View Full Version : chest xray breathing problems

11-12-17, 12:09
I am a life long asthmatic age 61 and x smoker of 7 years . I have had what the GP says is a chest infection but after 4 weeks and 2 courses of carythromycin I am still bringing up clear phlem although I dont have a constant cough I am quite breathless upon exertion . I had an x ray this morning 11 dec 17 . I have a general wheeze sometimes and feel weak . I am worried about cancer.
Would there be other symptoms involved ? I am very anxious and frightened about results .

bin tenn
11-12-17, 13:21
I'm sure that is scary, especially given the age and smoking history, as well as the symptoms. Sorry you're worried. As with any illness, the symptoms that one may experience will vary. Some people have subtle symptoms, if any, while others may have more extreme symptoms from the beginning. With that being said, I feel like asthma is probably a likely culprit in your case. Note, I'm not a doctor or other trained medical professional and I am in no way guaranteeing anything. Just based on my very limited understanding.

You're doing the right thing by being proactive and having the X-ray done. Have you talked to your doc about this fear, and the possibility of malignancy? They are obviously the best person to talk to about it.

I understand you're worried, but given the fact that you're asthmatic, especially, try not to worry too much. You're in good hands. Good luck, and I certainly hope everything turns out well.

11-12-17, 14:58
Thank you , I hate this health anxiety . Its taking me all my will power to NOT GOOGLE .

11-12-17, 18:52
I would say it's good that there's no blood in your phlegm and that you don't have a constant cough. Those are more classic lung cancer symptoms. To me, it does sound more like an asthma / chest infection thing. And clearly your doctor suspects that too.

I get you must be really scared though. I would be too. You'll get your results soon at least and will be able to take it from there. I hope everything is clear for you!

11-12-17, 19:49
As you're asthmatic and JUST getting over a chest infection, I think it's safe to assume that's the reason for the breathlessness.

I recently discovered that constant coughing can make you breathless because it messes with your blood gas balance. I found that shallow breathing to the point where you're really triggered to take a deep breath really helps. Look up Buteyko breathing technique.

13-12-17, 16:30
I called surgery at 2pm today and receptionist said my xray results were back but the GP still hadn't looked at them and I was to call back later . Agonizing for about 90 minutes I called back and this time the receptionist after going into my notes said " doctor wants you to make a non urgent telephone consultation but there is nothing to worry about " ( they know about my health anxiety )
So ! why am I still worried ? she told me specifically that the doctor emphasized non urgent and nothing to worry about . I mean how many different ways can they say that .Now I am rumerating over why she wants a telephone consultation at all .

My chest infection is much better BTW , the asthma nurse ( who is brilliant ) changed my inhaler and says my chest is clear of crackling / wheezing . She made a comment that I really need to work on staying calm as anxiety can make my breathing worse .

Thanks for your support

14-12-17, 15:40
All the GP wanted to say was that the xray confirmed a chest infection and nothing else . 80 percent improved now but it can take another 4 weeks the GP said .

14-12-17, 16:38
Good news bud! Always far too scary for people with anxiety to have to wait for results for anything