View Full Version : Physical symtoms.. chest, left side of body.

11-12-17, 13:56
Hi, I tend to experience alot of my symtoms on the left side of my body and it has me worried.
I used to get the main anxiety symptoms such as a raised heart rate, chest pains, tingly hands and headaches etc.
But im starting to think i may have had anxiety due to an actual problem in my body that doctors haven't recognised.
I tend to get frequent pain down below my left ribs i guess where your spleen is, and pains all up my left ribs. I also feel as if there is a constant pressure from my left armpit round to the whole left side of my chest. I get pains down my left arm, my left hand ONLY goes cold and numb sometimes without any change to my right. I have neck pain on the back left, leftside jaw irritation and ear problems.

Its hard to believe that all this could be caused by anxiety as surely it would affect both sides of my body? And not focus on particular places?
Ive had a chest Xray and ECG about 4/5 months ago which came back normal. And I doubt my doctor will send me for more tests as my health records have now been stamped with anxiety.

I've posted this to ask weather these particular symtoms can be caused by anxiety? Or if its worth trying to get the doctors to check me over again. And also if anyone else experiences these.

Thanks :)

11-12-17, 14:20
Have you started working on the mindfulness or downloaded the CBT course?

Positive thoughts

11-12-17, 14:37
Yes i have looked into it, i dont seem to have too much of a problem with keeping a positive mindset and not over worrying. I just cant help but think that it can all be due to other problems i may have. I will keep trying it though.
I do try to keep myself off of this forum and asking questions which may seem repetative, i realise coming here every so often could be making it worse. I just come here to see how others deal with such problems and if they're common or not.

11-12-17, 14:53
Being that you've been diagnosed with anxiety and put on meds, that's what I would focus on treating. It's hard work and in reality, just as difficult as recovering from a serious physical illness but it's certainly possible with the right attitude and effort :)

Positive thoughts