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View Full Version : Anger

23-06-07, 18:47
Hi All

I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and bi-polar depression and have had major problems in the past with anger.

I got anger management and it helped quite a lot, that was 3 years ago.

Overall, my illnesses aren't as bad as they once were but they are still bad enough.

Anyway, to get to the point, I am really frightened that my anger is coming back with a vengeance because in the past few weeks there have been a few occasions where what have been minor situations have made me really irate again to the point where I am actually shaking with anger.

I was doing so well and I don't want to fall back into my bad old ways again.

A good thing now is that I am aware this is happening. I never used to be aware, I would just flare up and not think it about it afterwards.

I don't get anger management any longer but if it keeps up then I think I'm gonna have to go back to my docs(not that my docs really give a damn though...)

I think I'm able to manage it at the moment but I really get terrified that it's going to come back full time.

Thanks for reading

Gordon x

24-06-07, 06:32
(((((((((((((( gordan)))))))))))))))))))) always here if you want to talk mate xxxxxxxxxxx

24-06-07, 08:33
gordon mate
recognising anger is a huge step forward,and i am sure you will come through m8.i am seen as a gentle person,but i have had to quell,express,divert a volcano of anger inside me.
take care and well done for this post brave fella
kindest regards ade

24-06-07, 14:44
Hi Gordon

If it gets too bad again then a chat with doc wouldent hurt:yesyes:

I shouldent beat yourself up over it mate we are all capable of blowing a fuse now and then!!!

Sometimes tho if you are feeling generally grumpy it takes a lot less to wind you up than if you are in a good mood dont you find???:shrug:

Im sure you will be fine:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-06-07, 15:36
Thanks Everyone!!!

I just got a bit huffy before again.........

But it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be.

Take Care

Gordon XXX