View Full Version : Esophagus cancer

11-12-17, 01:56
Hello folks,

Let me start off by sharing that I am new here and I am a long time suffer of health anxiety.

I'll get straight to the point: I've convinced myself that I have esophageal cancer. About a month ago I went to my doctor with the symptom of a pressure in my chest right where the trachea meets the lungs. No pain, no coughing, just a discomfort. He thought it could be something viral. The next day I broke out in a low grade fever and felt general flu-like symptoms minus any cough or drainage. I felt better in a few days but went back to the doctor two weeks later due to the chest discomfort. Had a normal blood count and chest x-ray, doc gave me antibiotics. I had assumed the issue was in my lungs or trachea. It never occurred to me it could be my esophagus until a week later when I noticed swallowing food felt weird in my esophagus below the collarbone. A few days later it now hurts to swallow food. I'm at risk for esophagus cancer due to a history of acid reflux but I am young for it at 32. I've also been belching a lot.

I don't know if my anxiety is getting the best of me or if I have a serious issue. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow but he will probably just refer me to a gi specialist, so a few more weeks of worry.

Does anybody have any similar issues? I'd love to hear your thoughts

Thank you

13-12-17, 15:38
A little update if anyone is interested:

Saw my doctor two days ago, he seemed concerned, referred me to get an Endoscope. Great. So that's two weeks away, meanwhile my anxiety is through the roof. I know this is going to ruin my holiday but I can't seem to help myself. I've calmed down a little for now but I have these throbbing pain on the left side of my esophagus (I think that's what it is).

Anyway, I've been real emotional since the symptoms started and this obsession creeped into my head because I don't want this to be the last Christmas I get to spend with my small children. That's the worst part.

I had an endoscope 4.5 years ago for acid reflux and the doc told me my esophagus was in not great shape. I fear I may have pushed my luck.

29-12-17, 18:42
I hope you're making progress with this. How are you doing?

I'm in a similar predicament at the moment, terrified that I might have esophageal cancer. Like you I have a long history of reflux, which I was given meds for about 3 years ago. A gastroscopy at the time showed nothing to be concerned about, and I was so assured by it that I stopped the meds soon after. The worst of my symptoms had subsided and between then and now I've just used regular antacids whenever I need them.
Recently though I've unexpectedly lost some weight and sometimes feel an uncomfortable or burning sensation when I swallow food. I also get pain in my back sometimes after eating, and I've now convinced myself that it's cancer. I've done the classic thing of scaring myself half to death by self-diagnosing on the internet and am now convinced that my life is nearly over.
I'm trying really hard to find a way to break out of the grip of fear that I'm in. I'm almost incapable of functioning on daily basis because my mind's on this all the time. I barely sleep and have little to say to friends other than bugging them for comfort and reassurance.
I realise that there may be another explanation for my symptoms and that operating at such a high level of anxiety is making me ill in itself but I can't find a way to reduce the fear. My rational self knows that if I'm right about this illness then this misery and fear does nothing to help my condition, and that if I'm wrong I've been putting myself through hell for nothing, but I just can't calm down.
Let me know how you're doing, and I hope things work out for you.

31-12-17, 05:46
When you mention increased risk with reflux, usually it's a tiny increased risk, even with bad reflux. Even people with Barrett's oesophegus only have a slight increased risk. Given your young age, it would be very unlikely for it to be oesophogeal cancer or anything else bad. Possibly you have a touch of gastritis or even some scarring due to the reflux. Have you consistently been on ppis or other acid medication? If not, you will probably get prescribed them if acid reflux is the problem. This is usually the first call with GERD. Worrying can also make acid reflux worse as anxiety can cause acid hyper secretion. Try raising your bed head 6 to 8 inches, taking a Gaviscon before bed and avoid eating within 4 hours of going to bed. Also try to avoid caffeine and alcohol ad much as possible as they can relax the valve between the stomach and oesophegus. Possibly you have a small hiatus hernia, especially if you lift weight or anything like that. This can cause acid reflux issues.

It's good you are being seen quickly as it will put your mind at rest sooner and hopefully you will be able to enjoy some of the festive season.

---------- Post added at 05:46 ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 ----------


You are probably just having a flare up of the acid reflux. Christmas is a time over over indulgence food and drinks wise, all that contribute to acid reflux if you're prone. Anxiety, as I've said before, will add to acid reflux production as well as cause weight loss. I also find, that when you worry about health, you can fixate on weight loss . Have you actually noticeably lost weight or are you only guessing that you have? Also, when you are in a acid reflux flare up, you don't really want to eat much as it doesn't make you feel good. This has probably contributed to any weight loss.

A clear endoscopy a few years ago is a good thing. Often people who go for gastroscopies with reflux and get clear results just have very sensitive reactions to acid. It's something called non erosive reflux. In a study i read (I know, don't Google!), it mentioned that people with clear gastroscopies rarely go on to developing things like Barrett's oesophegus within five years.

Definitely go back to the doctors if you're worried and I'm sure they will reassure you. It may mean going back on a PPI (or an h2 inhibitor like Zantac) even a double dose, for a bit to get it under control.

31-12-17, 17:05
Thanks poppy77,

Your reply makes good sense, and the rational voice in my head knows that it's reassuring. Unfortunately the 'other' me is in control and won't listen to anything other than evidence pointing to worst possible outcomes.
Even if people give me 100 reasons why it's unlikely to be cancer, I'll find 1 reason why it IS cancer that seems to outweigh them.
I think the big reason why I can't talk myself down is the unanswerable truth at the heart of this health anxiety - "I'm aware that I'm a hypochondriac, but that doesn't mean that I'm NOT seriously ill!"


13-01-18, 01:05
Any updates on the situation?

20-11-18, 11:36
Going through this too, would love to hear how you're doing!

20-11-18, 14:39
The OP was in Dec of last year. He logged in May of this year. I would assume he's Ok.

Positive thoughts