View Full Version : Scared of Lymphoma AGAIN :(

11-12-17, 16:22
So I touched on this in one of my previous posts about my face hurting. So it isn't even a pain it's just super uncomfortable, it's in my cheek/jaw/ear/neck on my left side. All I can think about is Lymphoma! My mind won't shut up :(
But then my boyfriend has told me I've been grinding my teeth in my sleep and since then I've caught myself being very tense in my mouth throughout the day.
Why can't my head just accept this is a result of anxiety and not some cancer?!
Does anyone else get this?
Or should I genuinely be worried about Lymphoma? :(

11-12-17, 16:51
TMJ , teeth grinding is a very common symptom of anxiety and stress. Frankly, you're making quite a leap to lymphoma here.

Positive thoughts

11-12-17, 17:07
TMJ , teeth grinding is a very common symptom of anxiety and stress. Frankly, you're making quite a leap to lymphoma here.

Positive thoughts

I know all of this in my heart, it's just trying to get it in my head :(

My neck is just feeling so uncomfortable like my glands are constantly up, but I guess if I'm grinding my teeth then things in that area are going to be irritated right?

I'm just so fed up of being scared

11-12-17, 17:16
I'm just so fed up of being scared

Why not download the FREE CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324) resources and do a little self help?

Positive thoughts

11-12-17, 17:23
Why not download the FREE CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324) resources and do a little self help?

Positive thoughts

I actually got recommended this a few days ago, I will definitely have a look.

When a new fear comes along it just totally knocks you off course :(

bin tenn
12-12-17, 03:56
I've dealt with TMJ symptoms for several years, and it definitely creates pain in the face/neck/head. I also grind my teeth in my sleep, and find myself occasionally tensing my jaw randomly during the day. I feel your pain - literally and figuratively!