View Full Version : 4 Weeks in, need some advice

12-12-17, 11:10
Hi everyone,

I've been skulking around this forum for a few weeks now, but feel i need some advice.

I've just hit my 4th week on citalopram (20mg) for GAD, and I'm wondering when I'm going to start noticing a real difference. This is my second time taking citalopram and from memory, it took a while to kick in before - but I'm still suffering quite badly with the physical anxiety symptoms (such as headaches, a strange constant buzzing sensation, nervousness, lightheaded and uninterested). While yesterday I noticed a subtle change, where I didn't find myself googling my symptoms all day long and feeling 'strange', today it has returned. From reading this forum, I gather a lot of people start to notice a difference after 4 weeks?

has anyone got any advice?

Thank you in advance,

Tom :)

12-12-17, 17:49
Hey, Im about 6 weeks in with Citalopram. If those are the only side effects you have had since being on the drug, consider yourself lucky. I've had every side effect in the book.
Most people may start to feel a difference between 4-6 weeks. At around week 5 is when I did. But it will most likely take longer to experience the full effect. Some people on this board did not notice effects until 3 months.
I planned to stay on until the 3 month mark than re-evaluate the situation. I will say some of the side effects are still lingering for me, although greatly diminished.
We are still in the very early stages of the drug. Try to stick it out for at least 12 weeks in case you are that person who needs that long for the drug to take effect.

12-12-17, 18:06
Hang in there. Everyone is different. Took 12 weeks before I saw a difference.

12-12-17, 20:16
Thanks for the advice guys :)

12-12-17, 20:58
You said that you had a slight improvement in your symptoms, take that as a sign that it's working.

14-12-17, 13:41
Stay with it, as said above "Everyone is different" first time i was on citalopram it started helping after 3 to 4 weeks. this time around it was 2 months before i really noticed a difference. it will come in stages, you'll start to feel good for a few days and then bad for a few days. The good days will then become longer and after a while most of the bad days will be gone.

I've been told by someone who recovered after 16 years of suffering that you'll see the full benefit after 6 months. if you don't see any change after 2 months ask the doctor for an increase.

Good luck

17-12-17, 11:24
Hey everyone, thanks very much for your replies.

I'm heading into my 5th week now and am not feeling that different - there are odd moments where I feel a bit better - but the physical side effects, especially the headaches, dizziness and ever-increasing muscle tension are not subsiding. Should I go back to the doctors at this point and ask them to up my dose from 20mg?

19-12-17, 18:00
You can. However i would really try to push thru until after 6 weeks if you can. I will say though, if you side effects are unbearable, upping the dose will start you over again and will most likely make your side effects worse from what i've seen on this board.
I am with you though. Im on 20mg currently. I have noticed it has taken the edge off of my anxiety which is all i wanted. But the side effects are driving me nuts. Im on week 7 right now and i still have muscle tension like you. But i work out and that helps a lot with it. It seems as though every week i've been on cit one side effect goes away and another shows up. This week I have some ear pain randomly which i never had before. But hopefully this too subsides. I was going to give this a full 8 weeks before going back to my doc, but i am with you. The side effects can be really annoying.