View Full Version : one day good one day bad!

23-06-07, 19:50
i was perfect yesturday i mean i havnt felt so good in about a month i thought i was cured. I felt soo good so happy! i didnt do anything differnt! Then all of a sudden i feel the worst i did in many days when i woke up this morning. I feel horrible today. The dizziness is back the tight muscles the tremours.... what happend? why does this happen? it gives me no hope!!

Does anyone else feel fine one day then just horrible the next?

23-06-07, 21:55
Hi dee, well you are not alone with this, everyone has "off" days just last week i was looking forward to my holiday, and now i am back i feel "low" deflated, i think the thing to do is keep busy, it will help i,m sure.Sending you lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs:And hope you will feel much better soon.:flowers:

23-06-07, 23:01
Hi dee
Yeh me too ,i can go for weeks and feel fine, then bang its back, makes u feel reallly low, but i think i have worked mine out!!! when i am busy and its all going on , good or bad, im fine do'snt enter my head, but when all gos quite my mind go's in to over time, i could think " i have'nt had any anxiety for days" then next thing its there, or i could go weeks, really busy and when i stop, i think its my body saying, right you need to chill and relax now sandy, so we are going to make you feel like crap to make sure u do!!!
if any thing bad happens in my life i alway cope with it while its going on, but as soon as all calms down, it hits me. it could weeks and weeks later, and i think but why ,alls good now why am i feeling like this, but now i look back over the weeks, and i now why, so i go into me mode, eat healthy, meditate, tread myself to massage or like treatments, and shop!!!! gread for the soul, mind you then my husbands the one in a panic!!!!

do'nt let it get u down stay strong
when it attacks tell it to bugger off, its not wanted anymore!!
take care

24-06-07, 03:57
hi this is all part of the recovery process I am afraid, usually what happens if we over do things on the day we feel good, and it our bodies way of saying " hang on a minute slow down we aint recovered just yet" remember our bodies take a bit of time to get back to good level, remember eve if you do feel good, eat well ,sleep well do your relaxation excersise and I promise the bad days get gradually less n less

take care

24-06-07, 14:50
sorry to hear ya having a crap day yes one day ya can feel good the next like crap...like michelle said ya have to take it easy it will come but you will always have that with you but will learn to live with it......Linda

24-06-07, 16:57
i am going through this as well at the moment, and its very frustrating.

I have had 3 good days when I thought I was on the up, been posiive even thought yesterday I was putting things into perspective and starting to feel good again, and then today I'm back down again, it is hard, but also re-assuring to know that its not just me.

I hope your are feeling better soon.

24-06-07, 17:10
Oh gawd

and heres me blaming the medication for the roller coaster effects


05-02-09, 16:39
you r not alone with this feeling i feel this way most of the time
feel free to PM me if u ever need someone to talk to

05-02-09, 20:16
I said this to my counsellor last week, the crash really upset me, like one step forward two back.
She said 'but look at what you did on your 'good day' - this this this and then that - far too much!' so now I have to do less, to the effect I've had to stop everything and then add it back in in bite sized chunks.

05-02-09, 20:29
It's very frustrating that. You get a good couple of days then wham!
I guess you have to take the positives from the good days and remember those when you are having a bad un'


06-02-09, 15:56
I think most people here are the same. Just when you think everything is going well, the bottom falls out of your world.

I try to treasure the good days, and try not to ne too hard on myself on bad days and tell myself tomorrow will be better.


06-02-09, 16:17
I have been on my upped dose of meds for about 23 days, had a couple of good days thought i had cracked it then WHAM back down again , is this how it is supposed to be when do the good days outweigh the bad does anyone know!!!!!! feel spacey and tired again like flu symptons as well.

06-02-09, 20:00
I can definitely relate to this! The worst thing for me is that, after feeling really good or really normal for a day or, if lucky, a week, the bad days seems so much worse. The usual slip and slide of anxiety and emotions seems easier to cope with some how and its just a sliding scale of lows if you like. When I feel good, I get so carried away with the "I've cracked it, I'm better" thoughts that the subsequent drop to the low is so drastic I lose all hope. I feel like I'm back to square one and as if I've been cheated by false hope.

I sometimes think it would be easier without the good days and that way there's be no nasty surprises! Does that sound weird or what?

06-02-09, 20:29
I Just Cant Work Out Hows These Meds Work Especially When Were Taking The Same Dose Daily ,you Would Think That When You Reach The Good Days Stage You Would Stay There, If You Know What I Mean! I Too Got Carried Away When I Had My Couple Of Good Days But Its How It Must Go By The Sounds Of It .x

23-03-09, 12:57
Hi im new to the sit, but you've just described my daily living!! It is perfectly normal; to be up then down, no matter how good you felt the day before. I try not to let it completely absorb me and make me low. I try (dont always succeed tho) to think 'its just an off day'. It is very hard coping with anxiety when it hits for no apparent reason. Im trying very hard to find ways to stop myself going headlong into full panic the days that i do wake and im anxious. Iv found that talking to people and keeping myself busy both help, but if it becomes too much i just take a tranquilliser to ease the feeling. Things will get better and its about finding what right for you to get you through the rough days. If you need to chat post a note, remember your not alone.:yesyes: