View Full Version : I hate this... Hard lump under jaw.

12-12-17, 16:44
So I've had a bit of an ache around my jaw today. Had a poke about and there is an obvious hard, but movable, lump there.

It's in the same place that my nodes/glands are. So although logically I know that's it's probably that, it's freaking me out. It's only on the right side and around the size of a marble. I can't move the one the other side.

I also have a slightly sore gum that side when I brush.. Surely that wouldn't cause a node to swell?


12-12-17, 16:47
It would if you had a little infection? Or perhaps you have a blocked salivary gland?

Maybe see if it gets better for a few days and if not check with the dentist. Maybe you'll just need some antibiotics.

Doesn't sound like anything bad to me though.

13-12-17, 11:48
I went to my Dr this morning. She's sending me for blood tests and an ultrasound :(