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View Full Version : Panic over my baby’s rash!

12-12-17, 21:44
My little girl who is 6 months developed a rash that we spotted this morning. We did the glass test and the rash spots didn’t disappear. I panicked like crazy and drove to A&E thinking she had meningitis.

It turned out it wasn’t, fortunately. They checked her pulse and temperature which was fine. They observed her two hours later and it hadn’t spread and she allowed to go.

I did some digging, obviously, and she has purpura. This can be caused by a number of causes which can be caused by deadly things such as leukaemia.

I’m panicking like crazy and don’t know what to do!

12-12-17, 21:52
They wouldn't let a baby go home if it were anything serious. Hope you can recognize that!

Positive thoughts

12-12-17, 22:35
How would she know that it’s not leukaemia though, or anything sinister of that nature?

13-12-17, 01:46
She was a fully trained doctor used to looking for symptoms that need following up even if they are likely to be about ruling things out.

Doctors are naturally very cautious with children, the elderley & those with existing health problems - they are going to be even more cautious with babies.

They observed for two hours. In that time they could have been liasing with consultants due to this being a baby.

I hope she is feeling better soon. Perhaps a trip to your GP for her would be a good idea? That way you get some support with what the rash is about and whether any treatment is needed. You could raise your concerns to the GP and I'm sure they wuiould tell you why that's not the case. They must see an endless number of new parents panicking with their babies, anxiety disorder in play or not.

13-12-17, 10:34
You have to trust that doctors don’t take chances with babies Ben. I am related to 2 nurses and both have spent time in Emetgency. One spent years in pediatric emergency. Both have told me that in certain circumstances everyone is on high alert. One of those is when a baby presents at emergency.

Get help with your anxiety Ben. You come across as someone who’s HA is getting worse. It won’t get better until you get help.

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