View Full Version : Of Lung Nodules, Panic, and an express trip down the HA Highway

12-12-17, 21:07
Today started out great. A wonderful night of sleep, got up, brewed some coffee. I even felt pretty great about how well I was doing being six months into a serious diagnosis. I checked my email, saw I had a test result on my chart from my CT scan doing my follow up appointment regarding my aortic aneurysm.

In that report I read--with no warning what so ever--that I had two lung nodules, high in my right lung, one at 3mm and one at 4mm, that I should have a CT scan in a year (was going to anyway for the aneurysm) and that I should have a referral to a pulmonologist. According to my CT scan in August, I had no nodules, effectively meaning these were new growths, and presumably fast growing (at least to my medical doctorate I got from google).

I lost my mind. Just seconds before I was doing so well. The floor fell out from under me. I immediately (after googling a bunch of crap about lung nodules) made a call to my PCP for the referral appointment. I drove in silence, like I was already a dead man, basically doing the stages of grief during my 30 minute drive to the doctor's office, coming through at acceptance about the time I arrived.

The appointment went well. I have an excellent PCP. He has the personality of a door stop, but he is wonderfully thurough and detailed, and patient. All the things I needed this morning.

He told me that this is nothing to worry about, that they were the same size during my august CT scan. The thing is, I didn't have that information in my report--or at least I didn't read it because I saw the words "lung nodules" and pretty much knew I was just a dead man, I didn't read the rest of the report. Had I done so, I would have perhaps learned that they must have been missed by the radiologist last August, because my cardio-thoracic surgeon found them just fine on the old scans and the new.

My current doctor said that if I had never smoked, they wouldn't even do a follow up. But I did smoke for five years, quitting 20 years ago, so they will treat me as at potential risk for malignancy, even though my idiotic smoking career was short lived. I have them looked at again in October when I get my aortic aneurysm re-scanned, and meet a pulmonologist on February 7. My PCP told me not to lose sleep over it.

As it turns out, I went through the entire HA cycle that is normally weeks for me, in the space of about three hours. I am actually sort of laughing about it now.

There is, actually, a small chance that one or both could be cancerous, but I was told neither of them had grown in the last six months, unless they grow in the next year, I will try and put them out of my head.

Just sharing my HA speed journey of this morning, perhaps with a bit of humor. I also wonder how many of us have HA cycles that start because of bad information, misinformation, or misinterpretation. Hell, in my case, I just misread something and went from a "watch and see" condition, to envisioning my death and thinking I best get that will written I had put off.

Anyone else out there rocking some lung nodules too? Hope yours are benign, as I do mine. :yesyes:

12-12-17, 21:16
Yep, I had an abdominal CT scan in the summer that picked one up at the base of my lung. The radiologist flagged it as “Clinically insignificant, no follow up needed”

I know it’s not the case for you due aneurysm, but it’s a lesson in why Drs don’t like to hand out unnecessary testing, because it leads to unnecessary fear and follow ups.

12-12-17, 22:29
Yeah, mine was really rated "if you smoked, check in a year, if you didn't smoke, no need to check at all." I just wish I didn't have those five moronic years of smoking under the belt.

12-12-17, 22:43
I hear that. I’ve smoked off and on for years. Unless you were doing multiple packs a day, 5 Years is pretty insignificant. I’m sure your next scan will alright. They’re just erring on the side of caution.

13-12-17, 06:12
Yeah, no fun to have anything called a "nodule" anywhere in your body, but statistically, from what I read, my 3mm nodule has a 1% chance of being cancerous, and my 4mm nodule has a .09% chance of being cancerous. I guess I can live with those odds...I hope.

16-12-17, 02:13
Yup! I have two lung nodules
No one told me
I found out by reading my radiology report which said incidental finding no follow up needed unless I have risk factors, etc. The doctor said they were not important. I spent days in a spiral though!

16-12-17, 14:55
I have four!! They were found because I had an "unnecessary" CT scan because of health anxiety. They are all between 2 and 3mm big. The radiologist says they ar probably lymphnodes and since I am "low risk" would not normally need followup. However I can - and am - going to have re scan in year. I go through phases of being utterly terrified about them and convinced I am dying of metastatic cancer. Still I have to wait another six months to be sure. I asked them to scan sooner and they said NO.

16-12-17, 23:40
So glad your doctor was able to explain everything! I had a CT and swollen lymph nodes were found in my stomach, and i had an appendicolith. Both terrified me but my doctor didn’t seem concerned at all. I’m guessing most of us would have something minor or an incidental finding come up when doing a screening!

20-12-17, 14:53
As an aside, I have heard from multiple sources having more than one is a good thing, as opposed to having one. Apparently one, is the riskier sort, if you have two or more, small ones, it is actually fairly normal (as in, 50% of all people likely have this many).

20-12-17, 21:44
Who told you that?

I have one. It was also discovered during an X-ray for something else - 16 years ago. I insisted on seeing a lung specialist. He said it was nothing and very common for people to have.

21-12-17, 05:17
My cardio thoracic surgeon told me. Its not that one is always bad, its just that she said generally if it is a met from a distant part of the body, they can show up all on their own. Obviously that is not the case in your case, thankfully!