View Full Version : Back at it, badly.

12-12-17, 07:18
So last week I did a update on my post about twitching/fasciculations. I went to the neuro last Wednesday and consulted with him about the ongoing symptoms the last month and a half. Though the neuro was very kind and took the time to listen to me, he didn't find any reason to suspect MND. Even when I said my feet soles hurt, and the twitching is pretty bad. He brought it down to this: my chances of having MS are pretty much none, prior to having an MRI 2 months ago which was clear. Any other MND (A**) would be very very unlikely. The chance to that would be less than 3, 2 or 1%. He said there is a build up to it, and family factors have a role (which thank God doesn't run in the family). He said we can schedule a EMG, but I don't see any point because probably nothing will roll out. I agreed, but now I regret that..

Now, 1 week later.. For the last 3 weeks I have been experiencing numb hands during my sleep. Also my forearms feel very sore, and the inside of the wrists hurt when I press on it. I have to say, 2 weeks ago I was fixing a bike and I pulled extremely hard with both hands leaving my thumbs shaking afterwards and pain in the forearms. That actuallty hurt pretty bad. But 2 weeks of pain..? But even a couple days before that, I kept waking up with my pinky and ring fingers being totally numb and asleep. This morning same thing. The feeling and symptoms kind of look like carpal tunnel, which would be unlikely at my age (26)

Now, this morning I made the worst mistake by googling the connection between carpal tunnel and A**. And of course.. many people experienced carpal tunnel symptoms prior to their A** disease. THis blew me away totally. Now, I'm not saying I have A**, and the neuro said I don't, but it's all becoming too much. I barely go to any A** forums but I just keep finding more and more symptoms. And now the hands thing ALONG WITH THE TWITCHING, I don't know. Tomorrow I'm visiting my GP for medication for the anxiety, which I said I wouldn't. What do you guys think about the carpal tunnel thing?

12-12-17, 23:41
Carpal tunnel symptoms are common, so I’m not surprised that people with any disease would report having trouble with it prior to diagnosis. It’s not rare in the general population, and I don’t think your age would preclude you. Which is more likely, based on what your doctor has said?