View Full Version : Looking for a bit of reassurance about chest pressure.

12-12-17, 11:43
I was wondering if anyone else gets intense chest pressure during their panic attacks? My panic attacks come with hyperventilation, and in addition to all the normal hyperventilation symptoms (tingling hands and feet, lightheaded, out of breath), I get this intense pressure on the left side of my chest, starting just below the ribcage on the left side and spreading up to the upper side of the chest. It goes away within a couple of minutes, but it's the one symptom I really can't deal with.

The first time it happened a few months ago, I went to the ER and got all the tests run. They said my heart was in perfect health. I know intellectually that I'm fine, but it's one thing to know something in your head and another to know it in your bones while you're having a panic attack. Most people I know who have chest pain during panic either have sharp localized pains or muscle tension, not this widespread crushing sensation. Just hearing about some other people who share this symptom would be a big help!

12-12-17, 13:22

I have had this in the past (and had an ECG later which showed everything was fine).

I think the problem is that once we have a symptom, it seems to be one we return to! I had an appointment this morning as my BP is a little higher than usual and they are monitoring it, and I was saying to the nurse how I'm not sure being intelligent always help when you are anxious!

If you have been checked, then it's a matter of relying on that intellect and trusting what you KNOW. One way I do this is a CBT variant where I say to myself, "Oh look, I'm worrying again even though I know it's not really a problem."

That gives me just enough mental distance to back off the worrying a little.

But yes, I've had the full heart attack symptoms a few times, and I am sure many others will have, too.

12-12-17, 17:53
Yeah me too I've had intense chest pressure with anxiety. Not often, but I have had it. I can usually reassure myself pretty quickly when it happens by doing one of two things:

1. Gently push the area that hurts. If it's under my ribcage I will push around my stomach area. I'll usually feel the pain which means it's muscle/gas related.

2. I will change positions. If the pain gets worse, or better, in certain positions it's not a heart problem.

Anxiety causes stomach and gas problems for me which causes all sorts of feelings in my chest, back, stomach, shoulders, arms etc. I once had shooting pains down my left arm, and then a LOT of gas followed and the pain was gone. Gas can push on nerves, or cause organs to push onto nerves, which can also cause pain.

The body is a strange thing.