View Full Version : Quitting Citalopram after using for less than 6 weeks, will it be hard?

10-12-17, 23:37
I've been using Citalopram for about 6 weeks or so now. It did help a little but the side effect are way to annoying for me. I've been reading a lot on people quitting Citalopram and having the worst time of their life and it scares me a lot. Any of you tried quitting Citalopram after only 6 or 8 weeks of use? Was it difficult? Of course I will ask my doctor soon but I just wanted to know if anyone had any experience quitting after only a short period of usage.


11-12-17, 00:48
I didn't quit - I stuck it out.

If the side effects are too much for you, do what you have to do. But do take the doctor's advice on how to come off - if you do it incorrectly, you could make the side effects much worse for a while. Don't do anything without your doctor - that's the number one rule.

For me, the side effects were unpleasant, but not being on the drugs was far, far worse. I needed help urgently - the level of anxiety and depression I was at was unbearable. And staying on them made ALL the difference. I got free of anxiety and depression, thanks to the drugs.

11-12-17, 01:02
I didn't quit - I stuck it out.

If the side effects are too much for you, do what you have to do. But do take the doctor's advice on how to come off - if you do it incorrectly, you could make the side effects much worse for a while. Don't do anything without your doctor - that's the number one rule.

For me, the side effects were unpleasant, but not being on the drugs was far, far worse. I needed help urgently - the level of anxiety and depression I was at was unbearable. And staying on them made ALL the difference. I got free of anxiety and depression, thanks to the drugs.

I will call my Doctor tomorrow and ask her for her advice that's for sure. Since I've starting taking those pills I can't ejaculate anymore or even get an orgasm and it's just killing me. I wasn't depressed before, just had some medium to sometime heavy anxiety attack but I'm not willing to let those pill ruin my sex life. I want to come off those pills, go back to the gym, eat well and start going out a bit, see if that help. No sex is just as bad as beeing anxious all the time :/

Hopefully and since I've been taking them for about 6 weeks or so it won't be too too difficult >.<