View Full Version : 11 year old has Blood on toilet paper after BM

11-12-17, 08:47
My anxiety is out of control. My 11 year old keeps complaining she has blood on the toilet paper after a number two. She has shown me, and it’s not a huge amount, but certainly enough and bright red. It doesn’t Happen all the time, usually after she has a big milkshake or something similar. Certainly milk and ice cream cause her tummy pains and put her on the toilet pretty quickly.
Please help.

11-12-17, 09:06
Hi. My daughter had this. It turned out to be a small fissure due to constipation/straining to poo which showed up in a bit of bright red bleeding. The doc just did a brief examination and advised me to up the fibre in her diet which we did and now she's fine.

I would take your daughter to the doc to get it checked. It sounds like she might be a bit dairy or lactose intolerant if those things are causing her to go to the toilet so quickly, so again I'd think about her diet. I've no idea if they can test for intolerances now? Prob worth asking a doc and then looking at her diet again.

11-12-17, 09:13
How old was your daughter? Your reply has made me feel a bit better, thank you :)

11-12-17, 10:24
12 now, so this would have been a couple of years ago and of course she's fine. I was worried at the time though x

11-12-17, 11:08
My son had this, aged about 8. It turned out to be a strep infection in the skin around his anus. He had antibiotic cream and it cleared up.

11-12-17, 17:00
Could be a simple tear/fissure. Have you asked if it hurts? I first started getting it at about age 9 so it's pretty normal for me.

My 5yo gets it sometimes (I still wipe his bum) because he does gigantic poos.

11-12-17, 19:27
Yeah if the blood is red, it's almost certainly a simple/non serious issue.

11-12-17, 23:18
Anal fissure or hemmerhoid. Bright red blood is ok, if it's darker/black then worry but sounds pretty normal to me.

12-12-17, 05:46
So I just took her to the doctor. He did an examination and said that the skin looks a bit inflamed, but not quite split. He said we have to keep an eye on it and if it’s still happening in the new year she may need to see a paediatrician and we’ll talk about a scope. He felt her stomach and all that and said there are no lumps or bumps or masses and everything is normal and there are no other symptoms which is good. He also said since it’s only on the toilet paper, not in the toilet, it points to something external.

The possibility of even having to talk about a scope terrifies me.