View Full Version : Disorientated & Confused/Muddled Thoughts?

11-12-17, 18:59
I have suffered with GAD and Social Anxiety since 2012/2013 and have suffered on and off with symptoms.

Recently my symptoms have been a lot worse and I'm wondering if it could be linked to starting driving lessons.

I am very nervous and anxious when it comes to driving and always feel on edge and feel as if I'm going to crash and always think the worse.

I have been on Citalopram & Sertraline on and off for the past couple of years, earlier this year I went onto Sertraline and after about 6 weeks I decided to come off as I couldn't cope with the side effects.

About 3 months ago I went back to my doctors and he suggested giving it another go so he started me on 50mg which went up to 100mg and I've been taking 100mg once in the morning since then.

I felt great at first and then up until recently I've felt really weird. It's hard to describe, but it feels as if I'm in a dream state all the time and I have really vivid dreams at night and wake up the next day and throughout the whole day I'll be thinking about the dream.

I don't sleep very well at night and tend to wake up a couple of times in the night needing to go to the toilet and I find it difficult getting back to sleep.

I'm also getting these muddled thoughts as if my brain isn't working properly and I can't figure out if it's my anxiety or if it could be linked to the driving lessons.

My anxiety also seems to be a lot worse during the morning and I frequently get headaches, eye twitching/sore eyelids (could be cold weather).

I don't drink alcohol or take drugs and take multivitamins every day.

I have been referred to a therapist and I'm on the waiting list to begin level 3 CBT.

Can anyone please give me suggestions? Should I change the medication/stop driving lessons?