View Full Version : Breast Cancer question??

12-12-17, 14:14
So basically over the summer my bf and I went a little too far. Not the point of this post haha. And so I took the plan B pill because I worry about everything. Now months later my friend told me that birth control (which I am not on because I'm not sexually active or plan to be) can cause breast cancer. Now I am worried that taking the plan B pill that one time is going to give me breast cancer. help!!?

12-12-17, 14:33
No....Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

12-12-17, 14:36
It won't!

Also if you really look at the studies regarding breast cancer and the pill, it can potentially increase your risk but only slightly. And the pill protects against other types of cancer such as ovarian and endometrial. But this is for people on the pill consistently, not on plan B one time.

If you were taking Plan B every day for 10 years, maybe it would be something to think about, but you aren't (and nobody is hopefully).