View Full Version : Very Bad Tonight/Sexual Problem

12-12-17, 00:18
Hi, i was on 20mg Citalopram for many years without any erection problems. I started back on Citalopram this year, i've been on 30mg for 4 months without a problem until 2 weeks ago.

Description is going to be graphic, no idea how else to put it.

Two weeks ago i was masterbating for 40-45mins and having a problem climaxing (as i've had before with Cit, always finish though) when i suddenly started to lose my erection. i got anxious and just couldn't finish. next day tried again i was very anxious but everything went fine finished in 20mins. same a week later.

Today, how can i put it.....i was very ready! i was only going for 10-15 mins and it happened again. i was in a rush to finish if i'm honest.

I'm freaking out a little, i've already had enough problems this year and having problems enjoying even Tv and film and now this. feeling really depressed.

Will this just be a passing phase and i'll be fine in a few weeks or is this something i'm going to have while i'm at this dose? another problem is i could be increasing in the new year.

I'm very very anxious tonight, stupidly looking around online for help, wondering whether to stop taking the citalopram and worried it will have a long lasting affect. Can it affect you permanently?

I've even looked at other medication to see if one of them would be better to take, trying to reassure myself that it will be fine and i can maybe change medication in the new year.

Is it difficult to drop down to 20mg? i'm just wondering how badly that would affect my progress

I'm feeling so lost, i'm also ill at the moment so it's all feeling like it's piling on top of me

Thanks for any help

12-12-17, 01:03
Heya, sorry you're going through this. I've also been on citalopram - in the past with no problems, this time round with some side effects. It can happen like that.

As a woman it's less obvious about sexual problems, but I can see clearly that when I started tapering off, my desire instantly increased. As soon as you come off, you will return back to normal, as long as it's not your anxiety that is causing the erection problem.

If you're feeling this awful, do you think that maybe sexual stuff could be less important than your anxiety right now? Could you do with less sexual stuff for a few months, while you sort your head out? You will find the right answer for yourself. Despite normally being a person with a high sex drive, I deprioritised that part of me and allowed it to be dulled, while I got mentally better.

The first time round for me it was much easier to drop to 20mg. This time it was very hard. It really is all about you, and the time you're in. No matter anyone else's experience, yours will be your own - easier or more difficult, it's impossible to say.

If it's bothering you to lose your erection so much, it is worth discussing it with the doctor.

Another possibility to consider is if the anx is causing it. I've had lovers who couldn't keep their erections (normally at the beginning of relationships when they're shy). The trick is to not put pressure on 'performing'. Just enjoy the moment for what it is - things can still be sexual without an erection.

12-12-17, 01:16
i think it's the thought of having a permanent problem that is scaring me. i've stupidly been looking around online

12-12-17, 18:45
I dont believe there are permanent problems, (im a dude) and when i first started on citalopram i had trouble climaxing too, but that went away. Was there a reason why u are on 30mg now instead of 20mg? Maybe speak with your dr and drop back down to 20mg if you never had issues on that dosage before. I am on 20mg currently.

12-12-17, 22:32
It's definitely not permanent. It's just a side effect that will go away.

13-12-17, 01:53
These sorts of problems are quite common with SSRI's. It's one reason why Wellbutrin is added or used instead, not that you will get that in the UK on the NHS as it's no used for like that over here (it's for smoking cessation).

Reducing the dose or switching can resolve it. However, it might just resolve itself.

Mental health problems are known to be a cause too. I've had these problems and I'm years into the same dose of a med. It's like all is going great and then you seem to go beyond it and down drops the little fella!

14-12-17, 13:27
Thanks for the reply, still pretty stressed about it. speaking to a doctor (not one of my usual docs/a fill in doctor who at times i wondered if she could understand me, she's not from here, i'm trying to say nicely that she's from another country :) ) REALLY didn't help

She said she never heard of someone having this problem with Citalopram. which freaked me out a little. then started talking about blood tests, more freaking out, started talking about it not being a problem there's plenty of medications you can take for it, More freaking out

Asked me if i wanted to switch to Fluoxetine (i think thats the one she said) even though she didn't think it could be the citalopram. i asked if i should reduce dose and see if that helps, she said "side affects aren't dose dependent" she also asked if i'd read the leaflet that came with the medication like she had no idea what she was talking about.

Trying not to catastrophize it but failing. every twitch, movement and muscle ache near my groin is a sign of something. i've also been ill over the last few days which is making me think its something other than the medication. barely eating, feeling hungry but not wanting to eat, regular trips to the toilet,
keep checking my glands in my neck, left side slightly swollen, i think, maybe it's just the anxiety playing with my mind. i'm not usually a hypochondriac

I've spoken to and seen many people online who have had this problem with citalopram & other SSRI's. i agreed with the doctor to reduce the dose first, actually i think i insisted.

Problem is with Christmas around the corner i'm worried dropping the dose might increase my anxiety and also affect my recovery in the long run. I don't want to be the miserable guy at the christmas table ruining christmas for everyone and i also wouldn't mind enjoying it too :weep:

Are there major side effects when dropping from 30-20mg?

Thanks for any help

15-12-17, 23:51
Honestly, it's likely that there will be a change as far as I understand citalopram. It's powerful stuff. it might not be side effects that are the problem when you reduce, it might be your anxiety. In my experience it can take a couple of weeks for the change to properly manifest, so xmas might be alright :)

It's unfortunate you had a dr who didn't know citalopram well. I don't think that was because she was from another country, btw. There are plenty of substandard British drs too.

In my experience, I got side effects when the dose was too high... so surely side effects are dose dependant?

Is it possible for you to get a second opinion with a different dr? Do you have a regular one?

Christmas - just try and do things that will please you, as much as possible. Then maybe you have a chance of enjoying it :) normally a christmas anxiety thread crops up on here. Post if you need to.

16-12-17, 02:01
Sadly, too many GP's don't understand these meds and seem to be adversed to spending less than 1 minute of their time looking them up which would have revealed:


More common

Decrease in sexual desire or ability



The side effects observed with citalopram in clinical trials were generally reported as mild and transient, occurring most frequently in the first 1 to 2 weeks of therapy, and attenuating subsequently. The most commonly reported side effects were nausea, somnolence, dry mouth, increased sweating, tremor, diarrhea, and ejaculation disorder.

It's even one of the most reported side effects!

16-12-17, 02:36
It's unfortunate you had a dr who didn't know citalopram well. I don't think that was because she was from another country, btw. There are plenty of substandard British drs too.

It was more could she understand my accent. ive known plenty of bad brit docs too


The side effects observed with citalopram in clinical trials were generally reported as mild and transient, occurring most frequently in the first 1 to 2 weeks of therapy, and attenuating subsequently. The most commonly reported side effects were nausea, somnolence, dry mouth, increased sweating, tremor, diarrhea, and ejaculation disorder.

It's even one of the most reported side effects!

Should it still have started many months into taking the dose. i've been on 30mg for 4 months.

16-12-17, 06:22
I suspect if it was the med, it would have started earlier than this, normally as you make the dose change. If it had come & gone since then, I would be thinking it was the med. But given there was a 4 month gap, it does seem more likely it's about your anxiety.

I've found with my anxiety that I have had many passing phases where some symptoms have cropped up & gone again whereas I have some symptoms which have remained all the way through.

I guess we have to remember that just like how someone with depression has thse various phases, so do we. Sometimes we are hit with fatigue or lack of motivation and they impact other areas without us realising.

There is no evidence this is going to be a long term thing for you so I would just see how you go. Changing meds if you don't need them, and if they are helping you in other ways, isn't something I would do until I had enough evidence I really needed to address it.