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View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like this on a day to day basis?

12-12-17, 06:33
Hey Guys,
So as some of you may know I've had a pretty rough 5 months, I'm finally coming out the other end but I'm left with some pretty hard out physiological symptoms that are making me question if it's anxiety.
So - On a day to day basis I feel dizzy, I feel like I'm losing my balance, I have indigestion really badly and just a general feeling of being tired, plus I've had mild but constant headaches for about 2 weeks and of course my eyes are still twitching ... I understand that my body has not yet overcome my rough 5 months even though mentally I"m feeling better, but of course my natural progression is to go to disease and I'm trying really hard to change that patten, so not googling etc but I just want to be better now that I'm feeling better mentally.

Anyone else get left with physical symptoms after a really rough patch??

12-12-17, 07:09
Yes to all those things! I also get panic attacks where my chest feels tight and my heart pounds in my throat and I feel like I can’t breathe. This can last a few hours for more and I find I get these panic attacks after - never during - times of stress.

12-12-17, 07:14
Im trying 5htp so I will let you know how it goes! I can’t wait to be rid of this. I’ve had it 35 years - I’m 40 that’s all my life

12-12-17, 07:16
I wouldn’t wish anxiety on my worst enemy! Please do let me know hw you get on. I’m finally able to get in to see a psychologist in January and it can’tcome Soon enough!