)

14-12-17, 18:45
Headache has been off and on the last few days still. More on than off. The nausea was due to a stomach virus that went through our whole family it seems. That has mainly subsided... still a bit worried about the headache.

I do know I try to seek reassurance on here a lot. Frankly, seeking it on here keeps me from seeking it from my wife or loved ones and honestly makes my "real life" a bit more manageable and less stressful.

14-12-17, 19:08
I do know I try to seek reassurance on here a lot. Frankly, seeking it on here keeps me from seeking it from my wife or loved ones and honestly makes my "real life" a bit more manageable and less stressful.

I want you to take in what I'm about to say. I get what you're saying about your family. It does make sense. That being said, you have a long history from AZ and on here of not acknowledging responses. The same pattern has been going on for years. This pattern has elicited many negative responses and feelings as well as doubts as to your authenticity and rightly so.

So when others get frustrated (myself included), I truly hope you can see why. Your participation on this forum as well as AZ has been totally one sided. Being able to step away and offer advice and help others (as you promised to do) can go a long way in smoothing over the negative feelings many have to your posts.

That, as well as actually taking real life steps to address your anxiety would do 100X more than what's taking place here on the forum.

Again, I hope you can put aside your anxiety enough to take in what I'm observing.

Positive thoughts

14-12-17, 19:24
I want you to take in what I'm about to say. I get what you're saying about your family. It does make sense. That being said, you have a long history from AZ and on here of not acknowledging responses. The same pattern has been going on for years. This pattern has elicited many negative responses and feelings as well as doubts as to your authenticity and rightly so.

So when others get frustrated (myself included), I truly hope you can see why. Your participation on this forum as well as AZ has been totally one sided. Being able to step away and offer advice and help others (as you promised to do) can go a long way in smoothing over the negative feelings many have to your posts.

That, as well as actually taking real life steps to address your anxiety would do 100X more than what's taking place here on the forum.

Again, I hope you can put aside your anxiety enough to take in what I'm observing.

Positive thoughts

An answer to this would be appreciated by many on here

23-12-17, 18:06
There are thousands of benign conditions that can cause headaches! It doesn't always mean a brain tumour. There's allergies, chiari malformation, syringomyelia, STRESS, sensitivity to light i.e. a computer screen, dehydration, poor nutrition, vitamin deficiencies (very common) try to keep calm.

Take some painkillers and stay hydrated

28-12-17, 18:53
On Monday night I had some shooting pains in my left ear. Basically a moderate pain that lasted about 2-3 seconds and happened several times. It happened again some more Tuesday morning... maybe once or twice, and then not much the rest of Tuesday. Same thing today and yesterday, I've had it happen several times all in my left ear.

Has anyone else had this? My primary concern right now is that this is some kind of brain tumor or ear canal tumor maybe. I don't know what else would be causing such pain. I am not sick. I do not have a cold.

That rules out most benign things so I'm thinking it could be a brain tumor which terrifies me.

28-12-17, 19:03
Some things don't change here, huh?

Get some help, Darkside.

28-12-17, 19:14
Just trying to find out if anyone has had similar symptoms.

Gary A
28-12-17, 19:33
Why can’t it just be a pain? Why does it always have to be cancerous with you?

28-12-17, 20:45
Because this is a hypochondria board and I'm a hypochondriac?

I'm mainly wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms and what it turned out to be if so.

28-12-17, 21:36
Having a bit of occasional earache for a few seconds?

Probably every human being in the world.

28-12-17, 21:47
I know this is a sticky - but I'm wondering how many people actually read the stickies since there are quite a lot of them and after a while people just go straight to the posts? I could be wrong?

Hi Everyone

Please check out the following website for excellent FREE ebooks on health Anxiety - I have copied and pasted the info and links from the actual website

http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/reso...cfm?Info_ID=53 (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53)

You all know by now that reassurance doesn't work for long and that the best thing to do is fully understand Health Anxiety.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE at least download these modules and read them - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain :-)

When you click on a link for the books I think it downloads the PDF straight to your computer - so you need to check your downloads folder

Helping Health Anxiety
Overcoming Health Anxiety: This InfoPax is designed to provide you with some information about health anxiety, including how it develops, how it is maintained, and how to decrease your health worries and concerns. It is organised into modules that are designed to be worked through in sequence. We recommend that you complete one module before going on to the next. Each module includes information, worksheets, and suggested exercises or activities. Modules:

Module 1: Understanding Health Anxiety (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 1.pdf)
This module provides an overview of what health anxiety is, how it can be a problem, and what kind of impact it can have on a person's life. PDF document: 272kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 2: How Health Anxiety Develops (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 2.pdf)
This module explores, and provides a model of, how health anxiety may develop. PDF document: 247kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 3: What Keeps Health Anxiety Going? (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 3.pdf)
This module explores, and provides a model, of how health anxiety might be triggered and then maintained. PDF document: 300kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 4: Reducing Your Focus on Health Symptoms and Worries (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/ACF6425.pdf)
This module explores some attention training exercises aimed at reducing the amount of time you spend focussed on health symptoms and worries. PDF document: 291kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 5: Re-evaluating Unhelpful Health Related Thinking (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/ACF88A2.pdf)
This module explores how your thoughts can influence your feelings, physiological state, and behaviours. This module then discusses ways to evaluate and overcome unhelpful health related thinking. PDF document: 251kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 6: Reducing Checking and Reassurance Seeking (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 6.pdf)
This module explores the different ways people check and seek reassurance regarding their health concerns, discusses the difference between helpful and unhelpful checking and reassurance seeking, and introduces strategies to reduce or eliminate these behaviours. PDF document: 309kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 7: Challenging Avoidance and Safety Behaviours (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/ACF6428.pdf)
This module explores how avoidance and safety behaviours can keep health anxiety going, and introduces a strategy to gradually reduce and overcome these behaviours. PDF document: 259kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 8: Adjusting Health Rules and Assumptions (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 8.pdf)
In this module we will focus on challenging the unhelpful rules and assumptions that can keep you caught in the vicious cycle of health anxiety. PDF document: 195kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 9: Healthy Living and Self Management Planning (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 9.pdf)
This final module brings all the concepts of this information package together, presents a new model for healthy living, and includes a self-management plan to help you to stay on track in the future. PDF document: 234kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

What do you have to lose

28-12-17, 22:06
Because this is a hypochondria board and I'm a hypochondriac?

I'm mainly wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms and what it turned out to be if so.

If you're aware and admit that you're a "hypochondriac", then you're also aware that you have an anxiety disorder. So why don't you do something about it?

It would also address your second point: ie, you're questioning normal and benign "symptoms" due to your anxiety disorder.

28-12-17, 22:15
Blocked ear from ear wax maybe? I've had pain when my ear is blocked

29-12-17, 00:49
I get that shooting pain in my ear every now and then too. Unfortunately I’m prone to heavy wax buildup in my ears. So once I do the ear cleaning thing I typically don’t notice it happen again for awhile.

Not to worry :) If the pain becomes constant I’d go see a doc only because that would point towards fluid / ear infection, which usually requires antibiotics to treat. Highly doubt it’s anything serious though!!

29-12-17, 03:08
Sorry Brian I read the thread wrong.
I thought it said. Strange Shooting pain in the Rear. I must get my eyes checked.:D

29-12-17, 04:37
Some things don't change here, huh?

Get some help, Darkside.

Noticed you were back. Protect yourself from the drama these threads bring if it's detrimental to your mental health. It's easy to get drawn in.

Darkside, that's not about you or your thread, but to another member who is working on recovery and I would hate to see him trying to help pulling him off course because it's often what can happen to those who feel the need to help others.

29-12-17, 08:09
Very true. Look after your own precious mental health, axolotl-you have worked very hard to make significant progress. Don't jeopardise that?

30-12-17, 00:59
I didn’t think about the pain and didn’t notice any most of today. I had a medium pain for 3-4 seconds tonight though which has me worried. Does anyone know if brain tumors can manifest this way?

31-12-17, 21:15
Still wondering if brain tumors can manifest this way. I had another 5-6 second period of pain today in the ear.

Has anyone had anything like this or know if it’s a common brain tumor symptom?

02-01-18, 05:03
Still wondering if brain tumors can manifest this way. I had another 5-6 second period of pain today in the ear.

Has anyone had anything like this or know if it’s a common brain tumor symptom?

I have had this before, and have had an MRI. I do not have a brain tumor. Not sure if it helps you, or not.

02-01-18, 09:53
I have got this and mine is linked to a sinus infection.
There are many of us that fear things like a brain tumour, because of our obssesive over-thinking and the need to act quickly if something is wrong. We tend to forget that pains can also be caused by common ailments like colds, viruses and sinus problems. Let alone general aches and pains. Google is the worst thing you can do, it will frighten you in to thinking you have some deadly disease!

17-01-18, 01:50
So this night I suddenly developed tinnitus. It came on in my right ear but honesty now it kinda sounds like it’s through both ears. I’m super concerned. I’ve never had this before and am very scared it points towards a brain tumor.

Is tinnitus a common brain tumor symptom or would that be a rare symptom of a tumor?

---------- Post added at 19:50 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

Now I can't stop listening to see if I hear the tinnitus and I can't even tell what's normal and what's tinnitus anymore. :(

17-01-18, 02:05
It's a pretty common thing a lot of people get for a variety of reasons. Brain tumor is the least likely scenario.

17-01-18, 02:39
I get it sometimes in my ears. I think it’s a combination of listening to music with earbuds and/or probably too much wax in my ears at a given time. There’s lots of things that could cause it that aren’t serious.

17-01-18, 16:01
Now I can't even tell if I have it or not. I keep examining my hearing during silence to see if I hear it. But I think I've always had some faint ringing... nothing huge or distracting. Does everyone have that a little bit?

I can't even tell if I have tinnitus or this is how my normal hearing is and I'm just examining it more closely. Maybe it is louder now and indicates a brain tumor? It doesn't really seem to be louder on one particular side.